It Was Okay

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Curious sea-green eyes peered at a man with identical ones. The baby had woke up when he felt a man lift him from his comfortable... thing.

Usually, the baby cried. He would yell. A nice woman would run to him, one that always fed him and took care of him. He felt attached to her, which was the only reason why he let her hold him.

He felt the same way with this man. He felt... at peace.

After glancing at the man, the baby just stuck his thumb in his mouth and sucked. The comfortable man chuckled at this. "Perseus..." The baby paused his sucking. Only the nice woman said that. Or to him, Qfstfvt.

The man tickled his feet. "Cutie." Perseus giggled, squirming in the man's arms. "My brother is an idiot," the man grumbled, pausing his ticking.

The baby cocked his head. Poseidon continued. "He says that I can't 'interact' with any children. As if that stopped him." Poseidon looked down at his son who started whimpering. "Hush, child." Poseidon resumed tickling his belly, making Perseus giggle again.

"I'm sorry you can't understand now," Poseidon sighed. "I'm afraid you won't be able to see me much after this. I have to go soon." Perseus began to whimper softly. He heard the nice woman say this right before she closed the big board.

Poseidon looked at his son with love. He cradled the small boy in his arms. The baby began soothing down.

Perseus looked at the giant stick next to this man. He grabbed it and began sucking that. Poseidon chuckled at this. "No, Perseus. That's Daddy's."

Perseus paused at his sucking to look at the man. The nice woman said something like that before she took it away. Perseus selfishly held the trident.

Poseidon smiled. Using water, he made a little toy trident that would disappear when Sally came. He gave it to Perseus, who, for his part, let go of the "big stick" immediately, grabbing the little toy.

Perseus sucked for a little before feeling sleepy. He sighed and snuggled into the comfortable man's arms.

Once Poseidon was sure the boy was asleep, he let him down in the crib.

Poseidon kissed the boy's forehead, making the boy sigh softly again.

"I love you." The man said, disappearing.


Poseidon smiled at his son. He had grown so much in twelve years. He knew that his Perseus would probably be very distant with him.

But that was okay. His baby was alive.

Perseus probably didn't remember that night.

But that was okay.

Poseidon still loved his son.

So it was okay.

Hush now, child. I will hold you through the rest of your days...

It was okay.

It was okay.

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