The Authors and their OCs Collide

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Okay, this is a special story, because it will break some rules that I have told

And you'll understand more when you read this story

Here we go

(### it took long because it is long)


Sand: *smashes another plate*

Quake: San, stop. I swear you are breaking too many plates.

Sand: I'm just having too much fun.

Maria: Guys!

The Siblings: What?

Maria: Andy's coming!

The 16 Siblings: *flops over and lie on the ground*

(That's a very old challenge, I wanted to do that, Lol)


Maria: Someone is coming.

Blaze: Who? Shaza? Starlight?

Maria: Nope, it's someone new, you guys have never met or seen her yet.

Silver: Oh, so it is a she?

Maria: Yeah, duh.

Quake: Wait, only her?

Maria: No, she invited more.

Cyclone: Who are they?

Maria: I can't tell you yet, they are special.

Magnet: Saying that, is making it more interesting.

Cloud: I am a little nervous.

Maria: Don't worry Cloud, it will be fine.

Cloud: Okay....

Maria: Anyways, they'll be coming in a minute, so you guys should fix yourselves and probably also your rooms.

Blaze:: Why?

Maria: Well, me and her had set up something for you guys. I can't tell you yet until they come here.

So, in the mean time, go to your rooms.

The Siblings: Okay.

Maria: Actually, Quake. You should fix the mess in the kitchen, so you can cook lunch later.

Quake: Okay.

All the siblings except Quake went to their rooms, while Quake was in the kitchen, cleaning up the kitchen


??? (9): W-why are w-we here?

??? (13): Because, someone wanted you guys to meet some people.

??? (7): Who are they?

??? (13): Just wait and see.

??? (4): I'm kinda nervous, but excited.

??? (5): How much longer 'till we get there? I'm tired.

??? (2): *sweat drop*

??? (13): Not long, just-

Maria: There you are, Rra.

(Ding ding, it's Rra_012 😄)

Rra: Hi.

??? (6): You know her?

Rra: Yeah, she was the one who wanted you guys to meet some people.

??? (11): Hello, my lady.

Maria: Hello. [Mind: So cringy.]

Rra: So, where are they?

Maria: Follow me.

They all went to the 16 siblings' house

??? (10): Dang, that's a big house!

??? (1): It is.

Maria: Well, they appreciate that.

??? (3): They? Who's they?

Maria: The guys you'll meet.

Maria opened the door and they saw a clean living room, with someone sleeping on the couch while covered in a sheet of cloth

Rra: Hey, who's that?

Maria: Um, I'll be right back, don't disturb that guy. *went upstairs*

??? (2): What are we suppose to do?

??? (1): She said we were suppose to wait.

??? (4): I'm bored.

??? (5): *yawns, on the couch* I'm okay with this.

??? (6): Who's under that sheet anyway?

??? (4): I don't know, but I wanna see.

??? (1): But, she said not to disturb him.

??? (4): But removing the sheet won't wake him him, will it?

??? (1): *sigh* No.

??? (4): Then, I can.

He removed the sheet and saw....

??? (5): That person....

??? (4): Looks like you.

??? (8): Wait, let me see him.

Maria: *came back, saw them* Wait. Shade! Stop.

??? (5): Shade?

Shadow: Haha. *shows his black eyes* You got me.

Shadow who appeared as Ice disappeared from the couch

??? (4): Huh? where did he go?

He then reappeared behind the 9th person, scaring him

Shadow: Yaah!

??? (9): Ahhh! *so scared*

Shadow: Hahaha, sorry 'bout that.

Maria: You're more playful today.

Shadow: Yeah, hey, who are these guys?

Maria: Well, they are-

Shadow: Wait....... Why do they look like Quake, Thunder, Cyclone, Blaze, Ice, Thorn, and Solar? *shocked* 😮

*looks more, more shocked, eyes widen* and why do those 5 look like Dark, Sand, Magnet, Emerald, and Cloud. But altered up!? 😨

??? (1): How does he know our names?

Shadow: Wait, those are your names!?

Maria: It is their names, Shade.

Shadow: But it doesn't seem like them.

Maria: Because, they aren't the same people.

Shadow: Wut?

Quake: Shade! *still in the kitchen*

Shadow: Yeah?

Quake: Who's there?

Shadow: Hm, some interesting people.


All: Huh!?

Quake: Hey!

Blaze: It wasn't us!! *upstairs*

Cyclone: Robot Giant Tarantula!! * also upstairs*

Quake: *gets out of the kitchen* Wait, wha- *looks at the "guests"* 😐

~Awkward Silence~
Quake: Umm, hello.👋😓 *awkward wave*

Thorn: Kill it! Kill it! *also upstairs*

??? (1): Uhh...

Rra: Surprised?

??? (1): Yeah.

Then, Dark came falling down the stairs, and hitting the ground hard

(That's what she said. 😏)

Dark: Ouch. *summons his staff* That spider is a pain in the- *looks at the "guests"* Uhh.. 😐 *stands up with the help of his staff* Hey Maria, are they the ones you were talking about?

Maria: Yep. 😐

(Have any idea yet?)

Dark: Hm, I'm quite surprised, and at the same time intrigued.😯

Blaze: Fireball! Hyah!

Sand: *panting* Thank gosh.

Magnet: Note to you three, never mess with my stuff. Nor Telepathy's.

Blaze, Sand, Cyclone: Okay.

Maria: Are you guys okay up there?

Thorn: Yeah.

Maria: Great, you guys come down here.

Quake: Except you T.P and Steel, you need to fix up the mess the spider made.

Telepathy & Silver: Okay.

Before anyone came down, Blaze tripped and fell down the stairs

Maria: Oh, you okay, Blaze?

Blaze: Not really.... 😩 *gets up*

Then, the other 10 came down

Sand: Woah, hold on bro. Are we seeing doubles, or are they..? 😨

Emerald: Umm.. 😐

Blaze: Woah, hi.

??? (4): Hi.

Maria: Guys, meet Rra and the 12 elemental siblings.

Rra is an author who makes some stories with the 12. The different versions of you guys.

Blaze: Woah, Awesome.

Maria: Rra's Quake is the 2nd oldest, he loves to cook and organize.

Quake (Rra's): Hi. 😊

Maria: Rra's Thunder is the oldest, he doesn't really like to play, and he hates being called names except Thunder.

Thunder (Rra's): Hey. 😐

Maria: Rra's Cyclone is playful, he likes to skateboard, surf, play games, and yeah.

Cyclone (Rra's): Hi. 😄

Maria: Rra's Blaze likes to play like Rra's Cy, he likes to play some video games, juggle some fireballs, and is sometimes stressed out.

Blaze (Rra's): Hi!😁

Maria: Rra's Ice is very lazy, likes to drink Tok Aba's hot chocolate, and mostly loves to sleep. Actually, he's lazier than my Ice.

Ice (Rra's): *on the couch* Heeeyyy.

Maria: Rra's Thorn is loving and innocent, he likes plants, and he also likes adventures.

Thorn (Rra's): Hi. 😊

Maria: I can't say anything about Rra's Solar, but. He's just too fabulous.

(I literally didn't write anything in my notebook about Rra's Solar except him being super fabulous. LOL)

Solar (Rra's): Hello, and thank you.

Maria: Um, Rra's Dark is a little flirty, but he is still loyal, he is a love expert.

Solar (Rra's): Hey, I am also a love expert.

Dark (Rra's): Yeah, Sunny is a love expert too, princess.


Maria: Don't you dare call me that again.

Dark (Rra's): ....? 😐 *looks at my Dark*

Dark: Yeah, don't say that. She's doesn't like girl nicknames.

(I'm a little bit of a tomboy)

Maria: *inhales deeply* Rra's Sand is harsh and sometimes a little rude, but he is still loving.

(I guess)

Sand (Rra's): Sup. 😏

Maria: Rra's Emerald is quite princy, he actually has manners, unlike R. Sand over there. *whispers* "Who's actually rude" *stops whispering* *fake cough* He is a nice and honest person if you ask me.

Emerald (Rra's): Greetings. *greets with a bow*😊

Maria: Rra's Magnet is both nice and gentle. But at the same time, harsh.

Magnet (Rra's): Hi there.

Maria: You can actually tell because he wears blue and red.

Magnet: Hmm, we can see that.

Maria: Okay, and finally, where's Rra's Cloud?

Cloud (Rra's): *behind Rra's Dark while hugging his big teddy bear*

Maria: Oh, Rra's Cloud is very shy, but at the same time, hates being alone.

(That actually makes little sense, at first for me)

Cloud (Rra's): H-hello.

Maria: Well, did I explain them correctly, Rra?

Rra: You did okay.

Maria: Good.

('Cause I don't wanna explain again 😒)

Maria: You 12, meet my 12 elemental siblings. Introduce yourselves.

(What is this? A TV show or something? LOL.)

Quake: I am Quake, the oldest, I mostly clean and cook in this house, I'm okay with them messing things up and playing around. And I mostly care for them.

Thunder: I am Thunder, I am serious in a tight situation, I hate anything that annoys or disgust me. And in my free time, I either read something, listen to some music, and help with stuff.

Quake: Yeah. *wraps his left arm around Thunder's neck*

Cyclone: I'm Cyclone, but most call me Cy for short.

Blaze: Especially Thunder.

Thunder: Shut up.

Blaze: That's true though.

Cyclone: I like to play around, make some jokes, prank, and play around with some of my bros.

Blaze: I'm Blaze, I like to entertain and play. I enjoy anything fun, but I still get mad and become a hot head.

Ice: I'm Ice, I am lazy and sleepy mostly. But I do get active, and when I feel like it. I play winter and water sports.

Blaze (Rra's): That sounds "cool".

Thunder (Rra's): *sweatdrop*

Thorn: I am Thorn, I like anything about nature, I am interested in something called botany, I am a loving and innocent sibling is what my siblings say about me. And I like to play sometimes.

Blaze: Yeah, he is.

Thorn: *surprise hug Solar*

Solar: *got surprised at first, but then smiled*

(ThoLar Ship Confirmed) (lol)

Solar: I am Solar, but a few call me Sol. I love my siblings and care for others. But, when there's an argument, I just walk away.

Blaze: That is actually a true fact.

Thorn broke the hug

Dark: I'm Dark, I am a little similar to Solar, but I am caring and loyal them too. I am also a little playful at times and I am sometimes off-balance, so that's why I am holding a staff.

(He was still holding on to his staff)

Sand: I am Sand, but a few call me San, I am naughty and playful, and I also like to- *grabs something from his jacket*

Quake: Oh no. Don't you even da-!

Sand: *grabs a plate and smashes it* I like to smash stuff! Yayeet!

Quake: *sigh, face palm* I'll go grab a broom. *goes to the kitchen*

(R) Quake: Does that usually happen?

(M) Blaze: Yeah.

[To make things less confusing.

R is for Rra
M is for Maria/Me]

(M) Magnet: I am Magnet, but a few call me M.T.

(UT fan: Like Mettaton.

Maria: Not now, dude. 😑

Rra: *has a chainsaw ready*

UT fan: 😨 *runs away*

Maria: 😐 .....)

(M) Magnet: I like riddles and puzzles. And actually, I am known around here as a technician. I like doing work, but I love helping my siblings.

(M) Sand: Yeeaah.

(M) Emerald: I am Emerald. I am a gem expert and gem collector.

(M) Sand: Fact, bro.

(M) Emerald: I like to work and help as much as M.T over here.

(M) Magnet: Yes, he does.

(M) Cloud: I am Cloud, but a few call me Mist. I am a little shy. Sometimes, but I am still meek and humane. But....

Maria: ....... *tries to skip that part* Uhh, Great, now everyone knows each other.

Shadow: Wait a minute. Lemme check on the other 2. *dashes upstairs*

(M) Cyclone: Hey Maria, didn't you say that you had something set up for us?

(R) Cyclone: Oh yeah Rra, you said there is something for us too.

Rra: Oh.

Maria: Well, the 24 of you will have a little "playtime" first, before we can explain more.

(M & R) Blaze: Playtime?

Rra: You go have some fun while you do that.

Maria: Feel free to do anything, except smash things, I'm talking to you, San.

(M) Sand: Hehe.

Maria: Anyways.

Rra: We will be right back, we will do something.

Maria: See ya.

They both left

Neo: Okay, they both left. You guys do know what playtime means, right?

All except Neo: Yeah?

Neo: Well, for me. Playtime is when people, play around.

All except Neo: Oohhh.

Neo: Actually, I think instead of doing the 1 on 1, you should all talk to each other. And besides, I bought Blaze a new video game.

(M) Blaze: What video game?

Neo: R.D.W.D Battles. 💻🎮

(Don't wanna copy anything)

(M) Blaze: How many players are compatible?

Neo: 4 players.

(M) Blaze: Nice.

Neo: Oh, that's an idea, Hey Blaze and Rra's Blaze.

(M & R) Blaze: Yeah?

Neo: Why not play together and fight against Cyclone and Rra's Cyclone.

(M & R) Blaze & Cyclone: Yeah!

Neo: At least you had 6 controllers, Blaze.

(M) Blaze: Yeah.

(R) Quake: How many of you play videogames, anyways?

(M) Quake: All of us had played games, but 3 of us had played a lot of videogames.

(M) Emerald: Wait, where's Shade?

Shadow: *behind Cloud* Ahh!

(M) Cloud: Aah! *gets so startled, he falls down*

Shadow: Aw snap, my bad.😰

(M) Dark: Are you okay?

(M) Cloud: Yeah..... *laying on the floor*

(R) Cloud: He is okay, r-right?

(M) Sand: Umm.... yeah. He just fell off, that's all.

Neo: Hey Shade, how's Steel and T.P?

Shadow: They're doing fine, Steel and Telepathy are actually a little busy at the moment, so.. they'll be coming down soon.

Neo: M'kay......... *checks the time* Wait Quake, you're suppose to cook lunch.

(M) Quake: Oh, yeah.

(M) Blaze: I am hungry....

(R) Blaze: Quake?

(R) Quake: Yeah, I also need to cook.

Neo: Hey, how 'bout help me and our Quake to cook.

(R) Quake: Sure.

The 3 went to the kitchen

The TV was on but was not connected

(M) Blaze: Umm, M.T. A little help. Please.

(M) Magnet: Okay. *does stuff to the TV*

Then, the game loaded in the TV

(M) Magnet: There we go. *walks up to the couch and sat down*

(M) Blaze: Thanks, M.T.

The Blazes and the Cyclones grabbed one controller and played

Then, Shadow came from behind the couch, holding a balloon in his right hand, and a needle in his left, then, he popped the balloon

(R) Sand: Gondammit!

(M & R) Thunder: Ahh! *jumps out*

(M) Thunder: Shade, stop that! 😠

Shadow: Haha, sorry. 😆

Then, Silver came down

Shadow: Hey Steel.

Silver: Hey Sha- Woah, didn't expect 12 people.😮

Shadow: Yeah, neither did we.

Then again, Neo came out from the kitchen

Silver: Hey Neo. *on the stairs*

Neo: Hey Silver. Oh yeah, R. DaLar?

(R) Solar: What is it?

Neo: How are you two doing after a while?

(R) Dark: We are doing okay.

Neo: I've heard you two are the best at relationships.

(R) Dark: What does that mean?

Neo: It means that you two are love experts.

(R) Solar: Oh, yes we are~

Neo: Hmm, you remind me of-

Then, the speakers turned on and Death by Glamour came up

Neo: .... Mettaton, really Silver, you used my tablet? 😑

Silver: *holding Neo's tablet* Yeah, I had to.

(I can put anything in the house, yeeeet!)

(R) Thunder: You've heard of Undertale?

(M) Dark: Heard it? We've already played it.

(M) Blaze: You're going down, Cys. *playing*

(R) Blaze: Yeah! *also playing*

Both Cyclone's players died

(R) Cyclone: We died.

(M) Cyclone: Noo.

(R) Blaze: In your face, Cy.

(M) Blaze: Another round?

They had a second round

(M) Dark: Um, yes. All 16 of us played Undertale.

(M) Sand: The humour is great.

(M) Ice: But Blaze is.... *tears a piece of paper* tear-ible.

(M) Blaze: Shut up, I'm good at it.

Neo: Well. Do you guys ever think on what character you can be?

(R) Thunder: Well, it's obvious of Solar as Mettaton.

(R) Solar: Of course~ (Rra's past Solar: Darling~)


(R) Ice: I could be Sans.

(M) Thunder: That sounds obvious.

(R) Thunder: They think I could be Toriel.

(M) Sand: ..... Why?

(R) Dark: Because Thunder has a soft side.

(M) Thunder: Shut up.

(R) Solar: Thorny could be Undyne.

(M) Thorn: Why?

(R) Dark: Our Thorn loves adventures.

(M) Thorn: Oh.

(R) Blaze: *still playing* I could. *tilt* Be the great Papyrus.

(M) Sand: Of course, the bros be bros.

(R) Thunder: Cloud could be Asriel. Because he is a crybaby.

(R) Cloud: *looks down, tears drop a little*

(M) Cloud: *hugs Rra's Cloud*

(R) Cloud: *feels better*


Neo: Who else?

(R) Thunder: Dark could be Muffet.

(R) Dark: Yes.

(R) Solar: Quaky could be Frisk.

(M) Solar: Okay?

(R) Magnet: They think that I could be W.D Gaster.

(M) Magnet: Hm, okay?

(R) Emerald: They were thinking of our Sand being Chara.

(M) Sand: Hm, why?

(R) Emerald: Well, he is harsh.

(M) Sand: Oh yeah, I completely forgot.

(R) Cyclone: *playing* And they said that I could be Asgore.

(M) Cyclone: *playing* Why Asgore?

(R) Cyclone: Because Thundy is Toriel.

(M) All: ............

(M) Cyclone: ... Uhh, okay.

(Rra couldn't think on who is her Emerald's character yet)

(R) Solar: What would be your characters, darling?

Neo: Um, they said that I could be Frisk.

(R) Thunder: Why?

Neo: Uhh, I'll tell later.

Silver: Neo, can I?

Neo: Yeah, bro.

(M) Blaze: Like you, I could be. 1, 2, 3.

Silver pressed something on Neo's tablet

Bonetrousle played

(R) Blaze: Isn't that Papyrus' theme?

(M) Blaze: Yeah.

(M) Thunder: I could be. 1, 2, 3.

Silver pressed something again

Spear of Justice played

(R) Thorn: Is that Undyne's?

(M) Thunder: Yes.

(M) Ice: Like you, I could be.

Silver pressed something again and "sans" theme played

(M) Ice: Yep, Sans.

Then, Telepathy came down

Telepathy: Hm? Did not expect that.

The 15 except Telepathy: Same.

(M) Sand: Cloud could be Asriel, but for a completely different reason.

(M) Cloud: Yep.

(M) Sand: Yo. They said I could be Monster kid, probably because of the way I just talked.

(R) Cyclone: Who- *tilt* else?

(M) Blaze: Quake. *tilt* Could be Toriel.

Telepathy: They said I could be Asgore.

(M) Magnet: And they said that I could be Alphys.

(R) Thorn: Why?

(M) Dark: Easy enough. Quake is kind-hearted and has an open soft side.

(M) Sand: Magnet to us. Well, he is a bit of a nerd if you ask me.

(M) Magnet: Did you really have to?

(M) Sand: Yep.😁

(M) Dark: And well, doesn't Asgore drink tea?

(R) Emerald: Yes, why you asked?

(M) Emerald: Well, Telepathy likes to drink tea, plus he sounds a bit older than some of us.

(M) Sand: Wait, what tea do you drink again?

Telepathy: Varieties, but mostly herbal.🌱

(M) Sand: Ooohh.. see? 😐

Then, Rra's Quake and my Quake came in

(R) Quake: Hey, lunch is ready.

(M) Quake: Come on.

Both sibling (families?) went to the dining area

(M) Blaze: Food!

(M) Quake: Wait a minute, Blaze. Why do you have to be in a rush?

(M) Blaze: *shrugs*

(M) Quake: *sighs softly* Thunder, help me get the extra table from outside.

(M) Thunder: Okay.

The 2 went outside

Neo: You guys are 12 in all. While we're 16. Quake and Thunder are just getting another table for you guys.

(R) Quake: Ooh, okay.

The 2 came back with a table, they placed it not too close from the main table, like 5 feet away from each other

(M) Quake: Okay, you 12 will have to transfer your food to your table, so you all can eat there.

(Basically me with either friends, family, or extended families when we don't have enough tables, we just eat without using table 😐)

(R) Quake: Okay.

They did what they had to do

(I'm still lazy as F)

(R) Solar: Thank you.

(R) Thorn: Yeah, you're being very friendly to us.

(M) Dark: No problem.

(M) Solar: You all are guests. We should be hospitable.

(M) Sand: But at the same time, have fun with you guys.

(M) Quake: Be hospitable, but have fun.

(M) Cyclone: It sounds like a rule, but nicer.😋

(R) Cyclone: Yeah.

(M) Blaze: Enough chit-chat, let's eat.

They all sat down, and ate

(Literally, I put so much words in my notebook, that I never get to type them. Such a big waste for words and pages)

Probably, 10 minutes later

They finished eating

Both Quakes, as responsible as they are, washed the dishes

Neo: When will Maria and Rra come back?

(M) Blaze: How should we know? You're usually the one who is one step ahead of us.

(M) Thorn: What does that mean?

(M) Cyclone: Neo is good friends with Maria. So he basically can know what might happen.

(R) Thorn: Oh?

(M) Blaze: Yeah.

(R) Thorn: Wait, I want to ask.

(M) Solar: What is it?

(R) Thorn: What about those 4?

Neo: Oh. Okay.

Silver: I'm Silver, I'm a crafter and a metalsmith, almost similar to Magnet, I can control anything made of metal, but I can also alloys.

Shadow: I'm Shadow, I'm playful like Cy and Blaze and a bit of a joker like Sand. But I'm sometimes silent, just for reasons. I can control shadows, and that alone.

Telepathy: I am Telepathy, I am like Quake, except I am not too protective. I am a known magician, and a necromancer. And also. I have telepathic and telekinesis abilities.

Neo: And I'm Neo, I'm very playful and I like to listen to music. I'm actually like my friend, Maria. I can manipulate the matter state, plasma. And also I have a cool ability.

(R) Cyclone: What ability are you talking about?

Neo: Well then... I'll show you.

(?) Sand: Hey Neo, let's go out to the yard. And, y'know. Show your other ability.

Neo: Okay, but. We need to let tem (them :3) agree.

(R) Blaze: I want to.

(R) Cyclone: Yeah.

(R) Emerald: As long as Quake agrees, we can.

Then, both Quakes came back to the living room

(R) Blaze: Quake? Can we go out back?

(R) Cyclone: Because they want to show us something.

(R) Quake: Oh? Sure.

They all went to the backyard, that was outside

(R) Sand: How big is this place!?

(M) Sand: We couldn't tell ya.

Neo: Are you ready to see them?

(R) Thorn: Them? Them who?

Neo: Heh... *eyes appear very creepy* I said.... *smirks* Are you ready?

(R) Thunder & Quake: *concerned*😐

Then, a gun shot was heard and My Quake fell to the ground

(R) 12: 😲😨

(R) Sand: What the!?

(?) Blaze: Hehehe. Everything will be fine. *eyes turn white* Once we are done with our job. *evil laugh*

(R) Thorn & Cloud: 😨

Neo: You think it is over? *eyes turn white* Only in your expectations.

*evil laughter*

Then, someone jump scared the 15

(R) All: Ahh!

???: Pfft, Ahahaha!

(R) Thunder: Wait, what!?

It turns out to be the real 16 behind them

(R) All: Huh!? 😨

(M) Blaze: Haha! We got you good!

(R) Cyclone: But... Who...?

(?) Cyclone: Hehe, we got you..

(M) Quake: Come on. Turn back and merge back.

(?) Neo: Hehe. Okay.

The 16 imposters turned out to be the robot 16

Robot Blaze: Haha! We got you scared!

(R) Blaze: Wait, you're the robots!?

Robot Cyclone: Yep.

Neo: Come on all of you.

All Robots: Okay.

They all merged

Neo: Hehe.. Sorry for all that. *scratches his head* I thought it would be okay.

(R) Thunder: How...?

(M) Quake: Neo, unlike Boboibot. Can replicate anything alive, into a robot.

(R) Thorn: Wait, Including us?

Neo: You want to know huh?

(R) Blaze: Uhh, wait. Should we give you-

Neo: Nope. Not at all.

(R) Blaze: Then yeah!

Neo: Okay!

Neo scanned the 12, and raised his hand up

12 symbols appeared and the symbols were Rra's 12 siblings

The symbols disappeared and 12 shining figures appeared on the ground

Then... They transformed into the robot versions of Rra's 12

(BR) Blaze: Heyyo!!

(BR) Emerald: Greetings everyone. *bows politely*

Neo: So, how're they lookin'? Are they good?

(R) Blaze: They're awesome!

Neo: *looks at the robot 12* How about you 12?

(BR) Blaze: It's amazing.

(R) Blaze: How much free time do you have?

(M) Blaze: So much.

(R) Blaze: Really? We are usually so busy with dares and stuff.

Neo: I think because Rra has more friends than Maria.

(I think I burned myself....)

(R) Cyclone: But, won't all of you get bored?

(M) Quake: Not usually. We have so many stuff in the house we can do fun with.

(M) Cyclone: We have musical instruments that we don't usually play.

(R) Cyclone: Where are the instruments?

(M) Blaze: Uh. We always keep one instrument in one room.

(R) Cyclone: Where?

(R) Thunder: Why are you asking this?

(R) Cyclone: Because I wanna know.

(R) Thunder: Okay?

(M) Quake: Hm, in my room. I keep a disassembled drum set.

(M) Thunder: I keep a bass guitar.

(M) Cyclone: I have a trumpet.

(M) Blaze: Guitar.

(M) Ice: I keep a violin.

(M) Thorn: In my room, a recorder.

(M) Solar: I keep a keyboard.

(M) Dark: I have a saxophone.


(XD I couldn't resist to laugh to that fact I made a long time ago)

(M) Cloud: I have a Glock.

(It is like a Lyre/ bigger than a xylophone)

Shadow: I keep a trombone.

Telepathy: And I. Have a flute.

(R) Blaze: How about a tuba?

(M) Blaze: Why Tuba? That's a big instrument.

(R) Blaze: How 'bout the drums? That's big.

(R) Thunder: It's disassembled. You weren't listening.

(R) Blaze: *pouts*

(R) Quake: Since when did you have instruments?

(M) Thorn: Like what Blaze said, we have so much free time.

(M) Blaze: We can do what we like to do.

(M) Cyclone: Quake thought it would be a good idea to play an instrument. And it was.

(M) Blaze: Yeah.

The robot 12 disappeared

(R) Solar: Wow.

(M) Quake: Yeah.

Shadow: Wait. *dashed inside*

(M) Blaze: *tries to prank Thorn with a half filled water bucket*

Neo: *saw Blaze, kicked a rock near Blaze's feet*

(M) Blaze: *trips on the rock, fell face first, the water splashed on him*


Shadow: *came back with the trombone* *makes the trombone fail sound*

(M) Sand: Hahahaha, fail. *continues laughing*

(M) Thorn: What happened?

Neo: Blaze tried to prank you.

(M) Thorn: Oh.

(M) Sand: *still laughing, then finally stopped* Wow. That was the 5th time this year, karma for you, bro.

(M) Cyclone: Last year. Like 20 times.

(R) Blaze: Was it really?

(M) Blaze: *still on the ground* Uhh, yeah.

(R) Thorn: What is Karma?

(M) Magnet: Karma is when someone had done something in past time and an effect occurs depending if it's good or bad.

(M) Blaze: Uhhh.

(R) Thorn: What?

(M) Magnet: Long story short, if you had done something bad, something bad will happen to you.

(M) Blaze: Oh.

(R) Thorn: Oh okay.

(M) Magnet: The same goes with something good.

(R) Quake: That explains it.

(M) Emerald: What should we do now?

(M) Quake: Go inside, I guess.

They all went inside, to the living room

(M) Quake: *noticed the drum set* Huh? How did the drums get in the living room?

(R) Blaze: Drums? Can we play them?

(M) Quake: Sure, knock yourself out, the drumsticks are on the snare, you can do what ever, except destroy it.

Rra's Blaze picked up a drumstick and played with the drums, Rra's Cyclone grabbed the other drumsticks and played with the cymbals, Rra's Thorn watched the 2 play with the drum set, while the others where just talking, some were on the couch, some were standing up, and some were on the floor

(M) Quake: Who in your 12 are very playful?

(R) Quake: Uhh, Blaze and Cyclone. Wait, what about your 16?

(M) Quake: Umm, Blaze and Cyclone are too. But so are Sand, Cloud, and Neo.

(R) Quake: Oh, really?

(M) Quake: Yeah.

(M) Cloud: *sleeping on the floor* Zzzzzzzzzzz...

Neo: *watching some YouTube*

(M) Blaze: Heeyyy.. whatcha watching?

Neo: Memes.

(M) Blaze: What kinds?

Neo: Ligma.

(R) Cyclone: Ligma what?


(M) Cyclone: OOHHHH!!!!

(R) Blaze: *snickered then starts laughing* Ligma balls!!! Hahahahaha!!

(R) Sand: ........ *finally understood* Pffft!! Ahahaha! Lick my frickin balls!! Bwahahahaha!!

The rest: (•-•) (-_-) (•w•) ??


(It was... A hoax meme about Ninja/ someone who plays Fortnite. ._.)

(R) Quake: Okay..? I can see that..

(M) Quake: Yeah, wait where's San-

TOOOOOOOOOOTTTT!!! *loud horn sound*

(M & R) All: Ahhh!!

(M) Thunder: Sand!!!

(M) Sand: Hahahahaha!! I got a frickin horn, dudes!!!

(M) Cloud: *somehow still sleeping* -w- Zzzzzzzzzzz....

(M & R) All except meh Cloudy: •-• ............

(R) Sand: How in the frikin hell..

(M) Cloud: *woke up* .....?

(M & R) All except Cloudy: :T ._. ...........

Knock knock~

(M) Blaze: Who's there?

?????: Some.

(M) Thorn: Some..? Some who..?

Suddenly, someone rammed the door open

(It was Maria. ._.)

Maria: Somebody Once Told Me, The World is gonna roam me~!

Beeeeepppp don't mind her..

Maria: :T .......
...... This is getting awkward.....

Beeeeepppp intensifies because of awkwardness!!!!!

Modoro: Stop this Awkwardness!! *pops out of nowhere*

(R) All: Ummm.... 😐😓

(M) All: Okay.. 😓

Modoro: Cool....

Maria: Umm.... Anyways, what time is it..?

(M) Sand: It's-

Maria: Don't say Hammer Time, San..!

(M) Sand: Fine.... *looks at his watch/ a traditional watch* Uhh... It's four, dude.

(I can make the time go, whenever I want..... Also the 9 don't have Elemental power watches like the 7, just telling)

Maria: Okay, where's Rra? I thought-

Knock knock knock

Maria: Finally, that must be her. *opens the door*

Rra: Hi. *waves*

Maria: Finally. Okay. Now, do you 12 really have any idea on why you're all here?

(R) All: No..?

Maria: Well, it's because. I dared you all....... To stay with my 16.

For 3 days. And 2 nights.

(R) All: Wait what!?

(You can already tell this will be super long. ._.)

Maria: Don't worry though. They're pretty chill.

Neo: Yee.

Maria: Wait..... I just remembered.... Quake remember Blaze talking about movie night..?

(M) Quake: Uhh..... Oh yeah.

~Le flashback~

Blaze: Quake!

Quake: Huh? What is it Blaze..?

Blaze: Can we do movie night next week?

Quake: Umm. Let me check. *checks his notebook schedule* Uhhh. Yeah. We're free for the few days next week.

Blaze: Awesome! Now... Umm.. what movies do we watch..?

Cyclone: What about Home Alone?

Blaze: The first one?

Cyclone: Yeah.

Quake: That's good. *writes it down* And.... Another one?

Blaze: Oo! What about a scary movie?

Thorn: S-scawy?

Blaze: Yeah. One surprise for the night.

Quake: okay? .... I can consider it. *writes it down too* Okay, next week we will watch... Home Alone 1. And the scary surprise. Agreed?

The other 6: Agreed.

~End of le flashback~

(M) Sand: I don't remember that.

(M) Cloud: *already awake* Do you not remember? The 5 of us were having a trip. Plus the other 4 were busy.

(M) Sand: Oh yeah...

(M) Blaze: Aww, I wanted movie night. *pouts*

(R) Cyclone: Why don't we watch with you?

(M) Quake: That's a good idea. We usually don't have guests when we watch some movies in movie night. But, we can definitely have some more people watching.

Rra: Great. That sounds amazing.

Neo: Yee. Oh, I'll go and get chips. *dashes off*

Maria: Huh!? Neo wait up dude! *follows*

Bark! Bark!

(R) Solar: Huh? .. Hm.... Do you guys have any chance, pets?

(M) Sand: Umm, yeah. Three actually.

Shadow: *whistles* Come here doggos.

Moments later, 2 doggies came out of the kitchen

(R) Cyclone: *le gasp* It's a Labrador retriever.

(M) Blaze: Yep, his name's White. He's technically Ice's dog. But he's also my doggo.

(M) Ice: *on the floor* Yeah. *lies on his back*

White the Labrador Doggo: *lied down next to my Ice, head on the floor, eyes closed*

(R) Blaze: What about that other dog?

Shadow: Him? His name's Shade. He's Silver's and my dog. He's a black german shepherd.

Shade the GS. Doggo: *Bark!*

Telepathy: *cough* Oh.. umm.

(R) Sand: Wait... You said three!

Telepathy: Yes, yes. Umm, Cloud? Can you? I cannot.

(M) Cloud: *nods, makes bird like calls*

(R) All: ..? *looks at each other*

(R) Thunder: *in his mind: How did he make that noise?*

In moments, a bird with colorful eye-catching colors, flew by and around, and sat on my Cloud's head

Telepathy: She is my bird. Gifted by a friend.

(R) Quake: Umm, what's it's name?

Telepathy: Well, we did not think of a name.. just yet. But we call her, "birdie". For simplicity.

(M) Solar: It's also because it was very simple for Thorn to remember.

(M) Thorn: Hehe.

(R) Blaze: Why don't we get pets?

(R) Thunder: Maybe because you don't treat them well. *crosses arms*

(R) Blaze: *pouts*

(M) Cloud: It is fine though. *strokes the bird's back* They are all your decisions.

(M) Sand: Yeah.

(M & R) Ice: *on the couch, nearing sleep*

(M) Quake: Hmm... Still have questions though.

(R) Quake: About what?

(M) Quake: Just all of you. You're different to us.

(R) Solar: Of course we are. We are unique.

(M) Solar: Yeah, we all know everyone is unique in someway.. well.... Before-


Maria: Surprise!!! We got dem Doritos and Chips!!

All except Maria: ._. •w•


Neo: Yee. *has a milk carton* I like milk.

Modoro: Of course you do. ._.


(Okay, time skip here.

So, I lost one of the notebooks that connect to this story.

And so..! I had to improvise on this part.)

It was almost time to watch some movies. -w-

Some were sitting on the couch, most were on the floor

(Because the couch can only fit up to 7 people. ._.)

Okay, this is a compilation of reactions

Home Alone 1


When the family started packing

(M) Quake: Heh, us.

(R) Quake: Same. *chuckles*

The others: Heh./ Yeah./ Mhm.


While Kevin was washing up

(M) Quake: At least he washed up. -3-


When he put that lotion (?) stuff on his face, and he screamed

(M & R) Blaze: Pffft, Ahahahahaha!

(M & R) Cyclone: *had the same reaction*


(Okay... So umm.. there's literally a lot of screaming and traps.. for the baddies... So I'll go to those parts)

When the bald headed thief got hit in the crotch with a BB gun

(R) Sand: Oh! Right in there!

Maria:. ._. *in her mind: Brain.. stop thinking about that, you dumba##.*

(M) Sand: That definitely hit him.. right there.

Maria: *inhale, sigh* .....

When Kevin, the main kid protagonist, put a tarantula on his face

Thief one: aaaaAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!

(M) Blaze: Oh pffffffttt!!

(R) Blaze: Lol!!

(M) Sand: That's Dark! Lololololol!

(M) Dark: Hey..! *hits my Sand*

(M) Sand: Oof..!

(*Roblox noise* Oof~)

( ..... )

(M) Blaze: Heh. Time for the surprise movie.

(I don't know which specific movie.... But let's assume it's a scary one..

And I might explain the movie I made up in a chapter.

(So let's skip this part, and the reactions will be in another one..)

Modoro: Hmm... *checks the time* Still good enough for one more movie.

(M) Cyclone: What do ya wanna watch?

(R) Quake: Why ask us?

(M) Blaze: Well, we'd thought we'd let you choose one more... Because, at least Quake didn't explain about the 3rd movie we thought of. *scratches his head*

(R) Dark: Which one..?

(M) Dark: The Room.... It may sound innocent. But it's not...

(It really is.. ._.  ..... But that's where the "Oh hey Mark" meme, came from...)

Rra: What about Jumanji then?

(M) Quake: Sounds good enough.



When a stampede came in

(R) Sand: Oh heck!

(M) Quake and Thorn: o-o


I'm lazy as heck. And since I lost my book.

I don't wanna write their reactions anymore.

So you need to think on how they reacted

Umm.. yeah)

Skip it!!!


End of movie night. Yeay.... But not for the entire night

(M) Ice: Finally, time to sleep.

Rra: Now hold on a second there, Icy. They haven't come yet.

(M) Thorn: Them..?

(R) Thorn: Who?

Maria: Well, Rra brought with her. Her 3 OCs.

(You already know if you'd read her Danganronpa)

Rra: Yeah.

Knock knock knock

Modoro: And that. Must be them. *opened the door*

?????: Hi! ^^

??????: Hello.

Silver: Who are they?

Rra: They're, Imaji, and Chrome.

Imaji: Hi.

Chrome: Hello, again..

Maria: Okay, do you two have any idea on what's gonna happen?

Imaji and Chrome: No.

Maria: Well, you'll be sleeping here for a day or two. 'Cause I kinda dared ya. *shrugs*

Chrome: Okay?

Maria: And this is what we'll do. The 12, will sleep with each other.

Rra: Quake with Quake, Thunder with Thundy. And so on.

(R) Thunder: -_- .....

Shadow: How 'bout us 4 and them? And you 3

Rra: You two, Imaji. Chrome. Will sleep in Shadow's room. Shadow will sleep with Silver.

Imaji: Okay?

Maria: Rra will sleep with the Thorns. I'll sleep with Neo, and Moro/Modoro will sleep with Telepathy.

(Rra said she was okay with it)

Rra: Okay?

(M & R) All: Okay.

(M) Emerald: Huh? *looks through the window, to the moon, then his hands* Ummm.. guys?

(M) All except Emy: Huh?

(M) Emerald: How long has it been since.... "That little incident" ..?

(M) Magnet: Uhh... 3 months- wait..... Oh no... Telepathy, we need to go!

(R) Dark: Huh? What's wrong?

Telepathy: Oh... Umm.... Condrap!! *smacks the ground*

The 8 disappeared, but it left, a single strand of hair

Neo: Huh..? Wait... *picks up the hair strand*

(R) Quake: What's wrong?

Neo: *holds the strand infront of the moonlight*

The hair turned plain white

Neo: .... Oh crad..

(M) Quake: Please don't tell me it's full moon tonight.

(R) Dark: It is... Why?

(M) The 7, including Neo: Oh no....

To Be Continued~



*inhales* Hoo!

It took months to finish!!

From frickin February!!

Nine!! Frickin! Months!!

*couldn't believe it... lies down*

Hoe! Fudge!

I finished the first part, Rra.

And umm... For the second and third part... Or maybe the fourth..

There are super spoilers...

With new OCs, new stuff, and new stuff for my fav. Cloudy

(M) Cloud: :3

And I don't know what to do with it... So umm..

.... Yeah..

6000+ words.

That's how long it is...

If it wasn't cut short! It would of been +10000 words. °-°


See y'all!!!

(?????: Hehehehe..)

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