Chapter 26- Party Part 2

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Jake's POV:

I got ready for lunch with Vanessa's mom and step dad, the photo shoot went great and our picture would be front page tomorrow on the business magazine.

"Jake  mom wants to see you", Ashley knocks on my door.

"Tell her I'll see her in just a bit", I reply putting on my shoes.

I pick up and front and leave my room and go downstairs to my mom's study room.

"Mom you wanted to see me?"

"Yes, I just got a call from your grandpa Bill, he said that after his meeting last Monday with another enterprise owner he wanted you to meet his daughter who is a freshman like you in college to meet each other", she says.

"Mom I have a girlfriend, does he know that?" I ask.

"Yes, but she's coming today and would like to meet you before the party I already made a reservation at a exclusive hotel for lunch", she answers.

"I can't go, I have a lunch with my girlfriend", I say.

"Jake please be reasonable", she sighs.

"Okay I'll go", I say, but first Vanessa is coming with me.

"Really? Great, you have to be at the hotel by half 1 and I would know if you're late", she eyes me.

This should be fun.


"Vanessa dress nice we're going out to eat", I say on the phone.

"Elegant or casual?"

"Wear a dress and put on lipstick." 

"Its a expensive restaurant, isn't it?"

"Yeah, I'll pick you up in twenty minutes", I say and hang up.

I got into the car, mom hire our family's driver to drive me to the hotel.

20 minutes later

"You look nice", I say to Vanessa as I open the door for her.

"Thanks", she says and gets in. 

She's in a blue dress which meets mid tight with short sleeve and black heels, her hair is curl and her lips full red. 

She looks like she can pull off as a secretary working in a big company.

"Where we're going?", she ask.

"To eat lunch and also there will be......", I tell her what my mom says.

"Good thinking to make me tag along so she wouldn't try anything on you", she smirks.

 I am happy she isn't angry.

"Flirt with me as much as possible", I add.

"My specialty", she winks and kiss me.

When we arrive at the hotel, Vanessa gasps, "I hope I don't embarrass myself while eating", she says as we get out.

"Don't worry you'll be fine", I assure her.

"Ahh, Mr. James your reservation is ready, but your mother said is only for two persons not three", the clerk frowns.

"Change of plans, table for three instead and make sure that my girlfriend is seat next to me", I smile at Vanessa.

"No problem sir, your table will be ready in no time", he replies and begin to talk on his phone.

We are escort to the outside the hotel's restaurant on the balcony where you get a view of the city. There is a girl who is our age with blonde hair and is in a short dress like Vanessa, she is sipping on a glass of water.

"Hello Jake", she smiles and gets up, Vanessa is behind me.

"Hi, um.."

"Its Linda, Linda Clark, why did you ask for table for three?" She asks as she shakes my hand.

"Because I brought my girlfriend, Vanessa", I say and introduce her, Linda's face falls.

"Oh, nice to meet you  Vanessa", she utters with a fake smile.

"You too", Vanessa shakes her hand and link it with mines.

"Shall we?" I gesture to the table.

Vanessa sits next to me an Linda opposite us.

"Vanessa what does your parents do?" Linda questions.

"My father is a police officer", she replies shyly.

"And your mother?"

"Well she works regular time at a  business."

"Good good, my mother is a lawyer and my father owns a big industry in Washington", she boasts, her green eyes on me.

"Cool", Vanessa mumbles.

"So Jake, I heard that you're taking over your grandfather's business after college", she flashes me a smile.

"Yeah", I say and drink my water.

"Will your college girlfriend still be with you?"

"This is not an interview, so I wouldn't discuss my private life with strangers", I snap and Vanessa rubs my arm.

"Sorry I was just asking", she mumbles.

"Then don't", this time Vanessa snaps.

"I don't know why he's with you when he can have someone like me with rich parents", Linda glares at Vanessa.

"Because I am in love with her, I don't care what your parents think I am not escorting you to any function anytime soon", I growl and get up,"I think we're done here."

I grab Vanessa's hand and leave.

Me:  Mom I'm sorry but I can't do this and I wouldn't be escorting Linda to any function anytime soon

Mom: What about our New Year's Eve Party?

Me: I have a girlfriend and I don' care what grandpa Bill says, I am not going to be any spoil bitch's date

Mom: Language, but I respect your choice just hope your grandfather is too

Me: Let dad talk to him

"Where to? Your driver isn't coming back till next hour", Vanessa states as we exit.

"We can get a cab and go check on Jackson and them", I suggest.

"Cool and by the way Dianne and them just reach Aaliyah and Alexandra are staying by her", she informs me.

"We'll see them later", I say and stop a cab.

We got in the cab and go out of town to see our friends.


"Hey guys, you missed me already?" Jackson smirks as he opens the door.

"No, I missed Carter", Vanessa smirks and push pass him inside.

"See she likes me more", Carter shows Jackson the finger and hug Vanessa.

"Whatever", Jackson grumbles.

"What are you guys doing here?"Stacy asks coming inside in her bikini.

"Was bored and decide to come check up  on you guys", I reply.

"Well there's pizza in the kitchen, Carter and I are going to finish play our game upstairs join us Jake", Jackson says and grabs my arm.

"I'll see you in one hour", I say to Vanessa.

She has to be home by 4: 30 pm, Riley and Stacy are dressing at her house.

"I'm so going to beat your ass at this", Carter boast as we enter Jackson's man cave.

We are going to play pool, one of the games I dislike.

"You wish", Jack says and got a stick handing it to me.

"We'll see", Carter smirks.


Vanessa's POV:

After Jake drops me home, I see Kevin and Dianne in the living room.

"Guys I missed you!" I shriek and hug Kevin then squeeze Dianne almost to death.

"We too", Dianne says as I release her.

"So what are you doing here?" I ask as I take off my heels.

"We wanted to see you  before we go over to Josh's house", Kevin answers.

"How's Michelle?" I ask Dianne.

"Probably at her manicure", she shrugs.

"You're finally awake", I say as Archer walks down the stairs.

"Yeah the sleep was great and now I'm hungry", he yawns and went to the kitchen.

"Man Mich is lucky to have a boyfriend like him", Dianne remarks as she sits on the couch.

"Yeah, but now she barely has trust in the poor guy", Kevin sighs.

"Well we got to go, I'll see you at the party", Dianne says and hugs me,"don't worry about Michelle she'll come around", she whispers.

When they leave I went to the kitchen to see Archer spraying whip cream in his mouth.

"Hey stop that's not healthy", I sigh.

"So? Michelle hadn't text me after her meeting and now she's in her manicure, who knows if she'll text me after that", he sighs.

"How about you go watch some Netflix and I'll share the food mom made", I suggest.

"Sure", he says and leaves.

Michelle: Hey my manicure is going great, how's Archie?

Me: Seriously Mich, you ditch his lunch date for a manicure and this is the question you ask me?

Michelle: I'm sorry you know I would have come and go to lunch with him

I am about to reply when the door bell ring and I hear a gasp. I run out the kitchen to see Michelle standing there in a white rob and slippers.

"Why are you here?" Archer cross his arms.

"To see you I know you're mad so I told mom I would finish my manicure home", she replies.

"This isn't your home, I'll see you later", Archer state and runs up the stairs.

Michelle sighs,"I deserve that, I'll see you later Van"

"Michelle wait!"

She already shut the door.

I look up the stairs and shake my head, he needs space now.


"That dress is so you Vanessa", Riley says as I spin around.

"Thanks, but Caleb would flip when he sees yours", I gesture to hers.

"And I love mines", Stacy adds.

"You're definitely going to a movie premiere", I laugh.

"Yep", she flicks her brunette hair.

"Girls picture time, the limousine would be here soon", mom calls, Archer is dressing at Kevin's house.

"You guys look amazing, I love your dress Stacy", mom says taking a lot of pictures as we walk down the stairs.

Dianne's dress is this:

Isabel's dress:

Michelle's dress:

"Make sure to enjoy yourself", mom kiss my forehead.

"And don't get drunk", Paul jokes.

I can't wait to see Ashley, Liana and Liyah again as well as Giselle, also there's Linda.

"You look beautiful Vanessa", Jake whispers as we drive to the party.

"Yeah", I whisper back, Logan and Aaliyah are having a low conversation and Josh is holding Isabel's hand.

Alex is talking to Alexandra who is blushing at something he says.

"Warning Linda would be there so please don't get angry if my grandfather says unnecessary things", Jake says to me.

"Don't worry I know you only got eyes for me", I smile and fix his tie.

"That I do", he leans on my shoulder.

Archer is texting on his phone quietly, after Michelle left earlier he didn't come out till it was time to go get ready. 

Lord alone knows what he ate all evening, probably whip cream.

"He'll be alright", Carter whispers to me, he is sitting on the next side of me with Stacy.

There are lots of photographers in front of the gate of Mr. James' mansion and just our luck we have to walk to the door, there are so many people that we can't park inside.

"I'm nervous, I hate cameras", Archer says.

"Don't worry, Michelle is outside waiting for you", I say glancing out the window.

 She looks nervous as she talks to her mother who is with her father.

Archer gets out first and meet Michelle, then they link arms and walk through the gate behind Michelle's parents.

Then the others follow, Jake and I are the last to come out.

"as you can see Jake just came out with his girlfriend, they make such a cute couple", the news reporter says and the photographers take out a lot of photos.

Jake holds my hand as we make it through the flashing cameras and to the driveway curve.

"I have to go meet my parents upstairs, but I'll see you at the party room", Jake says as we enter, all my friends are in a corner talking.

I nod and he kisses me then go up the long staircase.

"You two really took the spotlight", Carter laughs, then I see Tyrell, Jackson,Aden and Chase enter together with no dates.

"Where are your dates?"I ask.

"I don't have one, maybe you can be mines", Jackson smirks at me.

"In your dreams", I push him away.

"Don't worry there are lots of girls here who would be flirting with me within ten minutes of the party", Tyrell says.

"And I would be by the buffet table", Aden says and Carter did a high five with him.

"Don't mind me, my date is already here", Jackson says as a brunette hair girl enters.

"guys this is Gwen", Jackson introduce her.

"I heard so much about you, omg Michelle is that you?!" She shrieks and push pass us to where Michelle is with Archer.

"Another thing about her she loves to flirt with hot guys", Jackson warns and I see Stacy grip Carter's arm more so did Riley to Caleb.

I watch as the two girls talk, but Gwen had he eyes on Archer the whole time.

This would be a long night.


"Introducing Mrs. Anastasia Montez- James and Mr. Justin James tonight is there twentieth anniversary cheers to the happy married couple and their six children", Jake's father best friend announces as they all enter and we raise our glass.

I am sitting by a table with Riley, Caleb, Stacy, Carter, Logan and Aaliyah.

Jake smiles when his eyes land on me, I see Linda sitting and staring down Jake or more like drooling.

"Go meet him", Stacy says to me, I get up and make my way over to him.

"Hey handsome", I say, he pulls me into him by my waist.

"Hey beautiful, my parents wants you to sit with us", he says as we walk to where his parents and siblings are going to sit.

1 hour later

"Jake my boy I'll like you to meet Mr. Clark, I believe you met his daughter earlier", Mr. Bill says.

A man with black hair with some gray hair in it, shakes Jake's hand.

"Mr. Clark this is my girlfriend", Jake introduce me.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Clark", I say politely.

"Jake are excited to be joining the industry soon?" Mr. Clark asks.

"Yeah and I know it would be hard, but I'll manage", Jake answers.

"yeah I know you can handle it, also my daughter wants to join my business industry as well", Mr. Clark informs us and Ashley rolls her eyes.

This conversation is not for me, I know nothing about business really.

"Can I be excuse? I need to use the restroom", I excuse myself and leave.

Archer is talking to Aden by the dessert table.

"Hey guys", I say.

"You got bored quickly", Aden gestures to where Jake is talking to the businessmen.

"Yeah that's not my thing", I say.

"Don't look now, but his daughter is approaching them", Archer whispers and I turn around.

I see Linda standing next to Jake as they all talk, then she rubs his arm and Ashley glares at her.

I see Jake moves away and excuse himself to go to his grandmother.

Mr. Bill looks upset as he talk to Mr. Clark and Linda tries to make small talk with Ashley.

"Dude those chicks are hot", Tyrell says as he comes towards us with kisses all over his face. 

He's definitely drunk.

"Uh no", Stacy says and I see Gwen touching Josh and Aaliyah trying to calm Isabel down.

Linda is now going to Jake and asking for a dance, Jake looks at his grandmother who shrugs and looks away.

He looks around for me, but didn't see me so he gets up and takes her hand.

"Oh that dickhead", Kevin hisses and Chase stops him.

"Cool down man, no need to get the attention", Chase says, as Jake place his arms around Linda's waist.

"Two can play that game", Jackson says and grabs my arm.

He place my arms around his neck and his arms around my waist.

"What you're doing?"

"Just go with it", he whispers.

I see Jake stop and is glaring at Jackson.

Linda tries to get his attention, but he only had his eyes on me.She snaps her finger then do the most unexpected thing,

Yep, she kisse him.

Everyone gasps and stops what they are doing, Michelle's glass slip out her hand.

I froze and gasp, Jake pushes her away and he watches me with guilt.

I run out the room with people calling after me.

I run out  the front door and into the cold night, I run into the empty streets and drop to the ground on my knees crying.

How could she? Did he kiss her back?


"Hey its okay", a familiar voice whispers as they hug me.


"The one and only", he says, I see a car right at the left side of the street park.

"What are you doing here?"

"I was going to a friend's house and saw a pretty girl sobbing in the middle of the road, why are you crying?"


"Vanessa?" I hear Jake says and I turn around.

He looks hurt and betray.

"Greg take me home", I whisper and he helps me up.

He opens the door and I got in, leaving Jake standing in the street confuse and hurt.

Me: I'm fine Jake, why don't you go back to Linda

Baby: I didn't kiss her back Vanessa, who is that?

Me: A friend, I'm going home see you back at campus on Monday

Baby: Vanessa please

Me: I'm sorry

"You'll be okay, I don't have to ask what happen all I know it had to be bad", Greg says.

You have no idea.


What do you think?

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