Spending time with the Queen

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Previously on The Queen and The Vampire.....

They made it safely ma'am." The guard notifies me. We head in and I'm tackled with hugs by my team. "We missed you." I laugh and nod. "You saw me yesterday. Well except Cas." I hug him. "How are you?" He asks. "Im fine. Castiel this is Harry. He's a vampire." He goes to Harry and shakes his hand. "Harry this Castiel the angel and this little girl here." I point to 16 year old Kim. "Is Kim. Vio's sister and a mutant." He smiles. "And this Callie she's a Hunterss." She nods at him.

"And this is my team along with my troops." I smile standing in front of them with my arms crossed. "Welcome to the team Harry!"

Smiley's POV

"Wait..... We're missing someone!" I look around. "Queen Lauren has arrived!!!!!" I laugh as she enters. I hold my arms up. "Ren! My twin!!!!" She hugs me tightly as I hug back tightly too. "I knew someone was missing." She laughs. "Well I'm here now.....oh and who is this?" She smirks at me. I roll my eyes and nudge her playfully. "Well. Ren. This here is Harry." I explain. "Harry Styles?" I nod. She looks at me in disbelief. "I thought he was dead." I slapped the back of her head. "Owwwh. Sorry!" Harry was just staring wide eyes. "Harry. This is the Queen of mermaids. Her name is Lauren. Only I can call her Ren." He lets out a deep laugh. "Well I will be taking the team to my Castle. All my mermaids are ready to fight." I nod. "Castiel will be staying though."

I turn to Harry and smile. As I was about to speak, I get pulled into the kitchen by Ren.

"Something is going on. A lot if my mermaids went missing. The guards just sent me a meesage." She informs me.

"This has to do something with Argon." I growl. My eyes turn blue and black. Ren puts her hand on my shoulder.

"Im sure we'll find them." She calms me down. I motion over my guards. "I want you to take a group and search for the missing mermaids." Ren looks at me. "Yes my Queen. We will inform both you and Queen Lauren when we find them." I nod. They immediately leave. "You didn't have to Smiles....." I cut her off as Harry walks in. "Ren. You are like my sister. Actually we are sister. You have been there for me as long as I can remember. I am doing this for you." She smiles and hugs me tightly. "Thank you. You are the best! I have to go. I love you." I pout. "I wuvs you too." I hold up a heart pouting. She laughs as she leaves with the team following her.

"Ummm...feel free to do anything you want Harry. Its your home. " I scratch the back of my neck. I don't know why I feel weird around around him. I should not be having feelings. He nods and grins a bit. I just laugh nervously and nod. I go up and change into my bikini. My wolves follow me to the pool. "Your drink mistress." I smile and thank the servent. I take a sip before I jump in.

Harry's POV

I go down stairs after watching a bit of my show. I start to explore around the castle. There are so many rooms in here. I open a door to reveal a large room. There's a king bed in the middle with purple duvets. There's art all around the room. It was beautiful. I look at one and its a painting of Smiley and her wolves. She smiling as the wolves are cuddling her. "This must be her room." I whisper to my self. I decided not to explore it much cause that would be intruding. I close the door and head down stairs and out side to the back. I stop when I see Smiley. I don't know why I'm so attracted to her. Is it because of her beauty? I don't know why. I have never felt this feeling before. She looks my way and smiles. My stomach feels all weird. "Do you mind if I join?" She shakes her head. "Of course not." She motions me to come in. I already had some shorts on.

She comes out of the pull. My breath stops when I see her body. I take in her entire body. "Hello?" She waves her hand in my face. I look up at her. "Im sorry." I clear my throat. "Now come on." She laughs jumping in. I peel off my shirt and put it on the chair. I slowly go into the pool. The water is perfect. She swims up to me. "Im glad you joined me. I was getting a bit lonely alone. My 2 wolves are asleep." I smile. "May I hug you?" I ask. She looked at me shocked. "Um....sure." I pull her into a hug. I feel shocks erupt all over my body. "Thank you." She pulls away a bit, still in my arms. "For what?" I kiss her cheek. She blushes. "For giving me a home." She smiles up at me. "Well that was nothing." I shake my head.

"No it is everything to me. I never had a real home....ever. You gave me that. I don't have to be scared of being killed by were wolves anymore, Or getting hurt by other creatures. You saved me." I pull her into another hug. I can feel her smile. I pull away and she splashed some water on me. She laugh swimming away. "Oh no you don't!" She jumps out and I start chasing her. She giggles as she runs. Its so adorable. Her laugh, her smile. I catch her by the waist and pick her up. She squeals and wiggles in my grip. I throw her back into the water and jump in. She surfaces. I go underwater and pull her down. We both surface back up laughing. I get out of the pool and get a towel for us both. I hand her one. I watch as she runs her fingers through her hair. I can describe her as.......sexy, beautiful, gorgeous, etc.. I have never seen a girl as fit as her, and the feelings I get around her are weird. I feel like I have to protect her.

After we dry our selves out a bit, I crotch down in front of her. She looks at me confused. "Climb on." I laugh. "Are you sure?" I nod. She sighs and climbs onto my back. I grab her thighs to hold her up. I feel her breath behind my ear. I carry her in and into her room. "Thank you, my fine gentleman." She says in a posh accent. "You are very welcome M'lady." We laugh and smile. "Well after my shower we can go out to eat." She informs me. I smile and nod. "Oh and we can go on hunt if you'd like. Sometimes fresh human blood is needed. Don't worry. We wont drain them. I promise. I would never kill them." I look at her. She has her head down. I lift it up. "I know you won't." She smiles and nods. "You should go shower and get ready also."

Smiley's POV

After I shower, I dress into my black silk dress thats tight around the breast and flows from the bottom. The back of it was open till it reached the bottom of my spine. I do very very light make up. Just some eyeliner and mascara. I leave my hair down and slip on my black heels. I grab my bag and open my rooms door. I get startled to see harry there, fist raised ready to knock. "Oh hello." He gives me his dimpled smile. I couldn't help but stare. His black shirt was a bit see through, showing all his tattoos. It wasn't buttoned fully and he has black skinny jeans on and a black fedora. He waves his hand in front of my eyes. I look up at him and see him smirking. I blush a bit. "You look beautiful." He compliments making me blush deeper. I clear my throat. "We should get going."

I link my arm with Harry's and i lead him to my corvette. "Wow! Nice car!" I flip my hair. "Why thank you Harry." He laughs. I get in and start it. He slides in next to me. I smirk and rev the engine. "Show off." Harry laughs. I laugh also and start driving. I head for the city. "Hey turn on the radio please." Harry puts it on and my We the Kings cd plays. "Check yes Juliet. Are you with me? Rain is falling down on the sidewalk. I won't go until you come outside." I sing along. "This a good band." Harry says moving to the beat. I nod. "I love them!" I smile. "I can tell." He chuckles.

We make it to the seafood restaurant. "It smells good in here." I nod. The waitress leads us to the private booth of mine. "I will be back to get your orders." She winks at Harry and he shifts uncomfortably in his seat. I can't help but feel a bit of jealousy. I don't know why. She walks away and I glare at her a bit. "Are you alright?" I look at Harry. "Yeah. Im good." The waitress comes back and keeps staring at him with a smirk. He scoffs. "Would you please stop staring at me?" She looks taken back. "Oh and..." He looks at her name tag. "Ashely..we would like another server." I giggle as She huffs and stomps away.

"How may I help you" the other waitress asks. Her smile was genuine. I noticed the ring on her finger. "Congratulations." She looks at me and smiles. "Thank you my Queen." The Ashely girl here her say Queen and she looks at me in shock. "I would like an Addison sushi dish please." I hand her my menu. "You regular as always ma'am." She laughs and I nod. "And you sir?" Harry looks at me. "The same as her. The Addison." She writes it down. "What you like to drink?" She asks. "I would like a strawberry margarita." She nods and looks at Harry. "I will just take a beer." She looks at us. "Your order will be here soon." She smiles. "Thank you." Her smile widens. "No one ever thanks us like you two do." I look up at her. "Well they should. You work very hard for customers." Harry nods in agreement. She nods and smiles walking away.

"Harry." He hums taking a bite of his food. "What if there was a dessert made all gummy stuff?" I ask. He starts to think about it. "Thinking it about it gives me a stomach ache." He makes a disgusted face. I laugh. "Same Hazza same." He looks at me. "I like it when you call me Haz or Hazza." I blush. "Well only I can call you that." He chuckles. After we finish eating, I leave a big tip. "Okay back home we go." I start the car and We the Kings Phoenix hearts comes on. "Into the night, we hold our breath, waiting for the sign. So take my hand and close your eyes, theres nothing left to hide. And oh the angels soar, ready for war, my heart is yours, lead this march for more. The arrows fly, the eagle dies, but our voices rise." I feel Harry looking at me. "You have a beautiful voice." I smile. "Thank you." I turn on the air conditioning. "So what else do you like to do?" He asks. "Well. I like to sing, dance, draw, paint, play the guitar and the piano, write songs." I answer. "Wow thats alot. You should show me sometime." He was genuinely interested. I have never met a guy actually interested in the things I do. My smile grows on my face and doesn't go away.

I found a perfect spot to get blood, and that obviously being the club. We wait until someone comes out. I grab a girl in her twenties. I look into her eyes and compel her. "You will not scream." She just stares and relaxes. My eyes turn their black and blue color as I bite her neck gently. I know Harry has grabbed someone also. After I finish drinking, I bite into my wrist and and put it in the girls mouth. My blood heals her. "Now leave and forget this ever happened." She does as I say and walks away. Harry does the same. He comes up to my and grabs his handkerchief. He wipes the blood dripping from the side of my mouth. "Thank you." He looks into my eyes. "My pleasure."

Once we get home, Castiel calls me in a seprate room. "You needed to see me Cas." He nods. "Yes. I did. Come have a seat." I nod and sit down in the chair.

"I know why you are having these feeling only with Harry. Have you felt like you heart was fluttering? Or can you feel actual feeling of Harry?" I nod. He hums at my response.

"Smiley the reason why you are feeling these things is cause he is your soulmate."

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