Chapter 51

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Jake's POV:

New Years eve

"I'm so excited for the party tonight", Ashley says.

"Yeah because Drake is coming", Liana rolls her eyes and Ashley blushes.

"Yes that and also I have a feeling he's going to ask me out", she smiles.

"Who's going to ask by baby girl out?" Dad asks entering the living room.

"Um.. nobody", Ashley mumbles.

"Dad its Drake the guy she been crushing on since school opens", Liana smirks and Ashley glares at her.

"Shut up", she grumbles.

"Well I have to meet this Drake guy and have a talk with him", dad says in a serious voice.

"Dad don't scare him off please he's the first guy I actually get along with", Ashley says.

"I'm just going to talk to him like normal fathers do when their daughters start to like guys."

"I heard all about it and some guys after the 'chat' doesn't even want to go near the girl again", Ashley sighs.

"Don't worry I'm a cool dad, I'll ask him about football and things also if he like you", dad winks and Ashley groans.

"You're no way close to cool, but if that's what make you sleep at night then", Ashley shrugs and I laugh.

"Jake who's your date for tonight?" Dad turns to me.

I shrug, last night I texted Vanessa and told her that....

Maybe you should read what happened.

Last night

"Mom, Vanessa isn't talking to me what to do? Grandpa been asking questions about us", I say as I walk into mom's office room.

"Well what you guys need is time to figure it out so its best you guys take a break from each other and figure out your relationship once the new semester begins", she suggests.

"I can't do that, I already broke her heart."

"You two are lacking trust in each other, take a break and see how it goes and see if you really trust each other enough with letting them hang out with different people."

I sigh and watch my phone.

"Think about it, see if you guys are strong enough to give each other space and put your trust to the test", she adds.

I went back to my room and lay on my bed.

Me: Hi I have something to tell you, I want to know your opinion on this

Vanessa: Okay what?

Me: Well you see I think its best if....

Vanessa: ?

Me: We take a break

Vanessa: Wow, take a break, I thought that's what we're doing right now, why you at it let's just break up then?

Me: I mean a real break till we go back to campus

Vanessa: You're serious? I thought you'll come and give me a proper apology and try to work things out, but I was wrong you're a coward to face your problems, if you want a break from us I'll give you all the time you need

Me: I'm doing what's best for us

Vanessa: Us? Ha, if you were you wouldn't suggest for us to have a 'break' I know that its not your idea because you rather die than to break my heart even more, but if you think its best I understand see you at campus and please don't talk to me at the party tomorrow I already got an escort

Me: Vanessa please

"F*ck!" I shout and throw my phone against the wall, it hit the wall then falls to the floor. I wipe the angry tears that are coming out of my eyes.

"Jake are you okay?" Ashley asks.

"No, I made things worst between Vanessa and I", I say.

"Great, what did you do?"

"I kind of told her for us to take a 'break.'


"I know it was a huge mistake, I can't lose her I already did last year", I sigh.


"Maybe you can escort Linda?" Dad suggests,"she seems like a nice girl."

"I rather rot in jail then ever escort her again", I hiss.

"Stop being stubborn, my father already made an arrangement since you told him at the function that you and Vanessa aren't together again", dad says and I clench my jaw.

No need to remind me of my huge mistake.

"It was a lie", I say.

"Well you and Vanessa are on a 'break' so that means you don't have an escort."

"Still no, Vanessa will be coming and I don't want her to think I told her for us to take a 'break' so that I can be Linda's escort it would break her more."

"I'm sure Vanessa is coming with an escort, so Linda is yours", he says and leaves, leaving no room for argument.

"Ash help me", I plead.

"Sorry, you land yourself in this one if you didn't screw up last night or at that party then I would have", she says.

My sister leaves me with my thoughts.

I can't text Kevin cause he is on edge to kill me already and last night was the last draw.

I run my hand through my curly hair, grandpa Alvin enters.

"Grandpa I messed up and now my sisters are angry at me."

"All you need is time trust me, how about we have a cup of coffee together?" He suggests.

We sit by the dining table and have coffee.

"So tell me what happened and from the beginning too", he demands.



Vanessa's POV:

Last night

I read over Jake's message as I cry falling on my bed.

Why is he doing this? Am I not good enough? Do I have to come from a rich family to be with him? Am I not his type?

 I thought he loved me.

"Vanessa are you okay?" Archer asks coming into the room with my present,"hi what happened? Why are you crying?" He rushes to my side.

"Jake.. he... he", I sob even more wiping my nose.

"What did that jacka** do this time?" He clenches his jaw.

"He said its best if we take a break and talk when we go back to Yale", I cry into his chest.

"What?!" He shouts with anger in his voice and he gets up,"where you're going?" I ask.

"I'm going to make a very important phone call", he kisses my forehead and leaves.

I lay down on my pillow properly and cry myself to sleep.

You finally hurt me for the last time Jake, now you'll know how it feels to lose something what meant the world to you.

The Next Day

"Are you sure you can handle seeing him?" Dianne asks.

"Yes I want to go the party not because of him but to see Ashley again and enjoy the last day of the year", I give her a sad smile.

"When I see Jake alone I'm going to give him a knuckle sandwich I owe him a long time ago", Kevin hisses.

"I'm fine really", I say and fake smile, Kevin watches me carefully and shakes his head.

"No I can see hurt and heart break in your eyes, you're so heart broken", he says and hugs me that's when the tears come out again.

"How could he do this to me, how?"

I see Archer holding himself back from going over to Jake's house and beat him up that he'll need an ambulance.

"We don't have to go, we can drive around and watch fireworks", Kevin says.

"No I want to go, beside Logan is going and he'll need us to help since he doesn't have two hands", I say and Kevin still looks guilty for what happened.

"Fine we'll go but I hope I don't see Jake or lord help him", Archer hisses.

There's a knock on the front door and Dianne opens it.

"Hey guys we came and with ice cream and chocolate too", Aden says with Jackson, Chase, Josh, Isabel, Tyrell and Logan behind him.

"Wow what a surprise", I say and take the ice cream.

"Well we all know what Jake did and he isn't getting away with it", Jackson hisses and Chase crack his knuckles.

"Vanessa wh-", mom stops short when she comes out the kitchen.

"Paul we'll need a bigger bowl we got more brownies to make", she says and goes back in immediately.

"Well guys come in", Dianne says.

We all assemble in the living room.

"What's the plan to get back at Jake?" I ask.

"Well Ashley texted me she said that Jake have to escort Linda", Logan says and my heart breaks even more.

Archer rubs my back and looks at me with concern.

"Wait that bitch who kissed him in September?" Isabel demands.

"The one and only", I state.

"Well if its a game he wants, its a game he'll get, since Archer is Vanessa's escort we're going to make Jake so jealous that his guilt would eat him alive and he'll be begging Vanessa for forgiveness on his knees", Jackson says.

"Well they did say it takes two to tango", Dianne smirks.

"Don't worry we're going to make you look so gorgeous that every guy wouldn't look away", Isabel smiles.

"Thanks guys", I smile.


"You look gorgeous I think I'll cry", Isabel says.

"Time for hair and make up, the guys would be here soon", Dianne says as she puts me to sit.

She curls my long hair which meets mid- back and then put it up letting some curls fall at the side of my face.

I am wearing my chain Paul got me and a pair of earrings that Archer bought me.

Once she finish that she start on the make up with red lip stick.

"Finish", she says and turns me around.

I gasp at the girl who is staring back at me, her ice blue eyes fill with the spark that was once lost making it look attractive, the mascara really make the eyes pop out. The make up isn't heavy with light blushes on the cheek and lips as red as a rose.

"You're ready, you're so going to leave guys speechless and girls mouth jaws hitting the floor including Linda's", Isabel hisses out the last word like poison.

Isabel is a in a long purple fitted dress, it is not to thin sleeve with a V in the front and back and Dianne is a black strapless dress with a coat since its snowing outside.

I put on my coat and grab my small matching purse.

Kevin is picking me and Dianne up, Josh is coming with Jackson.

The door bell rings and I open it, "wow", Archer breathes out as he watches check me out.

Someone clears their throat behind me and he blushes looking away.

"You look nice", I say checking out his tuxedo, his chocolate brown hair comb. He can definitely hit off the model look.

"You too", he coughs and Kevin comes up behind him.

Dianne pushes pass me and hug him then kiss him.

"Guys single people here", Archer says and points to himself.

"Sorry", Dianne blushes, then Isabel comes besides me.

"Where's Josh?"

"In the car he doesn't want to come out", Jackson answers walking to the door.

"Let's go if we want a good table and food", Archer says turning around for me to get on his back.

"Wait a quick picture", mom says holding my camera in her hands.

I sigh as Archer turns around with me on his back.

"Cheese", we say in unison.

"Perfect", she smile and blows me a kiss.

When we arrive at the mansion, a maid takes our coats and show us where to go.

We enter the room and all head turns to us.

"Wow", a girl says.

"See I told you it would work", Isabel whispers to me as she holds Josh's hand, tilting her head to where Linda is watching us with her mouth open and Jake talking to a man.

"Vanessa I am happy you came", Ashley rushes to me and hugs me.

"I just got bored at home", I smirk.

"I love your dress, can I get it when it gets to small for you?" She jokes.

"Sure this can be your senior prom dress", I say.

"Great now I can outshine Nicola", she grins and a blonde hair guy her age comes to her side.

"Vanessa this is Drake, my um... friend", she blushes.

I smirk and Archer watches between them then smirk back.

"Nice to meet you", I say.

"The pleasure is all mines", he says and kisses my hand.

"He's such a charmer", Ashley says and goes back to her family.

We walk to the corner and sit down.

"Ashley was right, Jake really did escort Linda when he said he would never again in September", I say trying to stop the tears from coming as I watch him laugh at something Mr. Clark says and Linda sitting besides him smiling.

"Hi don't study it", Archer says rubbing my hand taking my attention from them.

I watch him and he smiles and I smile back.

"Stay like that, Jake is watching across here and isn't liking the sight", Jackson whispers.

 I smirk and Archer leans closer to my ears, "laugh so he would think I told you something and then playfully push me", he whispers.

I laugh,"oh anchor stop it", I smack his arm and he grins.

"Its working", Jackson smirks,"oh no he's coming here abort", he says.

I see Archer, Kevin and Logan stiffen.

"Hi guys looking nice, Vanessa can I talk to you?" He asks.

I scoff and cross my arms not looking at him.

"No you said we're on a break", I snap and he flinch.


"Jakey why did you leave?" Linda comes to his side linking her arms with his,"oh hi Vanessa right? You look good, anyway Jakey let's go back to our table."

I watch Jake and his eyes fill with regret and guilt.

"I see you moved on already", I say lowly.

"Its not what yo-"

"Of course he would, we're meant to be", Linda says and he sighs.

"She wasn't talking to you bitch", Isabel snaps.

"Excuse me I don't know who the hell you are, but you can't come here and be disrespecting me and a future CEO", Linda snares.

"Respect? You don't even deserve someone breathing in your direction", Isabel replies.

"Jake my boy come here I want you to meet someone and bring your date with you", Mr. James says. 

Jake watches me and leaves.

"Okay can I attack him now?" Kevin hisses trying to get up but Jackson stops him.

"And ruin the party, wait till after everyone goes outside to watch fire works", he says.

"Guys I'm not feeling well, can you take me home?" I ask Jackson.

"Sure let's go", we got up.

Dad watched me with concern,"are you okay?"

"No I want to home", I say.

"I can drop you off", he say and Jackson goes back to the table.

"I have to use the bathroom", I say.

I walk out the room and I see Jake and Linda talking.

"Come on Jake, it wouldn't be long till you guys break up", Linda says.

"I can't I'm still in love with Vanessa", Jake says.

She goes closer to him and pulls him then they kiss, I hold back a gasp.

Jake pushes away,"what the hell Linda?!"

"Come on you know you want me", she pouts.

"No I love Vanessa, L-O- V-E!" He shouts.

"You're just confuse", Linda says and kisses him again and more deeply.

I gasp and run the opposite direction towards the front door.

Jake doesn't love me if he did he would have explain what happened and not be with Linda tonight.

 I don't believe it, he thinks he's in love but he isn't.

He would have fought for us.

I got to get out of here.

I call Paul,"hello?"

"Come pick me up I can't stay here", I cry.

I put on my coat and open the door.


I didn't dare turn around.

"I don't want to hear it whatever it is, I know its a lie."

"I love you."

"I find that hard to believe, bye Jake enjoy your holidays and new years and good luck with that future business in your hands", I shut the door behind me.

I sit on the step, crying in the cold night waiting to get away, away from all this pain and heartache.


Jake's POV:

"I love you", I say to her, I hope she believe I meant every word.

"I find that hard to believe, bye Jake enjoy your holidays and new years and good luck with that future business in your hands" , she says and shut the door.

That's when I break down, I just let what meant the world to me slip through my fingers.


The End

Haha just kidding.

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