Chapter 2

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Faith's POV

"Class, this is Kai Philips. A new student that transferred here from Florida." The principal, Mrs. Karen announced.

The students looked up at him the girls began whispering and giggling. I looked down, breaking eye contact with Kai, and rolled my eyes at the giggling group of girls. I hate gossip, and girls who think they can have anyone they want.

"Miss. Davis," I looked up at the sound of my name, "can I speak to you for moment?" Mrs. Karen asked.

I got up from my seat and went into the hall with Mrs. Karen not sparing Kai or the rest of the class a second glance. My heart was beating hard against my ribs. Did I do something? I don't think I did. Once in the hallway, I was shaking slightly.

"You're not in trouble, Miss. Davis." she said calmly, "I wanted you to show Kai to all his classes tomorrow, if you can. I will give you extra credit for some of your classes and excuse any tardies that you get while you show him around."

I smile, "I'll do it you don't have to try to bribe me."

"Thank you, Faith. You're such a model student. Now, get back to class."

"Okay, Mrs. Karen. Have a good day." I said, over shoulder as I walked back into class.

I went straight to my seat, noticing Kai had been seated in the empty seat I had next to me. I smiled at him when he looked at me. He gave me dazzling smile showing off his pearly, white teeth, that made me wan to melt. He's new, and he's been here for like a minute and I'm already swooning. I sat down and turned to him.

"I'll be showing you around the school and your classes, if that alright?" I say, quietly.

Kai was silent, and had a thoughtful look on his face, it's adorable.

"I'd love that, thank you." He said. His voice was calm and vibrant. He had bit of an accent, but it was more faded and covered by his American one to stand out.

I smiled, "I'm Faith, by the way." I said before going back to writing the notes that were on the board.

When the bell rang, I didn't want to leave which I weird since I hate school, but it might have to do with to do with a certain new boy. After I finished the notes, Kai and I started talking, getting to know each other a little bit. Kai is really great, but he seems so familiar. I cant shake this feeling, the feeling of dread. I pushed those thoughts away, and continued talking to him. I showed Kai where his locker was before we exited the school. I texted Elyse that I showing someone around, not telling her that it was a boy. When we got to the parking lot,

"I need to go, but I had fun talking to you, Kai." I told him.

"Are you walking?"

"Yea, my house isn't that far from here." I explained.

"I could walk with you, if you don't mind."

"I don't mind, I would love to walk with you."

He gave me a smile, which I return as we start walking towards my house.

We spent the next 10 minutes talking, and laughing. I told him the one time I scared my mom while she was watching Jaws and drinking a glass of milk, well you can guess what happened. The milk went everywhere and I laughed my butt off. Kai told me about when his aunt got her head stuck in the Thanksgiving turkey. When we got to my house, I saw my drive way was empty.

"This is my house. Thanks for walking with me."

"It was no problem, this is the way to my house, and you are worth it." He said, giving me another heart-melting smile.

I blush and look at the ground.

"Have a good day, Kai. I'll see you tomorrow."

"You too, Faith."

I love the way my name rolls off his tongue. I start walking towards my house, I look back at him. He's still there, his hands in his pocket watching me. I wave at him, and go inside. I close the door and lean against it. I sigh. I can't stop smiling. I put down my bag in the armed chair and go upstairs to my bedroom. I flop on my bed, and look at my star covered ceiling. Kai is amazing, and he's too good to be true. I quickly snap out  of my thoughts. He'd never go for someone like me once he gets to know everyone in school. I, then remembered I need to do homework. I groan inwardly. School is evil. I like learning just not homework, and getting up early. I ran down the stairs, I grab my bag and settle down on the couch. I quickly did my homework, which was easy. I'm good at my classes, everything comes easily, especially astronomy. Yes, I'm a senior who takes astronomy, its one of my favorite subjects. After, I started cooking spaghetti.

When I was just about finished cooking, I heard the door open. I smiled, exiting the kitchen to greet my and found her kissing someone. And not just anyone, my math teacher, Mr. Jordan.


Hey guys!!! Yes I know I'm late updating again... please understand it's really close to finals and my birthday and Christmas and I'm kinda spread out way too thin. But I'll try and keep to my schedule. And also one more piece of bad news I'm only updating this story for now sometime this week I will update By Chance. Sorry I haven't done it but I have really gotten into writing this story. I already know how I'm going to end this story and By Chance I'm kinda shooting in the dark on that one.

Haha anyways, I hope you understand. And like I promised the cover and title will be changed today! Yay! So I will update I promise this week for By Chance. I hope you all enjoyed, and if you like this stored plz tell you friends about it more updates are coming and it will epic!!!

Please vote, comment, and enjoy. And don't forget to leave a comment on something you would like to see in either of my books.

Keep Reading, Stay Beautiful, and Be Majestic.


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