Chapter 3

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Himawari made her way downtown to the stadium. It wasn't far from her house so she made it there just a few minutes before the race started. She walked inside of the stadium and looked around at all of the people in their seats. Almost every seat was filled, that made it hard for her to find her friend. After a few minutes of looking she finally found them at the end of a row, there was one empty seat for her.

Himawari walked up the stairs and sat down next to Hina. She had bleach blonde hair that almost looks white, and bright blue eyes that have hints of purple in them. She was wearing a blue dress that had light blue designs on it. "Hi Himawari, I'm glad you made it." Hina said with a smile. "Yeah me too." "Oh and look who else decided to come." Hina leaned back so Himawari could see who was sitting on her other side. She saw that it was her two other friends, Akira and Kaiya.

"Hi." Kaiya said. "It's nice to see you again." Akira said with a smile. Kaiya had long blonde hair and different colored eyes. Her right eye was blue while her left eye was orange. Kaiya had grown up with a hard life, she lived in an orphanage that mistreated her for most of her life until she turned 13. A very rich couple adopted her, but they didn't hardly pay any attention to her, they only adopted her for publicity reasons.

As for Akira, he is quite the different person. He likes to keep to himself and mind his own business, but there are times when he can be quite mischievous. Akira is currently training to become a hair stylist, he wants to make a name for himself in that world of stylists. Akira has short bleach blonde hair and red eyes. Most people believe he wears contacts to make his eyes red, but he won't admit to anything.

"The race is about to start!" Hina exclaimed happily. They all watched as the racers lined up at the starting line. "This will be an exciting race, the best team ever is so going to win." Hina said. "And who would that be?" Kaiya asked suspiciously. "Team Strike, his team is the best." "Good, I thought you were going to say the other team." Kaiya said relieved. "Nope." They watched as the race started and the crowed cheer for them as they ran and jumped over obstacles.

"So who are all of your favorite runners on team Strike?" Himawari asked. "I like Kyosuke. The guy with the long straight white hair and silver eyes. I think he's one of the fastest runners on the team, and definitely the strongest." Hina said. "Well I like Shenzu, he's the relationer of the team. He's the one with the long pink hair and silver eyes. He's so smart, and the people say that he can basically read minds and say what's going to happen before it happens. It's so cool! I wish I had that talent." Akira said. "Me too." Hina agreed. "Who's your favorite Kaiya?" Himawari asked. "I like Takao, the one with the black hair that hides the right side of his face, he has amazing purple eyes. He's very quiet and mysterious. He never goes to the media interviews or anything that's public, he just keeps to himself and I like that." Kaiya said while watching Takao run. "What about you Himawari? Who's your favorite?" Hina asked. "I like Strike, he's one of the fastest on the team, his blue eyes match his jet black hair so well, he's so handsome." Himawari said while smiling. "Oh I agree, but they are all hot really." Hina said while blushing. "True." Himawari and Hina giggled while Kaiya rolled her eyes and Akira shook his head.

"Strike and Takao are also models, they've done it for a while now, but their modeling careers aren't as popular as their running careers of course." Himawari said. "I know, they make great models. Did you hear that Strike is looking for an Olympic coach?" Hina asked. "No I didn't." "Well now you know, he's going to go to the Olympics!" Hina smiled wide. "And he's single." She winked at Himawari who blushed.

"Oh hows your sister Rina doing? I meant to ask you that earlier." Himawari said to Hina who shrugged. "She's still number one in the family, most popular fashion designer there is." Hina sighed. "You'll become a famous fashion designer one day too, I just know it." Himawari said trying to lift her spirits. "Thanks." Hina smiled a little.

"You're going to miss the end of the race." Kaiya interrupted them. Hina and Himawari quickly looked back at the racers and they saw team Strike cross the finish line first. As soon as they won the crowed started cheering and clapping loudly. "They did it!!" Hina cheered. "I knew they would win!" Himawari said with a smile. "I wish I could meet them and talk to them." Hina said and Himawari nodded.

"Well I need to get going, it was nice seeing you all again." Himawari waved to them. "We'll see you another time." Akira said and waved back. "Take care." Hina said as Himawari walked down the stairs.

She left the stadium and looked around. "Now where do I start my search for the last Pureblood vampire?" Himawari questioned. She looked all around but all she saw were stores and buildings. "Definitely not here." She started walking down the sidewalk when she noticed a tree near a store. "That's it! Anything mythical wouldn't be seen in public, they would be hidden away where no one usually goes, where technology hasn't taken over yet. They would be in a forest."

Himawari took out her phone and pulled up a map of where she was at. She looked around on the map until she found a forest not too far away from the city. "I'll go there." Himawari then called for an Uber driver to pick her up. She waited a few minutes until the car pulled up beside her. She checked the license plate to make sure it was her driver and it was, so she got in the car and she told the driver where to take her.

Soon she was on her way to the forest. The car ride was silent the entire way which made Himawari quite uncomfortable. After about fifteen minutes, she arrived on a road near the forest. "Please stop here." The driver did as she said and he pulled over on the side of the road. Himawari paid him in cash then she got out of the car. The car drove off and Himawari started walking into the forest. She looked all around now realizing that there were no lights anywhere, and it was very late at night. She had nothing to protect her either, she almost started to regret her decision, but thinking back to what her father did, her confidence in finding the last Pureblood vampire came back and she continued her journey into the dark forest.

This is what Hina looks like, except at the race she was wearing something a lot more simple

This is Hina's sister Rina, the famous fashion designer

This is Akira, he's the guy holding the scissors, except he does not have the black design around his eyes

This is what Kaiya looks like

Now for the runners

This is what Shenzu looks like

This is what Strike looks like, except his eyes are blue

Takao looks like this, except his eyes are more of a purple color and his hair is black

Lastly this is what Kyosuke looks like except his hair is just straight, he doesn't have braids in his hair like the picture shows

I will draw all of the characters myself eventually, but as of right now I had to use pictures that I found online so none of these pictures belong to me

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