._. Finally....

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Maria: Guys!!! Finally!

Cloud: Nani?

Maria: Dare it Boi! >=3

Thunder: Wait.. it better not be like that time where I sang.

(That's for another time.)

Maria: Nope! Take it away boi!

Karensa: *rams the door with a unicorn horn* Wassup bois!!!

Bleeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppp too much craziness

Maria: This gal. Dared ya all. To watch stuff..

Quake: It better not be those bad things your classmate talks about.

Maria: What do you mean? <:3

Quake: Neo told me that your classmate was talking about those inappropriate things. That aren't allowed to be known by minors like you.

Maria: What... things? <:33

Quake: Those that we can't show Thorn.

Maria: owo ........ *inhales, looks at Neo* Neo!! You bas####!! D=<

Neo: Oh no. *books it*


Karensa: Nope! Not those lemons and fluff.

Thorn: Lemons? Lemonade? Fluffy? Fluffy kittens?

Karensa: ._. ....... *in her mind: "Thorn, you little cinnamon roll."*

Solar: Um, it's better not to tell you.

Thorn: Oh..

Karensa: But!! It's stuff about... Undertale boi!!

Modoro: Yayeet!

Karensa: Hi Modoro. :3

Modoro: Hello. :3

Karensa: But! Also! Minecwaft. :3

Blaze: Yes!

Karensa: Nani?

Blaze: I love playing Minecraft! >:D

Karensa: But! You'll play Bedwars.

Blaze: :'D ...... I suck at Bedwars...

Cyclone: Yeah... And I know Dark will win.

Karensa: Wait, Dark plays Minecraft...? owo

Sand: Yeah. And he's good at multiplayer games.

Dark: Yeah. -w-

Karensa: •w• .....

Neo: No no no no no no no no no no! *still running, but tripped*

Maria: Gotcha Boi!

Neo: Wait, you can't kill meh!

Maria: *takes out a gun with pellets, points it at Neo* Are you sure about that?

Neo: o-o ........ No..

Maria: Good. *puts the gun in her pocket* Oh! Cloud.

Cloud: Hm?

Maria: You were also dared! By CK!

(Cindy_519 !!!)

Maria: And umm... First I need to ask... Uhh, is Cloud in a good mood today..?

Emerald: Hmm... Not really, actually. He has gotten angry yesterday..

Dark: And.. umm.. he is still cooling down. :T

Maria: Well, I'm sorry but... Cloud was dared to go to a mall.. alone.

Cloud: . . . . . . . .

Magnet: Hmm.. that may be a bad idea..

Emerald: But, we are lacking in ingredients in the kitchen. And there are materials needed. That might be found in the mall.

Silver: It's a win and lose.. actually.

Karensa: Why?

Telepathy: Hmm... Cloud... dislikes some people from the mall nearby.

Magnet: Yeah... And, he is still cooling down.

Cloud: No, no. I am going to be.. fine.

Telepathy: Hmm.. I am getting a bad vibe when you are left alone. While you are cooling down, and with different individuals.

Cloud: No, I will be just fine.

Modoro: :T

(Whenever Cloud says that, you know what's going to happen.)

Quake: Okay?

Magnet: Okay then. Cloud, you can go.

Cloud: Thank you. But. There is something I need. *opens his hand up*

Quake: Wait.... you need money?

Cloud: How else am I suppose to buy things without currency?

All except Cloud: .__.

Telepathy: Huh. You are right about that.

Quake: Fine. *gives Cloud a credit card*

Cloud: Thank you. *leaves*

Karensa, Maria, Modoro, CK: .__. .......

Quake: Well.. let's see what we'll watch.

Maria: Hmm.. actually. To avoid some messed up time. I'll just divide you to two... Because I'm really don't want anybody looking at another.. I don't wanna see any multitasking... Or I'm gonna get confused. .__.

Karensa: :T ..... Good enough.

Maria: Well.

Dark, Cyclone, Blaze, Sand, Thorn, Neo, and Shadow will play Bedwars

And, Quake, Emerald, Telepathy, Thunder, Solar, Silver, Magnet, and Ice! Will watch dem Undertale vids!! >:3

The bros who'll play BW except Thorn: Awesome! /Cool.

Thorn: But I have never played Bedwars.. :(

Neo: Don't worry boi. We'll be just doing 7 rounds. 3 of them will just be practice.

Thorn: Oh. Okay. :)

Telepathy: I have never heard of such game called Undertale. But, at least I can know it.

Karensa: Yeah.. and you might not like some AUs. <:3

Telepathy: *cocked an eyebrow* ..?

Maria: Okay..?

Karensa: Good luck on Bedwars. •^•

Cyclone: Thanks...?

Few minutes later,

Dark's player joined the game

Cyclone's player joined the game

Blaze's player joined the game

Sand's player joined the game

Shadow's player joined the game

Neo's player joined the game

(They were using Thorn's world... Why?

It's because Thorn doesn't know anything about the cheats and commands. ._.

... So no one can use the cheats 'cause it's his world.. .______.)

Dark: So, the rules are simple. We are split into 2. Thorn with Cy, Blaze and San, me and Shade.. wait.. what about you Neo?

Neo: I'm fine with it. •^•

Dark: Okay..? Well, we have generators in our bases, they both generate gold and iron, most commonly is iron. The goal is to destroy a bed from a base, and kill the team with the same spawn next to the destroyed bed. Whoever is the last to be alive, wins..!

Blaze: Boi!

Dark: And, since we have floating islands as bases. We cannot just run and immediately kill them. The best way is to protect your bed, build your way to the island base, destroy everything protecting the bed and destroy the bed. Then you can finally kill the two players.

Cyclone: Yayeet!

Dark: And let's start this.




Thanks for watching.


Sorry, I don't have enough time to do this..

I'm doing this quick, sorry!

I can do this part in a different chappy..

The same goes with the other few about them watching Undertale AUs.

'Cause tomorrow's important to meh. ._.


Dark: Wow, that was.... Unexpected.

Blaze: Yea... Even I'm surprised.

Emerald: *he was one of the few who watched the UT AU* Huh... Interesting concepts, good back stories, and amazing inspiration for the different worlds.

Telepathy: Yeah. It is amazing.


Cloud came back, with a backpack and two bags of groceries

And... He didn't look like he had a good time

Maria: Uhhh... Since when did you get a back-

Blaze: Oh! That's mine! You found it, Cloud.

Cloud: *heavy breathing* It was.. no problem. *puts the backpack and groceries down*

Karensa: o-o .... Those things must be heck heavy..

Cloud: *cocked an eyebrow*

Maria: Uh....

Magnet: Let me guess... He tried to beat you up..?

Cloud: . . . . . . . . . . *groaned, growls* I do not want to talk about it.

( CK: •-•)

Magnet: Alright.. I guess.

Maria: Please don't tell me you did something wrong..

Cloud: Why would I?

Maria: Because I'm scared whether you tried to calm down, or you actually hurt someone.. 'Cause I feel like it's the second one...

Karensa: Yeah...

Cloud: Why so?

Maria: Because it looked like you were working out, and your S tattoo is showing...

Cloud: *looks at a mirror* Oh. I see.

Maria: *in her mind: Please, if I die again... Then I'm screwed all over again.*

*Oh you will.

Maria: Eep! *ran like a serial killer is trying to kill her*

( And Cloud isn't a serial killer. ._.)

Karensa: *behind Quake* Please don't kill meh. <:3

Cloud: I would never. *looks at Karensa*

Karensa: *in her mind: Oh sure. ._. It isn't like you killed Maria several times...*

*Would you want me to!?

Karensa: Nope!! *bish runs like heck*

Cloud: *panting*

Dark: Come on, Mist. *pushes Cloud to the the stairs* You need a nap!

Cloud: N-no! I am fine.

Dark: Nope! I don't want any bad times.

(Megalovania plays,

.... And Karensa goes crazy. ._.)


Cloud: Fine. Then, I will go out at 5.

Dark: Why?

Cloud: It is about... "him".

Dark: Wait you mea- oh.... Him. Well fine. Just go far from here while you do that.

Cloud: Okay. *goes upstairs by himself*

Dark: :T

Quake: Hm. *tries to pick up the groceries* Oh my goodness! These are heavy. How in the heck did Cloud-

Emerald: Remember? Cumulus..? ... And "Him"...?

Quake: Uhh, no idea who's "him"... but. How am I suppose to lift this up?

Telepathy: We could just take out the things one by one.

All except T.P: .____. .....

Quake: Fair point.

A few minutes later, after getting everything out of the two grocery bags..

Quake: That took... Longer than expected..

Silver: Well, Cloud is a strong mate.

Quake: ._. ... Yeah... Actually more than me I gotta admit..

Silver: None of us can beat him through strength...

Karensa: Oh? Why so?

Shadow: Because one time we tried to arm wrestle with Cloud... And... We all failed... Even Magnet and Silver.

Karensa: I wonder how that went. ._.

(I'm gonna save your time and not tell it here... Just for another time. :T

But to summarize it.... Blaze and Thunder almost had their arm broken. .___.

...... And Thorn tried his best... But, Cloud was "nice" and just faked him losing.

'Cause... You know how much more strong Cloud is. ._.)


Quake: Hmm... We should really be careful with Cloud.

Karensa: *shouts* Oh now you consider it..!

Quake: Huh?

Karensa: Clearly... Cloud is more powerful than any of you.. and stronger than any of you... And basically can't be taken down easily. ._.

All except Karensa: :T

Cyclone: Okey..?

Thunder: Oh!? Well. Just wait! *stomped upstairs to Cloud's room*

Cloud: *growling, wearing his sleeveless shirt and shorts*

Thunder: Hey Cl-

Cloud: *turns around, smoke coming out of his mouth, glaring* You were asking me?

Thunder: *scared* Ummm, nevermind! *ran out, and went downstairs*

Karensa: Did something happen Thunderp..? -^-

Thunder: S-shut it! I was just not ready.!

Karensa: Oh sure. ._.

Modoro: Well, since Maria ain't here yet.

I'll do the outro.

So, if you like it!

Go and press that small star on top of Vote

Since, apparently I don't even know what the vote does...

Really. Can someone tell me..?


Time to go and rest.

See ya!!

Hey umm...

So, sorry for the lack of the participation of the original seven.

My mind is kinda stuck with the nine for a while.

And with Cloumista.

So, I gotta question.

Do you want me to make a separate bookie?

It's just about the seven, and the OCs, aside from the nine.

Since, this book is full of stuff with the nine. ._.

What do you think?

I might add the... "fluff" things..

I don't know I'm very perverted, don't judge me.

I might add.... "humor"!

Wait I already have bad humor...

No wait... I have decent humor..


A random duck named Pato: Quake Quake.


Should I make the.... The Book of Random stuff?

I don't know what to name it. ._.

Someone help meh...

I don't know anymore.. ._.

See y'all for real!

(Do you know what's tomorrow?)

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