Epilogue- Part 1

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5 years later

Vanessa's POV:

"Ugh that exam was hard", I sigh and I fall on the couch to my apartment.

"You'll do great vehicle just like you always do", Archer says to me.

Yes we are sharing a two bedroom apartment with a living room, kitchen and whatever else in a normal house including wireless internet.

"Thanks anchor", I smile at him.

After he graduated last year and I planned on getting my doctor's degree, he planned on staying here till I graduate or finds a decent girl he can settle down with and move out. He has a part time job as a model and also he is an advertiser for a magazine company here.

"Any girlfriend for the week?" I ask as I take off my shoes.

"Nope, but remember after your last exam we are flying to your house for a few days", he reminds me.

"Yeah I can't wait to see everyone again, I still can't believe Josh proposed Isabel!" I shriek.

A lot has happened after my friends graduated except Caleb who is pursing law, Josh and Isabel are engage they got together during freshman spring break. 

Kevin and Dianne got married last January and she is four months pregnant, Stacy and Carter well they broke up during junior year after Carter cheated on her with his high school ex during winter break. 

The rest of my group of guys friends, some of them went to play football for the national team and only Alex who decided to become a surgical doctor. I still see him and hang out with him during lunch with my new medical friends.

Last but not least my ex Jake James after that horrible night he transferred to Harvard and finish his business degree. The last time I saw him was on the front page of the business magazine and is dating Linda Clark which I am not surprise of, he will be taking over his grandfather's business soon. Speaking of business, Riley joined her father's business and as soon as she did he drop the bomb and retired, Stacy been her private assistant ever since and been enjoying it.

"Hi since its Friday, Riley said she'll send a private car to come get us she has an reservation for 8 with me, you, Alex, Stacy and Caleb", Archer says.

"Oh yeah", I say.

I didn't move on after Jake, I went on blind dates and had like a one month thing with a guy from one of my classes, but we were meant to stay friends.

"You'll find a guy I'm sure", he assures me.

One more thing Quinn turn out to like girls and only try to get with Jake so her secret wouldn't be out. Madison got a modelling contract to Hollywood and Ava she did get Archer in sophomore year, but really is Harry she was after and now they're happily together somewhere in Florida.

"You keep telling me that for the past five years", I roll my eyes.

"You will in the future, who knows maybe you'll get a summer romance this time", he winks.

I get up and went to my room, it is done with sky blue walls, tiled ceiling and floor, two windows overlooking the nearby park, a queen size bed to the left, closet and bath to the right. 

My study desk is  close to my bed with my books and other stationary on it.

It is now 3: 30 pm so I can catch up on some sleep before tonight and also I got a car, well my dad bought it for me as an early birthday gift since its next month. 

I'll be turning 23.

I went to a club with my friends for my 21st birthday, from the media I learnt that Jake had a birthday bash on a yacht and he posted pictures of him and his 'friends'.


6:00 pm

"Vanessa the car is here", Alex says as I put on some perfume.

"Coming", I reply as I fix my hair this is now brush back into a ponytail.

I am in a formal blue dress that is right above my knee, long sleeve that is not tight on me and a the top is ringed not in a V with black heels.

"You look nice now let's go", Alex says making me jump.

"Stop sneaking up to me like that, do you want me to catch a heart attack?" I smack his arm.

"If you did, Dr. Alex would have your heart working again with these good looks", he gesture to himself and I roll my eyes.

"By the way how's Axel?"I ask.

Axel and I been close friends, we insult each other every time we meet and always posting sometime about each other on Twitter.

"Fine, his new girlfriend for the summer is already in progress and I swear she's a junior in college or a sophomore", he shakes his head.

"Is she pretty? Is she bitchy like the last one? Does she get jealous quickly?" I question.

"Slow down on the question woman, yes she pretty black hair, green eyes, not bitchy, but impatient and with the jealous part well you have to do the test run as always", he grins.

My test runs started back in junior year when Axel and I became close and he started to date for like Thanksgiving, winter break, spring break, month of April to May then summer.

 I would test each girl so I would know how they'll treat him and how long they will stay with him, Archer and Alex used to make bets and after Archer keeps losing he give up.


"Nikki", Alex replies.

"Once you guys finish chatting, can we please go the driver is waiting", Archer interrupts us.

"We're coming and I have to meet this Nikki girl before I leave for the summer."

"Of course, I think you'll like her."

"How did that last one in April work out?"


"Thought so."

We leave the apartment and got int the black car.

"I wonder where dinner would be?" I ask out loud.

"I think its at that new restaurant", Alex replies.

"Wherever it is once they serve good food that's all I care about", Archer says.

"Have you talked to Michelle since?" Alex whispers.

Michelle and I stayed friends after new years along with Melissa. Melissa and Ethan got married during my junior year, sadly I couldn't make it because I had course to do to get into medicine  and they were tough.

"No, but I will soon I got to see her before she flies off with her siblings in a couple of weeks", I retort.

Michelle got into the field of working alongside her mother in designing clothing and is extending the store to clothes so she can overlook them and her sister would be helping this summer with a store in Florida where their grandparents on their mother's side live so Kayla would be staying there most of the time.

"Cool my plans for this summer, read up things from the book I have to get for next semester, relax by my parent's pool and check out a few parties", Alex says.

"What about your grandmother here?"

"Oh yeah dad told her she has to go live at an retirement home which is located near at his business place in New York, but she agreed once I get to visit her multiple times over the summer", he sighs.

"You're definitely her favorite grandson", I grin.

"Not for long once next semester comes I would barely have time to travel and Axel would be working in New York in dad's business so she would see him a lot."


"We're here", the driver says after two hours.

"Thanks", we say in unison and then got out the car.

"Guys you're finally here!" Riley shrieks as she steps out of the restaurant in front of us. She's in a casual dress, her strawberry blonde hair curl and a big smile on her face.

"Of course we'll come, free food", Alex grins.

"So you''re just my friend because of rich and give free stuff?"

"Yep", he smirks.

"I felt use A", Riley fake cries.

"Don't cry, I'm sorry", Alex hugs her.

"Its okay I know you're not using me, if you were you wouldn't be here now", she smiles,"anyway let's go inside before Stacy comes out here and beat my arse."

We all enter.

Stacy is at a table with five chairs, her brunette hair in a bun with her eyes glue to her phone and fingers moving quickly.

"She's replying to my emails", Riley explains.


"With this business you barely get any breaks, I'm surprise I make this reservation I'm suppose to be attending a little gathering but Stacy is so good with lying my excuses sound actually real", Riley smile with pride.

"Well she does get good pay, a good vacation and also shopping when there's sale and I'm sure for the past months she got a quick photo or glimpse at least one celebrity", I say as we sit.

"Three actually", Stacy confirms not looking up,"Riley some of these are really important why didn't you answer when they were sent,?I mean this one was way in March for spring break then the person sent another one last month requesting for response since your father obviously promise a deal coming up next month".

"Why dad this to me? Leaving unplanned deals for me to do I have a meeting that he is suppose to do instead of me this Tuesday", she sighs," Stacy we're at dinner stop with those replies I'll check them out later, take the night off and also the weekend you need it", Riley says and takes the phone.

"Are you sure? This weekend is suppose to be busy you have peo-"

"I know, I'll be fine I can handle it once I get home you know its Friday I don't sleep early so I can reply to email and call a few persons", she cuts her off.

"Okay boss", Stacy laughs then her eyes land on me,"Vanessa and I miss you", she gets up and so did I.

"Me too", I hug her.

We sit back down in our seats and a waitress came to take our order, but sending Alex flirtatious glances.

He isn't interesting in you, I want to tell her but Alex eyes catches mines and he smirks.

"What can I get you guys?" She asks with a fake smile.

"If you're gonna act fake at least not do it with the smile we all know you don't want to be here", Riley says and she turns red with anger and glares at her.

"Why don't you shut it bitch", she snaps and I gasp.

"Do you know who you're talking to?" Riley raise her voice,"I happen to be the one who can make you be fire within seconds."

The poor girl turns pale and leaves quickly then a waiter comes over.

"What can I get you guys?" His eyes land on me, it is dark blue like the ocean with his mid night hair. 

He looks around Greg's age twenty five.

"Guys let's order the turkey special", Alex suggests.

"No the ribs they taste good", Archer says.

"Eww and risk getting my clothes dirty no thanks", Stacy scolds.

Everyone begins talking and the waiter is confuse, I get up and approach him.

"We'll have the best menu, just ribs for the brown hair guy and the turkey for the blonde", I whisper.

"And what about your m' lady?" He asks with a smile.

"Well I'll have steak and a few fries with it", I reply and sit back down,"also bring five beer."

"Four", Alex coughs.

"I mean bring four and a pepsi."

"I can't believe you give up drinking man, what happened to the party Alex I knew back in freshman year?" Archer slightly punches him.

"Well if I want to get into med school gotta come clean", Alex explains.

"Before I forgot Stacy how's that new date of yours?" Riley asks.

"Wait you finally started back dating?" I ask and she blushes.

"He's so sweet, kind and patience with me", she smiles.

"He's patience? If he has that with her he's definitely a keeper", Alex mumbles and I elbow him.

"What's his name?

"His name is-"

"Stacy!!" A familiar voice shouts from the exit and I turn to see the sandy brown hair man coming towards us.

"Gregory? What you're doing here?" Stacy asks clearly shock and I pick up my glass of water.

"My  cousin told me you guys were here and I also wanted to see my girlfriend", he smiles and I choke on the water.

 Archer rubs my back.

"Girlfriend?!" I exclaim and he nods.

"She didn't tell you? We been dating for weeks now", he kisses her forehead.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me", I glare at her.

"Must have slip my mind", she shrugs.

"Anyway where's Greg? I thought he said he was coming?" Riley asks and my heart skip a beat.

Greg and I remind friends over the years, he got a girlfriend during his senior year but she was so possessive over him and always mean to me when I'm around so he dump her during their graduation and she blamed me, but I blamed her jealousy. 

I don't have feelings for Greg not so ever I can't say the same for him.

"He's busy with his new girlfriend for the summer."

"Wow everyone is dating this summer, maybe we should link up Vanessa", Alex smirks at me.

"Nah fake dating is our thing, you know we can't date for real we'll end up killing each other", I joke and he laughs.

"Well there isn't anymore seat so guess you have to stand", Alex says sweetly and Stacy narrows her eyes at him.

"I can sit on your lap babe", Stacy says to Gregory who smiles and kisses her.

"Guys PDA", Archer groans.


"So what now? I'm bored", Alex says when we return back to the apartment.

"You can get the extra mattress and sleep in the living room since I want to sleep, I'm so tired", I yawn.

"Same here", Archer replies going to his room.

"But all alone? What if someone grabs me?" He gasps as I lock the front door.

"Dude you're twenty four", I say.

"Can I sleep by you tonight, please? You know with this good looks someone may kidnap me", he pleads with his hazel eyes shining.

"Fine, but stay on your side of the bed, I don't want your bare chest touching me", I say and he cheers.

I change into a sweatpants and baggy shirt my hair in a messy bun, I walk out the bathroom and see Alex only in his boxers his back facing me. I gulp and he turns around revealing his eight abs and I blush.

"If you want to touch it all you have to do is ask and take a photo it will last longer", he smirks and I glare at him.

"Which side?" I ask gesturing to the bed.

"Left you can be by the lamp so when you get scared you can turn it on", he grins and I smack him with a pillow.

"Shut up."

I grt into bed and turn my side so my back is facing Alex who gets on the other side.

"Good night Vee and please try not to hug me as your big stuff animal in the night even though I don't m-"

I cut him off by smacking a pillow over his face.

"Good night", I say and out the light.

"Vee I can't sleep", he whispers in my ear and I turn and smack him.

"Ouch, what you hand made of metal?"

"Shhh I'm trying to sleep."

"No you're trying to dream about me", I can hear the smirk in his voice.

When I'm about to fall asleep I feel a warm arm pull me closer so my back is press against a chest and the heart beat going faster.

"I wish that you can see what's right in front of you, but you're so blind by hurt I just wi-", he stops with a sigh,"good night Vee I hope you see it soon."

I fall asleep with a warm arm around me.


Epilogue is long so I split it into two parts.

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