Chapter 2

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Himawari heard the front door to the house open then she looked at the time. It was 5 o'clock, the time her father always got home. So she walked downstairs to greet him like she always does.

"Hi dad." Himawari said as she walked over to him. "Hey, how does it feel to be a high school graduate?" Keanu said. "It feels great, I'm finally done with that chapter of my life." "And what about the next chapter, going to college? Have you submitted all your applications yet?" Himawari looked down, she knew this was coming. "No." Her father instantly grew angry. "You know you should have already done that, go do it now before it's too late." He said harshly. "Dad I don't want to go to college, there's more to life than college and a job. You have to understand that." Keanu looked at her angrily. "There's not, your ridiculous beliefs in those myths are keeping you from seeing reality." "No they aren't, you don't understand dad, those legends and myths make me happy, I want to do something that can change the world for the better, and those stories help give me hope that I can still do that." Himawari said. "No, you need to get away from those stories and stop reading them. They were only made by some nobody adults that needed fake bedtime stories to tell their children." "But dad, you said mom was magical. You said that she came from the village of Starfsfólk, that place is said to be a myth and not real, yet you say mom was from there." Himawari had a point.

Keanu would tell her stories about how he met her mother. He would tell her all about the village that she was from and how it seemed so magical. He also told her about a special staff that she had. The staff was very long, it fit her size just right. It was a golden staff that had some blue colors on it. It had a large sun shape at the top of the staff with a bright blue stone in the center. He would tell her that the staff had magical powers, and when it was used, her mother's outfit would change to a beautiful dress and a diadem would appear on her forehead. Himawari always admired the stories that he would tell, but it seemed that now he was backing away from them.

"It was just a village like any other, it only seemed magical to me because I fell in love there. That's all there is to it, there's no real magic and it's no myth, just a random village like all the other ones." Keanu said making Himawari frown. "That's not what you said've changed dad, and I don't like the new you. I wish you would go back to being happy and telling stories about mom, but you don't even do that anymore." Himawari sighed. "You've taken my stories and everyone else's way out of hand. It's time for you to let them go. Right now." Keanu walked into the kitchen and opened up a cabinet. He pulled out a white trash bag and made his way up the stairs angrily.

Himawari's eyes widened and she ran after him up the stairs. He walked into her room and over to her bookshelf that was filled with lots of books, all of myths and legends. Keanu opened the trash bag then he started grabbing the books and tossing them in the bag. Himawari's eyes widened and she started yelling at him. "Dad no!!! You can't do that!! Those books mean the world to me!!" Tears started streaming down her cheeks as she grabbed onto his arm and tried to pull him away from her bookshelf. "No, you need to grow up!" Keanu pushed her away and she fell back onto the ground. "Dad please...." Himawari managed to say through her shaky and frightened voice. "No, enough is enough." Keanu grabbed the last book on the shelf but paused when he saw the title of it.

The book was about the village of Starfsfólk. Keanu shook his head and threw the book into the trash bag where the others were. "Now maybe you'll learn to grow up." He said as he walked out the door taking the bag with him.

Himawari laid back on the ground and cried harder. She curled up and buried her face in her knees as she cried. She had never experienced something like this. All of her dreams and hopes for the future were just thrown away.

She stayed in that position for an hour until she started to calm herself down. She moved her knees down so she could see her bookshelf that was now empty. Another tear fell down her cheek then she turned onto her side so she couldn't see the bookshelf anymore. Himawari faced her bed and she could see something under it. She couldn't tell what it was since it was so dark under her bed. She reached her hand under it and grabbed what was there. Himawari pulled it out and she saw that it was one of her books about myths and legends. She smiled a little when she realized she didn't loose all of her books. Himawari looked at the book and she saw that it was a book about Pureblood vampires. She had always loved reading about the Pureblood vampires when she was a bit younger, she believed that they were real and she wanted to meet one very badly. So she had read the book over and over, which is why the book looked a bit older and worn down. Himawari opened the book and started to read what was inside of it.

The book talked about all the different types of vampires, especially the Purebloods. It explained how the Pureblood vampires were the most powerful type of vampire, everyone respected them and would try to never get in their way. The book said that when someone is close to a Pureblood, they could feel their power and instantly know that they were near a Pureblood.

Himawari smiled while she read the book again. It brought back so many memories of when she admired Pureblood vampires and would pretend that she got to meet one. Himawari read through the entire book until the end where she realized that two pages were stuck together. "That's strange." She said as she very carefully pulled the pages apart. Once she got them apart she started reading what was on the pages.

'One fateful night, the Pureblood vampires were attacked by viscous men who had made special weapons that were powerful enough to kill a Pureblood vampire. It is said that every Pureblood was killed that night, but legend says another Pureblood vampire still exists out there somewhere. If the Pureblood was found, they would change the world and protect it from any threats that were to come. The world would forever be a safe place.'

Himawari's eyes widened after she read the page. "One Pureblood still exists... I could help change the world if I found the last one." Himawari sat up and looked over at her empty bookshelf then she narrowed her eyes. "I'm going to find the last Pureblood vampire, I will prove to my father that life's not just about college and a job. He will have to see that it's true, and that magic still exists. He will also know that the myths and legends are true and not just a bedtime story."

Himawari grabbed a white shoulder bag of hers then she put the book inside of it. She looked at the time and saw that it was 7:30. "Oh I guess I can hit the race on my way out, I promised I would be there anyways." Himawari grabbed her phone and a battery pack so she could charge it along with her phone charging cord.

Himawari quietly walked downstairs and looked around. She didn't see her father anywhere which was a good sign. It usually meant he was in his office working. So Himawari grabbed some snacks from the kitchen and put them in her bag along with a water bottle. As she was leaving the kitchen she saw the picture of her mother on the wall. She walked up to it and took the picture off the wall then she put it in her bag.

"This is going to be the biggest adventure I've ever done." Himawari said as she quietly opened the front door and left the house.


Keanu looks like this, except he has blue eyes

I found this picture online so I'm not sure who created it originally

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