Chapter 29

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Vanessa's POV:

Friday (Hope you don't mind I skipped)

The week pass quickly and my friends did a great job keeping me away from Jake, they really deserve an award.

Yesterday Stacy met Carter's father, the good news is that she didn't run off like the rest of Carter's ex and he was happy for that.

Today is the end of the class week once again, Archer and Michelle are really getting along and their relationship is doing great.

Logan and Aaliyah are going on a date tonight, so happy for them.

I wake up with the sun shining through the window, then I feel a familiar slight pain in my abdomen.

Uh no.

I run into the bathe room quickly and take a shower, then get a tampon from the cabinet.

Great now I'll be moody all weekend long.

"Stacy I think we have to go buy ice cream and lots of chocolate later", I say coming out the bathroom with the towel wrap around me.

"Great you'll be cranky all weekend and I wouldn't be here, I'm going home my parents wants to meet Carter", she sighs.

"Well Archer can sleep on your bed and I can get Jackson to sleep on the floor with a sleeping bag", I suggest.

Yeah, just hope they don't do anything to make you upset or all hell would break lose", she laughs.

"Yeah, but I'm not that bad compare to Dianne she always complaining during the summer Kevin couldn't do anything because everything upset her, if her coffee is to cold she'll start to whine and if her pizza is to hot the poor pizza guy runs down the street screaming", I laugh.


"Yeah, all you have to do is keep her in her room with lots of junk food and drinks with no disturbance I almost got a break nose because of that", I shake the memory off.

I open the closet and take out a leggings with short skirt, crop top and a converse.

I put them on and Stacy curl my hair, then I put on light make up.

"Nice now I'll be leaving after classes this evening so don't miss me to much", she winks as she turns back to her phone.

Oh and one more thing, I didn't go to Quinn's gathering on Monday night, but Riley checked it out and said it was lame.

I pick up my bag and phone, then leave.

Di: Morning girl, tonight Kevin is taking me out I'm so excited, how are things with Jake?

Me: Nice, Jake didn't try to contact all week which is good I actually missed my normal life before he came into the picture

Di: How's Greg?

Me: Good we talked on Wednesday, hopefully he'll text me soon

Di: He will, see you soon

Me: Bye

I bump into someone and I look up, "do you know where Jackson is?" Gwen asks, she was his date from the party.

"Not sure, but check the field", I suggest and she thank me.

"Morning Vanessa looking lovely as always", Alex flirts.

"Yeah", I say and flick my hair.

"So my brother is in town and he's coming to campus later, he doesn't believe that I have a girlfriend, can yo-"

"No absolutely not", I cut him off.

"Come on, all we have to do is hold hands till he leaves to go back to his hotel tonight and all day tomorrow", he says.

"All day tomorrow? I'm not going to the city.."

"Yes you are, your roommate is out for the weekend and I'm sure Archer would be busy, I'll pay you if I have to, please", he pleads.

"Just for tonight and tomorrow?" I ask.

"Yes", he smiles, his blonde hair blowing in the wind and his hazels eyes lock with my ice blue ones.

"How much will you be willing to pay?"

"How much do you want?"


"Wow, okay, deal", he says and we shake hands.


I didn't see Jake all morning which is good, but it didn't stop me from checking out his every post every day, his latest one is with him shirtless on the field and a lot of girls liked it and re tweet.

I roll my eyes and put my phone in my pocket.

"What deal did he make with you?" Jackson ask when he sees me.


"Don't play dumb, I saw you and Alex shook hands."

"Well his brother is coming to town and he wanted me to be his date so his brother would believe that he has a girlfriend", I explain.

"Really? So what if his brother want you guys to kiss?"

Hell no!

"Don't worry, we'll be fine."

"Okay, if you say so and thanks for letting that stalker girl find me this morning", he growls.

"She was stalking you?"

"Yep all week she keep sending me texts that she'll be coming and I thought she was joking", he sighs.

"Sorry I didn't know", I say.

We walk to o get our lunch when I see a familiar curly hair guy.

I stop dead in my track and Jackson bump into him.

"Hi why-", he sees Jake who had his back to us, talking to a junior footballer.

"I'll hide you", Jackson says.

He put his jacket over my head and we walk pass quickly.

"Jack aren't you going to introduce us to your new girl?" I hear Jake asks.

"No, she's kind of shy", Jackson replies leading me inside the food court.

That was close.

I take off the jacket and I got in line for lunch.

"Is it true that Jake is single?" a girl asks her friend.

"No that's just rumors, but I heard that he and Quinn been taking morning jogs together."

"Wow, I heard his girlfriend is purposely ignoring him all week."

"Yeah and word is going around that he's going to the frat party tonight without his girl, so he's totally free."

"Yeah we're going to have so much fun taking out pictures with him and doing body shots."

"Maybe I'll leave a little mark on him as a reminder."

Jackson place a hand on my shoulder for me to calm down.

"I'll keep on eye on things, you got a date with Alex", he smirks.

I see Jake comes in and all the girls watch him.

Some of them even make room for him to sit by them, but he ignores and went to sit by some dudes with fraternity jackets and a few girls that are around them.

"They want him to join their fraternity house", Jackson whispers.

Yeah that's the most popular fraternity house on campus and been wanting him since the day he step foot here.

I doubt he'll go, he don't like to many girls throwing themselves at him.

"Do you think he'll consider it?" I ask.

"maybe, but not now."

I went outside and meet Stacy and Riley, we are eating lunch together today while the guys do the same.

"So rumor has it that Jake's going to a party tonight, which surprised everyone", Stacy states.

"Yeah and I got a fake date with Alex later", I announce.

"What?" Riley chokes,"how?"

"Its just a favor, I'm getting paid $500", I shrug.

"Shut up", Stacy laughs.

"Not kidding."

"You'll tell me how it goes", she declares.

"Yeah and I'll send a picture of Alex's brother for you", I nod.

"You'll be hanging out with two hot dude? So unfair", Riley scoffs.

"I'll send pictures", I remind her.

"Send it to me first", she smiles.

"Will do", I smirk.


"Vanessa my brother just called he'll be here soon, put on these glasses", Alex says to me.


"So you can look like a shy nerd, he wouldn't believe me when I said I'm dating a nerd"

I would have been offended if I was a nerd.

"Fine", I grumble and put it on.

"And put on this hoodie."

But its to-"

"I know its to finish off the look", he smirks, showing his right dimple.

"Remember my brother is a charmer, he loves to flirt with anything that has female parts and looks, we're sometimes taken for twins", he shakes his head.

"Can I see a picture of him?"

"Eager aren't we?"

He takes out his phone and show me a pic.

Yep that's actually a splitting imagine of Alex, but only a few years older. He got the blonde hair, but his eyes are what catch my attention its as green as the trees how's that even possible?

"I know he got the attractive eyes from mom also his name is Axel", Alex says.

"Cool name."

"Yeah, but mine's better", he winks.

"So this is why you been ignoring me?" Jake asks and I turn around.

"This", I gesture between Alex and I,"is not the reason."

"Sure", he strains on the 'e'

"Anywhere, we better get going Alex your brother would be here soon", I say as I tug Alex for us to go.

Jake glares at us, before walking off.

"I hope you enjoy your party!" I shout.

"He looks mad", Archer says approaching us.

"Believe me he is", Alex says.

"I'm all set up in your room, are you going the party?" Archer asks Alex.

"Not this time bro, I got my brother coming over and he wants to meet my girlfriend."

"Girlfriend?!" Archer shouts.

"Not exactly girlfriend, Vanessa will be my fake one till he leaves on Sunday", Alex explains.

"Do you guys like have to kiss?"

"What? No, only hold hands," I reply.

"Not sure its your brother we're talking about, he will definitely want to see some action", Archer smirks.

I look at Alex and see him kind of tense.

"But that's all in my head", Archer laughs.

"Little bro!" A blonde hair guy shouts and I turn to see Axel making his way to us.

Some girls stop to check him out, he got a tattoo on his left arm.

"Big bro!" Alex exclaims as they did their bro handshake.

"Dude you didn't tell me your girl was a blonde, what's your name sweetheart?" He asks as he kisses my hand and I blush.

"Um... Vanessa", I say.

"You're right she's shy, good catch Alex", he smirks at his brother.

"I'll call you Nessa, so where do you get food around here?" He inquires.

Yep that's Carter lost twin alright or maybe Jackson's.


"How long did you guys been seeing each other?"

"Two week, three weeks", Alex and I say together and we watch each other.

"Um.. two weeks", Alex confirms.

"Nice so how far have you guys went?"

I blush and Alex scratch behind his head.

"What? You think I'll come all this way and not get juicy details", he smirks.

"Well we haven't done the deed yet", I blush thinking about when Jake and I did.

"Why are you red as a tomato?" He grins.

I turn even more red and look away.

"I get that you guys did, its okay it's your privacy", he eats his pizza.

"Then why the hell did you ask?" Alex snaps.

"Damn, chill dude", Axel says.

"Alex since you finally have a girlfriend, I'm sure mom wouldn't mind you bringing her for a weekend so mom can meet her", Axel adds and I also choke.

"No bad idea, Vanessa has a tight schedule, quizzes are coming up and assignments to be completed", Alex expressses.

"You're right, my mother scared off Tiffany last week when she asked her an uncomfortable question."

"Hey handsome are you new around here?" A girl dress in revealing clothes approaches the table.

"No just passing by, but too bad I'm into guys", Axel smiles at her and I hold back a laugh.

"Oh to bad", she sighs and leaves, but winks at Alex before doing so.

"You still attract girls like them?" Axel smirks.

"Yep with this piece of hotness who wouldn't?" Alex laughs.

I roll eyes and drink my diet coke.

"I'm hitting my room early tonight, Tiffany is coming so she'll be at the hotel next hour thanks for the free pizza", Axel says when we leave the pizza place.

"Cool, I'll see you tomorrow time to get Mrs. Nerdy back to campus", Alex says and opens the cab door for me.

"No problem", Axel replies and winks at me.

"Mrs. Nerdy? Seriously?"

"Or do you prefer loser?"

I remain silent.

"That's what I thought", he mumbles.


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