Chapter 1

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Faith's POV

I bolt upright with a scream, sweat drenched my face. My heart was beating against my rib cage, my breathe came out in pants. I'm trembling uncontrollably. I place my head in my hands and cry softly. The nightmare felt real, like I was right there experiencing it. The pain, the fire, the smoke, the blood. I felt arms wrap around me, I look up slightly and see my mom. Her dark hair tied into a messy bun, she had dark bags under her golden brown eyes that glimmered in dim light that escaped into my room. I wrap my arms around and cry into her shoulder.

"Another nightmare?" She asked softly, I nod. 

She gives me a quick squeeze and rubs my back lightly, while she whispers comforting words to me. This has been happening everyday since I turned 18, which was almost 6 months ago. For 6 months I've had the same series of dreams over and over. Some are different, others are the same, but they always repeat. I don't know where my dreams take place or what influences them but it seems all too familiar. My breathing has calmed, so has my heart rate. We were in silence for what seemed like hours, when my mom broke our silence.

"You need to get ready for school, sweetheart."

I groan inwardly, "I don't want to go to school."

She gave a small smile as she raised from my bed.

"You only have one year of high school left, enjoy it."

She left my room, leaving me to get ready. I huff throwing the covers off of me and getting out of bed. I walk to my walk-in closet to grab clothe for the day. I quickly shower and get dressed. I put on a white tank top, that has an Eiffel Tower on it with a bunch of neatly written French words, light blue-white jean shorts and my white converses. I leave my brown hair down, it flows in waves down to my mid back. I jog down the stairs to the kitchen where a stack of pancakes waited for me on the dining room table. My mom was no where in sight, I eat quickly and head to school.

This is how every morning goes for me. Except maybe mom will be at work, she's a photographer, she has weird hours she goes to work at. Which means I'm alone most of the time, but I don't mind I like being alone with my thoughts and Netflix. I start thinking about all my nightmares, everything seems familiar about them but I can't figure out what.

I was so consumed in thought I didn't notice the tall building looming overhead.

"Faith!" A familiar voice yelled.

I was snapped out of my trance, and look towards the person calling me. I smile as I watched my best friend, Elyse, run more like stumble, towards me.

"Faith!" She says again, breathless, "I've been calling you since you passed the parking lot."

"Sorry... I dazed out." I say, giving her a sheepish grin.

She sighs, and hooks my arm with her, "It's okay, but we need to hurry to class."

We start walking to first period. We have all our classes together except for the last period of the day. We are always the first ones in class. so we took our normal seats in the front, just as the bell rang.

"Perfect timing." She laughs, and I smile, too distracted to say anything.

The students start filing into the room, taking their seats next to their friends, and quickly resuming their conversation. The second bell rings, and Mr. Walter, our English teacher, strolls in. His black hair slick back, he dark eyes scanned us as he entered the room. His curled black mustache twitched as he gave us a curt smile. Mr. Walter is a unique teacher, in a good way. Like last week, he crawled in the window, because he felt it would be a great entrance. Which it wasn't since he forgot there were a ton of rose bushes just outside his window and he fell on his face when he got in. Why didn't he just come in like a normal person, you ask, we have no idea.

"Good morning class." He said loudly.

The room went dead silent. Everyone knew not to talk after Mr. Walter yells or raises his voice.

"Alright let's get started on the lesson and maybe we will play Pictionary, if you behave." He explained, emphasizing the 'if'.

The room remained silent. He gave a curt nod, and started going over today's lesson. After he finished his lesson, we all played Pictionary. We were divided into groups and now we could talk, sorta. We had to play and talk in an orderly fashion, or no more games. Mr. Walters is one of my favorite teachers, he's a great teacher, really laid back, and goofy. He loves to curl his mustache. Yes, I said curl his mustache. It's the funniest, yet coolest thing about him.

The rest of the day passed in a flash, entirely uneventful. Until I was in my last class, history, writing down notes, I didn't expect someone to come in. It's last period, no one usually walks in. So when the door opened, everyone looked up briefly, before returning to their notes, except for me. I watched as the principal, Mrs. Carman, walked in and brought someone with her, a new student?  When the new student walked in, the thing that caught my attention was his eyes.

His blue-purple eyes glittered when the light reflect off them, making them look like sparkling stars. He has a well sculpted face with well-defined cheek bones and pink plump lips, with side swept light brown hair. His eyes made him look daring and mysterious. He's tall and buff. He's wearing a grey t-shirt that looked like it might tear around his muscles, with washed-out blue jeans, a pair of back vans, and shiny army dog tags hung from his neck.

I was pulled into his eyes, they held me captive and I couldn't pull away. It was like time stopped, his eyes were dreamy, and beautiful, but there was one thing that shook me to my core. I had a dream about his eyes before the dream became a nightmare. How is he real?


Hey guys!!! I'm updating a bit early and I'll try to get a chapter up Friday too. I hope you like this chapter cause the next few chapters will be my favorite. I can't say why but I hope you all like it when I update it on Friday.

On Friday when I update I am going to change the cover and title. I hope you all like it.

Please vote, comment, and enjoy. And don't forget to leave a comment on something you would like to see in either of my books.

Keep Reading, Stay Beautiful, and Be Majestic.


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