Epilogue- Part 2

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Jake's POV:

"Jake next month for your birthday we're going to make the announcement", grandpa says excitedly as I have dinner with him out on the balcony of his house.

"I know, you were suppose to hand it over to me since last year", I joke and he chuckles, dad did also .

We are having some men time, I am so excited to be finally taking over the business all my years of hard work finally paid off.

After Vanessa left me that night, I switch university, lost contact with my old friends and gain new ones who are interested in business.

My grandpa couldn't be happier that I finally take interest, but my mom and Ashley were angry that I lost contact with my best friends from since diapers and not going after Vanessa.

Linda Clark is working alongside with her father, I been escorting her to different function since after freshman new years and I only start dating her for the good of the business.

I still miss Vanessa, I stalk her Twitter and Instagram post every night. 

She really is going into medicine and Alex as well so I bet they'll end up happy together.

I clench my fist at the thought, no she wouldn't fall for a guy like him. Yes I made a mistake letting her go five years ago, yes I hurt her but I can't stand seeing her happy with someone else.

"Jake are you listening?" Dad asks me.

"Wh- yes, can I be excuse?" I ask and they nod.

I leave and went to my car, I brought a house that isn't to far from the business place then I'll be moving to my grandpa's old mansion when I take over. 

My mom is happy I decide to take the mansion since grandpa Alvin left it on his will for me, he died last year from a stroke and it left us all devastated.

The business in Hong Kong is been watch over by mom till Liyah takes it over in like a few years, she wants to get out of here so bad.

 Ashley decides she wants to be a lawyer with her boyfriend Drake at her since, they been together since their junior year in high school and prom king and queen senior prom.

Jeremy he is a going to be a junior come this fall and is in love with his best female friend Giselle who he is shy too ask out thinking she'll reject him. 

I hope he ask her out soon because Daniel Dianne's brother also his best friend kind of have his eyes on her.

I drive home only thinking about Vanessa, I haven't seen her in years. I did get a black eye and break nose from Kevin when I came over to his parent's house to drop something a few days after the party. Ashley told me I was lucky I didn't end up with a break rib or something.

As soon as I unlock the front door, my phone buzz and I know exactly who it is.


"Jakey where are you?"

"Um... home?"

"You could have told me you left dinner early", she pouts.

I got to get rid of her, last time she almost got me drunk trying to make me sleep with her.

"Must have slip my mind", I walk inside and shut the door.

"Don't forget we are going out tomorrow, I got things to do", she reminds me.

She has charity to attend on Monday night and wants me to go help her pick the perfect dress and shoes.

"I'll remember pick you up at your apartment for 9 right?"

"Yes I bring me some coffee, thanks baby love you", she hangs up.

I groan, I don't love me.

Just a few more weeks then you can get rid of her, just a few more weeks.

I walk into my working room, there is papers everywhere on the desk. I hang my coat on the stand and push paper away so I can get my laptop and head upstairs to my room.

I grab a soda from the fridge and make my way up the stairs.

I enter my bedroom and switch on the lights, then throw my laptop on the bed and fall beside it. I log into it and went on Facebook, there are new post from my friends. 

Then I sign into Twitter and a new post from Archer page look like he went out for dinner with Vanessa Alex, Riley, Stacy and that Gregory guy.

 I wonder if his twin is still trying to get with Vanessa?

I go on Vanessa's profile and look through some old post, like one from spring break when she went to Alex's beach house and was in a hot bikini. I can believe how many guys were staring her down with that hot body of hers.

I shake my head and log off, then I got a message from Ashley. She been complaining about exams and how hard it is, I'll be seeing her next month for my birthday bash.

Sis: I hope these exams finish soon, I can't stand it no more. Drake is planning on switching career if he has to go through another hard exam

Me: Now? When he's already been doing good as you, convince him to stay I'll see you in a couple of weeks

Sis: Have you spoke to any of your old friends since? I thought you were planning your on inviting them

Me: Are you sure they would talk to me?

Sis: Well Kevin did invite you to his wedding, but your refused you were suppose o be his best man despite what you did you guys were planning your weddings sine senior of high school

Me: Yeah I'm sorry but I had to do something very important that day

Sis: What? Escort your new 'girlfriend' somewhere and barely have time for family?

Me: You know why Ash, I don't even know why I'm arguing with you

Sis: Me neither, but I hope you invite your ex best friends and Vanessa as well, I know you missed her badly even if you try to cover it up by using Linda

Me: I'm not using her

Sis: Well dating someone you clearly don't have feelings for and only thinking about Vanessa clears that up

Me: I'm completely over Vanessa

Sis: Really? Well invite her and I'll know if you ask her, then you'll prove you are over her if not you didn't ask

I sigh, I am not a coward I can face my past head's on.

I scroll through my contacts and call someone I didn't in a long time.

My best friend Kevin.


"Hi Kev, are you busy? I really need to talk to you and also I apology for ending our years of friendship."

"Now you want to talk?" He sighs,"this better be good, what's your address again?"

"I'll text you it and thanks in advance for hearing me out."

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I forgive you and you better don't make me regret coming because I swear I'll break your nose."

"I got it."

He hangs up and I did a victory dance in my head.


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