Finding out

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Previously on The Queen and The Vampire....

Once we get home, Castiel calls me in a seprate room. "You needed to see me Cas." He nods. "Yes. I did. Come have a seat." I nod and sit down in the chair.

"I know why you are having these feeling only with Harry. Have you felt like you heart was fluttering? Or can you feel actual feeling of Harry?" I nod. He hums at my response.

"Smiley the reason why you are feeling these things is cause he is your soulmate."

Smiley's POV

"Smiley the reason why you are feeling these things is cause he is your soulmate."

Soulmate. My soulmate is Harry. Harry Edward Styles is my soulmate. Thats why his parents always told me about him and how I would meet him one day. They knew.

"Smiley?" I snap out of it and look straight at Castiel. "Castiel. Are you positive?" He nods. "Oh god." I run my hand through my hair. "Do I have to tell Harry?" He shakes his head. "No I will. You should go lay down you look paler than usual." My eyes narrow at him as he laughs. He stops and clears his throat. "Right serious business." I sigh. "But I am gonna go lay down. I need to sink this in." He nods and opens the door for me. I walk past Harry without even looking at him. He catches my hand and I get startled. I realize its him. "Are you okay Smiles?" He asked me worried. I couldn't help but smile. No one has worried about me like that in years except Ren. "Yeah. I just gotta go rest a little." He nods. "Harry." Castiel calls him. He looks at me and the Cas. He slowly lets ho of my hand and goes with Castiel. I run to my room and close the door. I sigh and lay down in my bed. The wolves jump up. "What am I gonna do guys?" They look at me. You will love him and he will love you. Delta communicates using his mind. All wolves do. I can hear them in my head.

Harry's POV

Castiel sits in front of me. He looks like he is trying to think of the right words to say. Just when he was about to say anything, a guard burst through the door. "Argon is here!" He yells and run towards the direction of Smiley's room. I get up and head out to the living area. I see there is a man there. He turns towards me smirking evilly. "Well. Who might you be?" He asks. "Thats none of your business Argon." Smiley says walking in front of me. "Hello Queen." Smiley huffs in anger. "What are you doing here?" She growls. I see her eye turn black and blue through the mirror in the room. "Well I'm here to make peace." She ends up in front of him in less than a second. "Thats a lie. Get out if my castle now!" She yells completely furious by his appearance here. "Now, now. Be a good hybrid." I hear him whisper in her ear before kissing her cheek. I felt a shock of jealousy go through out my body. I run super fast in front of her. "She to leave." I growl. He just rolls his eyes and starts walking away. "Next time love. Next time." She runs up to him and holds him by the neck. " that...again." She hold the blade up to his neck. She pushes him out.

She turns towards me. "Im sorry you had to see me like that." I walk up to her. I look straight into her eyes. I feel it. My parents told me when I find my soulmate, I will things I have never felt. "Its okay. I liked it." She looks at me as I smirk. "It was very....hmm. I don't know hot." Castiel comes behind me. "Well I think he knows he's your soulmate." I look keel my eyes in her and nod. "I to my room." She clears her throat trying to hide her blush. Before she walks away, I grab her wrist and pull her back to bump into my chest.

I bring my lips up to her ear. "We still have to mark each other. I will be at your door in ten." I whisper in her ear. I honestly don't know how I have this confidence all of the sudden. I let go of wrist and watch her head to her room. I turn around to see Castiel with wide eyes. He smirks and back away into the room we were in before.

I change and start heading to Smiley's room. I open the door to see her laying down, staring at the ceiling. When she hears me enter she sits up straight. I smile and sit down next to her. "So marking?" She says clearing her throat. I nod. She looks down. I could feel her nervousness. I lift her head up and look into her eyes. Her beautiful hazel eyes. I look at her lips that are perfectly shaped. I slowly lean in until our lips brush together. "Yes. Marking. I'll be yours my Queen." I whisper against her soft lips. I slowly start kissing her. She doesn't kiss back at first cause if her nervousness, but then she slowly moves her lips expertly against mines. I slowly lay her down and climb in top of her, still kissing her. I kiss down her jaw until I reach her neck. "This won't hurt you a bit since you are a hybrid. It will bring you pleasure." I hum against her neck. She nods for me to continue.

I let my fangs out and find the perfect spot to mark. I slowly sink my fangs into her neck. Her hands travel up to tangle into my hair. She lets out a moan of pleasure. I pull away and look at my work. Her hands are still tangled in my hair. She flips me over and starts kissing me. I moan into her mouth as she grinds on top of my hard. She slowly reaches my neck. I feel her fangs against my skin. They slowly sink into my neck. I groan in pleasure. She pulls away and looks into my eyes with her, which are now black and blue. My breathing goes back to normal. She slowly climbs off of me. "I don't like when anyone looks at me in my hybrid form." She whispers. I sit up next to her. "Why?" I ask curious to know. "I look like a monster." I slowly take her hand in mine. "Not to me. I think its beautiful." She looks at me. "Really. I do." She smiles a little. "Thank you." I kiss the top of her hand. "I should some work done. Your trainer will be the hybrid Klaus and Wellens siblings." She says blushing a little, standing up and straightening her clothes out. I grab her hand before she walks away. "Can I cook dinner today? I want to. For you." I ask blushing a little. "If you like to. Then yes. I will come down in a little while to check on how your training is going." I nod and get up. Her lips were now plump from the make out session we had. I lean down and kiss her lips softly. "See you in a few hours." She nods and smiles.

I quickly change and head to the training room where the trainers wait. I only knew the Wellens siblings, Violet, Jessie, and Kim. But the Klaus guy looks a little intimidating. "Okay Harry. You ready?" Violet asks patting my shoulder. I nod. She hands me a sword which I am already trained in but theses are actual fighting skill. "Okay. Show Klaus what you got. Just be cool. He'll like you." I nod and stand in front of the Klaus guy. "3, 2, 1.... Go!" I charge at him with super speed but he has that same component also, being a hybrid. Our swords clash together. I hear someone walk in. I look over to see its Smiley. Her eyes widen. Before I know it, I'm on the floor. I hear Smiley giggle. She walks to me and helps me up. "I should maybe leave so you can focus." She giggles a little more. "No. Stay. Please." I look at her with pleading eyes. She nods and smiles making want to kiss her, but we have to tell the others first. She stands next to Violet ready to watch.

"Okay. Lets try this again." Klaus says. I nod gripping my swords tightly. "1....2....3 go!" I charge at him again I get pushed back, but land on my feet. Focus Harry. Keep your mind on the target. I hear Smileys voice in my head knowing she can communicate telepathically with me since i'm her soulmate. I do as she says and close my eyes trying to focus. I see Klaus charge at me and block his attack. I use a counter attack on him and pin him against the ground. He flips me over on my back and I groan a little. I kick him off and get right back up. You're doing great Hazza. I hear her voice. I tackle him to the floor and hold the sword against his throat. Smiley claps and smile. "That was amazing." She walks to me and Klaus. "I thinks that was a good training." Klaus nods. "I'm impressed Styles. Thought you wouldn't be that good." He says nodding. "Thank you." Violet, Jesse, Kim and Klaus all leave.

I go up from the training room and hop into the shower. I rinse my body free of the odor of sweat. I walk out with a towel wrapped around my waist to see Smiley laying on my bed. "Fuck." I groan at the sight if her laying there. She looks up and her eyes widen. "Oh uh...sorry I didn't know..." She clears her throat. "Well you this." I nod. "Stay here Ill go slip on some boxers." She nods and stays seated. I come back out and she blushes when she sees me in my boxers and a towel around my neck. I take a seat next to her.

"I...I need to talk about something." She sighs. "I'm all ears." I take her hand in mines. She seemed to be saddened by what she was going to say. I could feel it. "Can...Can I just show it to you." I nod. She turns and faces me. She puts her hand on both sides of my head and looks into my eyes. All of the sudden, I'm in another place. We are still sitting, but we are in her memories. I see her with a guy. He looks about 23. He's holding Smiley's hand. This looks like before she turned. She looks so happy as a human. Then everything turned black and gloomy. I see her standing there in front of a coffin. His coffin. It turns into a her memory of how he was a demon. Not just any demon...Argon. Argon killed him. We end back in my room and she moves away from me a little.

"Smiles. I understand." She looks at me. "He was my first. After him I had no one. Until I met you." I nod. "Zayn didn't know what was happening. He didn't know about these thing. He didn't know they even existed. And they killed him." She looked at the ground. "I couldn't save him. I was only a human myself then." I move closer to her. I hesitantly wrap my arms around her. She hugs back and kisses my chest. "I don't want to lose you too." She whispers. "You won't. I will never leave you." I kiss her forehead and pull away. "Stay with me?" I ask. She nods a little. I look into her eyes, I can't help but feel sad cause she is also. I slowly lean in and kiss her. She kisses back slowly bringing her hands up to tangle into my hair. I pull away and rest my forehead against hers pecking her lips one more time.

I lay down and hold my arms out for her. She cuddles in my arm and wraps her arms around me. I nuzzle my head into the crook of my neck. "Sweet dreams."


Sorry for the late update guys. I've been having some problems and haven't been able to write. I hope you guys like it.


Follow the girls above.

-Smiley Khan :)

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