Chapter 4

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Himawari looked all around her, it was hard for her to see anything since it was so dark out. She continued walking through the dark forest for a while until she yawned. "It must be late." Himawari said. She looked around for a place that she would be comfortable sleeping at but there was nothing. Only trees, grass, dirt and rocks. Himawari sighed as she walked over to a patch of grass, she sat down on it and put her bag down. "I guess I'll be sleeping here." She said with a sigh.

A cold breeze blew by and she shivered. "I didn't count on how cold it would be out here." She crossed her arms and tried to keep herself warm. Himawari laid down on the grass and curled up trying to keep herself warm. She closed her eyes tightly and laid there for a while. She didn't know how much time had passed since she laid down.

In the silence of the night, she heard some rustling and movement. Himawari quickly opened her eyes and she saw some small sticks set up in a pile a few feet away from her. There were rocks set up around the sticks in a circle, it looked like a fire pit. Himawari titled her head then she sat up and saw four strange looking creatures walk up to the sticks. They were small animals that resembled a ferret. Only these creatures were a light brown color with a light tan underbelly. Their legs and paws faded into a blue color and the inside of their ears were blue. They had bright blue eyes and their tails were a long blue flame. The bottom of the flame tail was dark blue and and it faded into a light blue towards the top of the tail.

Himawari stared at the creatures unsure of what to do. "Please don't hurt me." She said as she scooted back a bit. The creatures just looked at her then they approached the sticks and rocks. The creatures turned around and laid their tails on the sticks. Then the sticks suddenly lit on fire. The fire was the same blue color as the creatures tails.

Himawari could instantly feel the heat coming off of the fire. "Were you helping me?" She asked, but she knew they wouldn't respond since they were animals. The creatures turned and ran off into the forest where she saw them run over to a guy, but she couldn't tell who it was, all she could see was his silhouette. Himawari watched him run off with the small creatures then she shrugged. "Thanks for your help, I think." Himawari scooted closer to the fire then she laid down next to it and quickly fell asleep.

Himawari woke up to the sounds of birds chirping in the trees. "Noisy birds." She said as she sat up and stretched. Himawari started to think about the Pureblood vampire then she smiled. "I can't wait to find her, or him. I hope it's a guy, I can imagine that he would be really handsome." She blushed at her imagination of what the Pureblood vampire would look like.

Himawari smiled then she stood up. "I need to get started on finding this Pureblood." She grabbed her bag and hung it over her shoulder, then she started on her journey through the forest.

As Himawari was walking through the forest, she became more and more disappointed. Nothing in the forest seemed different, strange or unique. She was hoping to find something out of the ordinary, but nothing was. There were lots of trees, rocks, grass, flowers and bushes, nothing special. Himawari walked for another hour, but still there was nothing special.

"Ugh! There's nothing here that would help me find a Pureblood vampire! Nothing!" Himawari kicked a small rock that was near her and it landed in a lake nearby. Himawari looked over at the lake and she saw a man standing by it looking at her with a confused expression on his face. He had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. He wore glasses and pure white gloves on his hands. His outfit was simple yet unique, it was a white robe type of outfit with gold and light blue designs on it. He also had a blue jewel pendant clipped onto the side of his hair. He overall looked like a very peaceful man.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't see you there." Himawari said to him. "It's alright." The man said. "I heard you say something about a Pureblood vampire, are you trying to find one?" He asked. "Uh, yeah. I've been trying to find one since yesterday. I've always wanted to meet one though, ever since I was little." "Oh I see, and you know they are real?" He asked. ", I don't know it for sure, but I'm really hoping for them to be real." Himawari said with a small smile. "I see, well good luck with that. I've never heard of one even being alive, so you'll need all the luck you can get." "Thanks." Himawari turned and was about to walk off, but she turned and looked at the guy again.

"You wouldn't happen to know where anything special or unique is would you? Something out of the ordinary that might help me find a Pureblood vampire?" Himawari asked the man. "I'm not sure what you're asking for." The man replied a bit confused. "I'm just looking for something special, something that's not normal, and everything in this forest seems so normal and honestly quite boring." Himawari said. "I see. Sometimes things right in front of you are special and you don't even know it." He said making Himawari tilt her head. "What do you—"

Himawari fell silent as she saw the man move his hands in a flowing motion then she saw some of the water from the lake rise and form a horse completely made out of water. "See, I am special and you had no idea." The man waved his hands again and the horse made of water changed to six birds made of water. The water birds flew around Himawari and she smiled at the amazing sight. "Wow! That's amazing! May I touch one?" She asked. "Yes you may." One of the birds stopped in front of Himawari then she reached out and gently touched its small head. She could feel the water and it made her smile. "This is so cool." The man moved his hands and the birds flew away from her and back into the lake where they turned back into the normal water.

"You never know what's special around you. Something that looks completely normal could be very special, you just have to open your eyes." The man said to Himawari who smiled. "Can you teach me how to do that?" She asked while bending down and touching the water. "No I can't, I was born with these powers to create animals out of water. You would have to be born with the powers to do it." "Oh." Himawari sounded a bit sad as she stood back up.

"Don't be discouraged yet, your journey has only just begun. I know you'll find a Pureblood vampire one day, just keep your eyes open. Even if something looks normal, it might just be very special despite its appearance." The man said. "Thank you." Himawari smiled. "Oh and what's your name? I don't think you told me." She asked. "My name is Kiyo, yours?" "I'm Himawari, it was a pleasure to meet you." "You as well." They shook hands. "Thanks for showing me your power, it was amazing. Oh and can I take a picture with you? I want to remember everyone I meet from my journey." "Of course." Himawari took out her phone and stood next to Kiyo. They both smiled and she took a selfie with him.

"Thank you!" Himawari waved to him as she walked off to continue her journey deeper into the forest.

This is what Kiyo looks like

I found this picture online so I'm not sure who created it originally

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