Chapter 3

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Faith's POV

I stood there gapping at them, it felt like my jaw would hit the floor. Mr. Jordan is one of my favorite teachers. He's in his 30's, like my mom and he didn't look like he was 30. He has black hair, with amazing green eyes which I'm sure my mom fell in love with. He was kind and funny. I think my mom and Mr. Jordan would make a great couple.

They stopped kissing, not noticing I was there. They said a quiet goodbye, and Mr. Jordan left with a big smile on his face. My mom closed the door, and turned around. When she saw me standing there, she instantly started blushing.

"Hi sweetheart... How long ha--"

"Have I been here? Long enough." I interrupt her.

She watches me closely, searching my face for a hint of what I'm thinking. I grin at her.

"I'm so happy for you!"

She lets out a breath, looking relieved. I went up to her and hugged her.

"I'm glad you don't mind. I like him a lot, Faith."

"That's good. Well good is ready and you can tell me everything, but leave out the gross parts."

We eat, while my mom tells me how she and Mr. Jordan met, and all the romantic things they've done together. (Not anything gross and I know that's what your thinking... Shame on you.) They met at a school event for parents and teachers, she said that things just clicked. They've been going out for a few weeks now. I'm happy for them, especially my mom since she's been on her own since my dad died.

After we finished, I put the leftovers in the fridge and went to bed. I didn't go to sleep, I'm afraid of sleeping. I didn't want to have another nightmare. I can't stay up all night... I sigh, and i get into bed. I lay down and slow fall asleep.


Faith stood on the middle of ruins. Rubble was everywhere, and fire was scattered in the distance, the sky is black with smoke. Building were half standing, half rubble. There was no life to be seen throughout the ruins, no animals, no people, even the plants were burned and withering. A loud crash, and footsteps broke the heavy silence that surrounded her. The footsteps were coming from unknown creatures walking towards her. They all had pale skin, with strange marks and scars covering their skin that was showing through their armor, their eyes were black., they sent shivers through her body. There was one that was different, he was large and buff, his skin was a pale black, he wore fancy robes, and a huge medallion around his neck. He has blood red eyes, a shaved head with white marking that made him look superior. Faith presumed he was the leader. As they walked closer Faith moved out of their way.

"We will find the girl." One of the pale warriors said to the leader.

The warriors voice was raspy, and emotionless.

"I know we will. I can sense her dreaming. She is here yet again." The leader growled.

The leaders voice shook Faith to her core. The leader stopped in his tracks and looked around. He examined everything around him, than his eyes landed on the spot where Faith was standing.

"I know you are here, Princess." The leader sneered, "I can sense your powers, your spirit."

Smith said nothing, she didn't move, and neither did he.

"Oh wait. You're not the princess, you're the queen."

Faith had no idea what he was talking about. She was no queen or princess, but she knew that she needed to leave. As she went to move the leader stopped her. The leader stood where she was about to go.

"You can't leave. I have been looking for you for 18 years, and now I have you in my grasp."

He moved at the speed of light and grabbed Faith by the neck. The leader squeezed her neck and lifted her off the floor. Faith struggled to breathe. She clawed at his hands, but his grip did not waver. Black spotted her vision.

"I will enjoy when I actually kill you." He growled, as Faith was consumed by darkness.


I bolted up, gasping and coughing. I rubbed my throat. Why is this happening to me? I get up and go to the bathroom. I turn on the faucet and splash some water on my face. I look at my reflection in the mirror. My brown hair was sticking up in all directions and has tangles here and there. My eyes had dark bags under them. I look at my neck, I move my hair out of the way. I gasp when I see the dark bruises on my neck that looks like someone strangled me. Just like my dream. What is going on?!


Hey guys!!! It's been awhile I know I'm ver srry for that. I know some of you are still mad about By Chance going on hold, it is coming back soon. The reason I updated this story when I did was I got surgery and I'm going out of my mind, bored. Yes, I really got surgery, no it's wasn't on anything major. I've been getting those questions since I started telling my teachers and friends. But anyways I updated, even though it's a short chapter I hope you all enjoyed.

Please vote, comment, and enjoy. And don't forget to leave a comment on something you would like to see in either of my books.

Keep Reading, Stay Beautiful, and Be Majestic.


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