Chapter 4

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Hey guys! As you all can see there is a new cover! I loved it sooooo much. I couldn't decide between the current one and the one soon to come. I will be switching between them for a while by, they are both super amazing! Thank you again penniegrange05 and Gayathri_Sarvani. And if anyone wants to see more covers for this book please go check out Skipper_019 's contest 12 to look at the other amazing covers.


Faith's POV


I am mortified at the sight in front of me. I was dreaming, how can I have a huge bruise tight where he had me? Right, where he was killing me? I take deep breaths and try to calm down.

I put the worry of how I got it, i just need to make sure no one sees it at school or my mom sees it. I'll cover it after I finish getting ready. I grab some clothe for today, and quickly shower. Once I get out, I get dressed and blow dry my hair, and cover the bruise on my neck with make up. Once I'm positive that the bruise is hidden, I head down stairs and eat quick breakfast.

After I eat, I grab my school bag and start walking. I hear someone call my name.

"Faith!" A voice yelled from behind me.

I turn to see Kai running towards me. I smile at him as he finally catches up.

"Hey Kai."

"Hey." He says, little breathless. I laugh at him.

I start walking again with Kai right next to me, and we continue the walk to school. We talked the whole way to school. He told me his favorite color, and his favorite place he has been to. After everything I found out, I still felt like I already knew all this about him. It sounds crazy, but he seems so familiar.

When we get to school, we went to my locker. I asked Kai what his classes were, while I got my books for my morning classes. Apparently, Kai has all the same classes as me. So, I show Kai where our first period is.

"Faith." My best friend calls from down the hall.

I watch as Elyse just barely missed knocking someone down as she ran to us.

"I've been looking for you!"

"You're always looking for me since you forget where and when to meet me."

"Yea, that's trueeee."She said, trailing off as she notices Kai standing next to me. "You've been with the new guy?"

She looks at Kai, with wide eyes.

I laugh at her, "Yes, This is Kai Philips. Kai, this is my best friend, Elyse."

"Hi, Elyse. It's nice to meet you." He said charmingly.

I elbow him, and he laughs. Elyse finally snaps out of her trance.

"Hi. Nice to meet you too." She said, finally.

"Well, lets go. We all have Math together." I say, walking into our classroom with Kai and Elyse. Today will be interesting...

As the day ended, I was happy to leave. Don't get me wrong I love most of my subjects in school but I don't like being there with all the annoying students. Elyse got lucky and left early, and Kai walked me home again. This time, Kai told me a lot about his childhood. His dad left him when he was young, and his mom died giving birth to what would've been his baby sister. Unfortunately the baby didn't make it either. As Kai told me, his didn't make any emotions evident in his voice, but I thought he was keeping it in to make a good impression. I kind of comforted him even thou I didn't know if he needed me too, but me being well me, I did what I could. When we got to my house, I saw my mom's silver Honda Focus.

"Hey, do you want to hang out for a bit?"

Kai looked conflicted, like he was debating his options.

"Sorry, Faith. I can't I have some stuff to take care of."

I felt a bit hurt that he couldn't stay and talk some more. Maybe the talk about his parents earlier hit a nerve. I let it go, knowing that clinging to this won't do me any good.

"Oh ok. Well, maybe another day. "

"Sure. I gotta go, but ill see later." He says, as he starts walking.

I walk into my house, only to find my mom standing there with her hands on her hips.

"Who's the boy, Faith?" She asked with a stern look, that didn't quite reach her eyes.

"A friend. His name is Kai and he's new."

Her face went pale for a few seconds before she smiles. It was a forced smile. Something was wrong.

"What's wrong?"

She sighs, "I've never been good at keeping things from you Faith. In your entire life, I've told you everything except 2 things. So I need to tell you those things now. I'm not telling to keep you away from him. I need to be honest with you."

I'm worried, my mom has told me everything since as long as I can remember.

"About 3 months ago, I couldn't sleep, and I heard you talking. I went in and you were sleep talking. You were screaming so I thought that you were okay, but you kept calling out for someone. Then you started screaming and crying, I tried to wake you up but I couldn't. You kept screaming and crying." She stopped, and let out a shaky breath, "You were calling for him. I thought I was just imagining it, but you were screaming a name."

"Whose name?"

"I didn't know anyone with that name until now. You were screaming Kai' name. I know you just met him at school and it didn't make sense."

I gapped at her words. How did I know his name months before I met him?

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. There's no other person who you could've meant."

"Ok... "I said softly. "I'm gonna go sit in my spot."

I quickly ran up the stairs to my room. I opened my window which is right above a small bit of the roof. I step out of my window onto the roof, and sit down. I pull my legs to my chest and hug them as I look up at the stars. I've always come out here to think. Being up the stars helps me. I don't know why but it does. It feels like their comforting when no one else can.


Kai's POV


I wanted nothing more than to get to know her, to see her, but some things come before relationships and feelings. I need to get her ready. She needs to do what I can't, save people. I don't know what fate has chosen for me but I do know what I need to do. I need to finish my mission. To help her come to terms with her powers, with who she was meant to be, a queen. My mission is to save her, and protect her from Zorin.

Zorin killed my people, and took over my home. I need to tell her who she is, and show her the powers she was born with. I need to tell her today before the invasion gets here to kill her and any human who stands in their way. Faith needs to be ready. Its now or never.

I quickly walk back to Faith's house, the lights were off except for one which lite up Faith's Small sitting figure. She was sitting on the roof, with her legs pulled up to her chest while she looked up at the stars. Nice to know is actually her I'm looking for. I get closer, I can see her face, confusion covered her features.

"Hey!" I yell to her.

She looks down at me, her eyes radiated a soft blue-purple glow in the dark.

"Can I come join you?"

"Sure. " she said softly, "There's a ladder right over there." She pointed to the side of the house, where a faint reflection of light glimmered off the metal ladder that was leaning against the side of her house.

I climbed up the ladder onto the roof, and sat next to her. We sat in complete silence. I watched her carefully, she was deep in thought. Her eyebrows were scrunched together as she looked at the night sky. Her mind was somewhere else, maybe not even on this roof, or this planet but maybe the next one.

"Why me?" She asked out of nowhere, "Why did you pick to sit next to and talk to me in Mr. Walters' class?"

"Because you seemed... different from everyone else?"

She looked at me, her eyes glowed a little brighter. The way she looked at me made my heart beat faster. I loved the way she looked at me, with sincerity and honesty.

"I feel like your hiding something from me." She said, quietly.

"Why do you think that?" I asked, even though she's right.

I'm hiding a lot from her, so are lots of other people.

"I feel like every time I try to get closer to you... You pull away and hide from me. You've told me a lot about your past, but I feel like its not true. Like if you told me the truth that I might see something about you, something you don't want me to see. Maybe even see you for who you really are." She says, standing up.

"Faith," I say, standing as well, and grabbing her hands. Tingles shot through my arms. I put on a straight face to hide my reaction. I take a deep breathe, "You're right. There are things that I want to tell you, but I can't."

"Can't or won't?" She asked, impatiently.

"Both.. But Faith... If I told you now the things I know, it'll bring them here!" I said cutting myself off, realizing my mistake.

Why did I say that?!

"Who's 'they', Kai?" She asked, shakily like maybe she knew the answer to her own question.


"No one." I lie.

"Don't lie to me!" She said, angrily.

I hated lying, and I hated to see her angry. "Fine! Want to know the truth?!" I asked, giving in.

"Yes! Everyone is lying to me! My mother just now tells me that I scream names in my sleep and who knows what else she wont tell. And now you with whoever 'they' are."

She screams names in her sleep? Does that mean.. she might have faced Zorin without knowing it?

"Whose names?"

"Yours and someone else's."

I would've dwelled on the fact that she was having dreams about me, but my mind was worried about him. About his invasion that is coming soon.

"I need to know who it is please."

She looked confused as she answered what I dreaded the most, the name I dreaded more than anything. She answered quietly, yet determined.



Hey guys! Long time no read hehe. Anyways, I hoped you liked this chapter. Yes things are about to come out and I know it seems rushed. It is just a little but it is necessary to to the story. Thank you so much for reading this chapter and I thank everyone who is still reading this book and my other book By Chance.

Please vote, comment, and enjoy. And don't forget to leave a comment on something you would like to see in either of my books.

Keep Reading, Stay Beautiful, and Be Majestic.


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