Chapter 3. Do not falter, my son.

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It's a beautiful day outside. Our dear adventurers are peacefully sleeping. Bell on the couch and Y/N in the bed. Where's Hestia you may wonder?

Well, the small goddess is also sleeping in the bed alongside Y/N. She's on top of him, hugging the poor boy as if he could dissappear at any given moment.

Slowly, he opens his eyes just to find the usual clingy girl in his bed. The young adventurer glanced at the couch to see his new partner sleeping.

Y/N managed to get Hestia's arms off of him and pushed her slightly to the side. She didn't wake up, miracously.

After that, Y/N stood up and walked towards Bell. He shook him lightly, waking him up.

Y/N:"C'mon, get up. Time to go to work."

Bell:*Yawns* "A little longer?"


Bell:"Fine, fine."

Bell stood up and yawned once again. They washed their teeth and looked for their equipment. In the meantime, Y/N watched his file that Hestia did yesterday for him. After all, he's level 7 now.









Mind Sharp as Knives.
Critical strike.
Artemis gift.

"Getting stronger. But what is this 'Artemis' stuff?" He thought.

Bell:"Man, check this out. Level 2 already!"

Y/N grabbed his file and rode it.








Y/N:"Your Strength and Agility are increasing. Nicely done."

Bell:"Eina told me to focus on that since you're going for Luck. That way we can spread out our skills."

Y/N:"Exactly. We should listen to her."

Bell:"I still think I should increase my luck tho..."

Y/N:"As long as we're together, my luck will still affect the stones we get. There's no point."

Bell:"If you put it that way..."

Y/N:"Now let's leave. I do not want to awake our goddess."


Very slowly, the two went out of their hideout and out of the church, into the ruinous part of Orario. After taking a huge breath of air, they marched towards the city.

Bell:"I'm eager for today! We should be able to last for longer!"

Y/N:"Indeed. With your newfound strength we can be in Floor 2 with no trouble."

Bell:"Perhaps Floor 3? I'll be good I promise!"

Y/N:"Only if I see your ready."

Bell:*Sigh* "Okay..."

They reached the actual city. The duo were headed to the Hostess of Fertility to pick their meals. In their way, Y/N wondered what his new skill could be.

As soon as they reached the tabern Ryuu and Syr were waiting for them with two bentos. They approached the duo and gave the bentos to them.

Ryuu:"Straight to Babel?"

Y/N:"You know me."

Ryuu:"Good luck in your adventure then."

Y/N:"Thank you. Good luck to you know what comes now right?"

Ryuu:"Yeah yeah, love you too now aaamove it!"


He nodded to Syr and left with Bell who seemed to be in a better mood after talking with her. Syr approached Ryuu and smirked.

Syr:"Are you sure you two aren't a thing?"

Ryuu:"I have a dagger and I know how to use it."

Syr:"I'll get back to work."

Syr retreated, leaving Ryuu alone in the street. She watched Y/N leave with a small smile in her face.

Back with our heroes the two were walking towards Babel while reading the adventurer guide.

Bell:"Floor 3: The sunken caverns. Enemies that appear are the following: Kobolds, Skeletons and Murlocs. What's a murloc?"

Y/N:"Fish goblin."

Bell:"Sounds ugly and dumb."

Y/N:"They are."

Bell:"Perhaps we should get something fire-related, right? It seems Floor 4 and 5 also has creatures weak to fire."

Y/N:"I'll try to find a way to make magic resin. Or we could learn magic. Magic weapons are out of the question. We barely make enough money for our daily necessities."

Bell:"Yeah, we spend too much money in the Hostess of Fertility. You're an Alchemist right? You should know how to cook."

Y/N:"I 'cook' potions not actual food. I'll see what I can do tho..."


Y/N:"You should do something aswell. I dunno, try Blacksmithing or try to plant something. Actually, why don't you try to cook for us?"

Bell:"I barely know some recipies..."

Y/N:"That's better than nothing! Anyways, here we are."

The duo reached Babel. They walked down the stairs. Y/N glanced at the elevator Aiz usually takes but she wasn't there.

When they reached the big gates for Floor 1 they were surprised to see them already open. Without further ado they adventure themselves into the depths.

The first red zones were already taken by godless adventurers. They can also see a couple of adventurers fighting each other for the safest zones. Both decided to do the same as yesterday, ignore them and keep going deeper.

There was not many creatures around which forced both to look for Floor 2 entrance straight away.

As soon as they did the duo went down without fighting a single monster. Yet.

Y/N:"How strange... Floor 1 was almost clean of monsters."

Bell:"Perhaps other adventurers killed them before hand?"

Y/N:"Could be but they respawn very quickly. Meh, whatever. Let's hope Floor 2 has more monsters."


When they arrived it was mostly the same. They did encounter some shadows and some kobolds but other than that, empty.

The duo was starting to get nervous. After all, the only reason for Babel to not create more monsters is either they are still alive and most likely grouping up or a powerful monster is nearby.

Bell:"Should we hit for Floor 3? We ain't doing much here. If we stay..."

Y/N:"'ll be a waste of time, I know." *Sigh* "Okay, let's search for the entrance."

Bell:"Lead the way."

Y/N nodded and walked around in search for the stairs to Floor 3. He was still trying to figure out why the lack of monsters. It was truly weird.

They were about to reach the stairs until Y/N felt something was wrong. Behind them, a group of kobolds were about to fire arrows at them.


Bell dived to the ground, not knowing what's going to hit them. Y/N ducked avoiding the arrows. He grabbed some of his own and launched them at the kobolds, killing two.

Behind them were many kobolds, charging at the duo.

Bell:"Too many!"

Y/N:"Let's go back! They can't go through Floors!"

Bell nodded and started sprinting with Y/N following him. As soon as they reached the stairs the kobolds turned around and left, leaving the two behind.

Bell:"Phew, that was close."

Y/N:"They waited until we were here... they wanted to push us into Floor 3. Why?"

Bell:"We don't have much of a choice now. Let's go down."

Y/N nodded and went down the stairs along the with Bell.

They appeared in a similar cave as Floor 1. The difference is the crystals all around it, along with the occasional drop of water coming from the ceiling as if it was truly sunken deep underwater.

But still no monsters. In fact, it has never been so empy since they entered Babel. Y/N now realises something is wrong. Very wrong.

The duo was silent, focusing on trying to spot at least, one monster to kill. So far they haven't made much money. They were going to find one soon enough.

Y/N started to hear footsteps. Very big footsteps. Something was approaching them.

Bell:"T-That can't be a kobold..."

He grabbed the adventurer guide and looked at the bestiary.

Bell:"There's not a single mention of a rare monster appearing here, what the hell is that thing?!"

Y/N ignored his partner and tried to pinpoint the location of the monster. Due to them being in a cave, the sound of the footsteps echoed around, making it harder to locate. He does know however, it is approaching

Y/N:"From our right. It's coming from our right!"

The two turned around and grabbed their weapons, waiting for the monster to appear. And when it did... they would've liked way more if it didn't.

A minotaur.

Bell:"T-That thing-"

Y/N:"-comes from Floor 15, I know!"

Bell:"What level should we be in order to fight this thing?!"


Bell:"We are doomed!"

Y/N:"Keep running, we should be faster!"

Bell nodded and started running away from the creature with Y/N on his tail. The minotaur wasn't gonna let them get away tho. It chased them.

Suddenly, the Adventurer Guide started to shine in a deep blue.

Y/N:"The layout it's changing now of all times?!"

Bell:"Thank you Babel, exactly what we needed!"

They made a turn and saw the entrance to another Floor. Bell smiled in happiness but Y/N knew better. He grabbed Bell's hand and went elswhere.

Bell:"What are you doing?! We could've fled!"

Y/N:"Idiot! This creature comes from Floor 15! How do you think it came down here by teleporting?!"

Bell realised what he meant and thanked god for his partner's Sharpness. Fleeing from a monster and fighting in a Floor they're not used to could be their downfall. Not that it was now better for them, the minatour was slowly catching up.

But their luck was about to get worse. After making one last turn they were faced with a dead end.

Bell:"N-No way..."

Y/N sighed and grabbed his bow, knowing there's no choice. Bell touched the wall blocking their path in disbelief, not believing what just happened.


Y/N:"Okay Bell, this is what we're going to do."

The white haired boy turned at his friend, looking at him straight to the eyes.

Y/N:"From the two I'm the higher level which means I can keep him occupied. You're gonna start running towards him. As soon as he does I'm gonna launch as many arrows as I can. Get out of here."

Bell:"I'm not gonna abandon you!"

Y/N:"There's no choice. We can't win this battle Bell."

Bell:"I don't care! I'm not leaving you behind!"

Y/N:"You want both of us to die and leave our goddess alone?! We made a promise. I won't be able to keep it but you can. Don't be a fool."

Bell closed his eyes and looked at the ground. He shook his head. For a second, Y/N sworn he saw blue energy coming from Bell's arm. As soon as it appeared it dissappeared.

Bell:"I'll look for help. I'm sure someone has to be around. Don't die."

Y/N sighed and smiled.

Y/N:"I'll do my best."

The minotaur finally made the turn, finding the two adventurers. When it saw them cornered it smirked, slowly approaching them.


Bell started running towards the monster. As soon as the minotaur was about to kick Bell, Y/N used his ability to launch one green arrow at the minotaur's head. It didn't saw it coming, the arrow hitting it's forehead.

The minotaur was stunned long enough for Bell to flee the scene. When it recovered the minotaur was enraged. It charged at Y/N.

???:"No matter what...

As soon as it was close Y/N tried to slide underneath the monster. The minotaur was faster tho and managed to grab Y/N, putting enough to pressure to break a rib. He quickly grabbed his sword and stabbed the monster, freeing himself and now standing on his arm. The boy tried to ignore the pain as much as he could.

The creature tried to punch Y/N. Using his ability, time slow down enough for him to make a backflip, grab his bow and launch two arrows.

Sadly, time was resumed quick enough for the minotaur to tank the arrows and redirect his punch towards Y/N. The adventurer widened his eyes and got ready for impact.

???:"Do not falter."

Small green energy appeared on Y/N's right arm, guiding him to grab his sword and parry the punch. He was sent flying towards the wall, crashing there. The sword fell next to the minotaur who grabbed it like a knife.

It slowly approached Y/N, toying with his weapon, mocking the adventurer. Y/N had blood running down his forehead and was about to pass out. The boy stood up and grabbed his bow, ready to throw another barrage of arrows.

He used his critical strike ability. It was shining in a deep green. So much it was iluminating the place around. Even the minotaur decided to stop walking and get ready to block, unnerved by the sudden energy.

???:"Focus your breathing... aim at a small target... and release my wrath."

Y/N nodded and released the arrow. The projectile traveled extremely fast, hitting the monster right in the eye. It was not powerful enough to kill it but it damaged it enough to force the minotaur on it's knees.

???:"Leave the rest to her."

The minotaur tried to stand up but suddenly it got sliced in half. The monster erupted into ashes, a big stone falling to the ground. Before pasing out, Y/N managed to see a femenine figure right in front of him with golden hair.

"You did it, Bell." he thought. Then, he passed out.

Timeskip brought to us by Y/N sleeping in a peacefull forest.

Y/N's saviour, Aiz, managed to reach in time and killed the minotaur. All thanks to Bell who guided the girl through the dungeon. Then, Bell carried Y/N out of Babel while Aiz escorted them towards their home. Hestia was worried sick when she saw Y/N bleeding on Bell's lap. She was so worried she even let Ais stay with them

As for the boy he's laying on their bed, his head on Aiz's lap. Bell and Hestia went outside to look for a healer or something to heal Y/N.

Aiz is looking at his face. He was peacefully sleeping. Even with bandages around his torso and forehead he seems calm and happy.

Many thoughts came to her head. How could he damage an enemy much higher level than him? What was that green energy she managed to see? How is he so cute?

She had no answers for any of those questions. Yet, one thing she's sure of. This boy truly interests her. Aiz wanna know more of him.

The boy slowly opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was Aiz's face, looking down at him.

Aiz:"Greetings Y/N. Are you okay?"

Y/N:"Am I... in heaven?"

Aiz:"No. Why would you say that?"

Y/N:"You look... like an angel."

Aiz:*Blushes* "M-My thanks but no, you're alive. After your fight with the minotaur I managed to save you. You're back home."

Y/N blinked a couple of times, realising what he just did. He wasn't dreaming. This is real life.

The boy blushed and look elswhere.

Y/N:"O-Oh... w-why are you here?"

Aiz:"I'm checking on you while your goddess and your partner finds help."

Y/N:"That's not what I meant."

Aiz:"The minotaur was my fault. I screwed up and let it escape. My apologies."

Y/N:"You don't have to apologise!" *Sats up* "You saved my life, why would you-OW!"

Aiz:"Be careful. You're wounded."

She placed her hands on his shoulders and pushed him back to her lap. This embarrassed Y/N but did not argue. After all, he was comfortable there...

Y/N:"I-In any case, you saved me and my friend. No need to apologise."

Aiz:"There would've been no need to save you if I didn't fail at slaying the monster when I could."

Y/N:"Even the best of the best can sometimes make mistakes. We're all humans after all. Yet, you managed to quickly repair the damage done. So it's okay. I'm just happy you came."

Aiz widened her eyes. Her heart skipped a beat. She nodded and blushed a little.

Y/N:"I-I mean, if you didn't I would've died and... you'd like to do while we wait or..."

Aiz:"Why don't you tell me about your potions? Bell told me you're an alchemist."

Y/N:"Before that, can I ask you something?"

Aiz:"Of course."

Y/N:"Ever since I became an adventurer you've been giving me advice. You helped me a lot. Why? You barely know me."

Aiz:"I thought we were friends?"

Y/N:"No, no, no! We are! Don't get me wrong! It's just... I thought you would rather be with your group?"

Aiz:"They are my friends too. You are my friend. I wanna be with all my friends. But, if we barely know each other we can start doing so."

Y/N:"Okay. Where do we begin?"

Aiz:"Didn't I told you? Your potions."

Y/N:*Sigh* "Gonna be a long one..."

Meanwhile, Bell and Hestia were running towards the Hostess of Fertility. They didn't know where or how to heal his wounds so they were gonna ask someone with experience.

Hestia was on Bell's shoulders, punching his head all the time. Small tears were on her eyes.

Hestia:"Idiots! Imbeciles! Fools! Buffons! How dare you do this to me?!"

Bell:"We are deeply sorry goddess! We did not know that creature was there!"

Hestia:"Silence you dumbass, from the two you are the dumbest! From all the adventurers in the world it had to be that Aiz Whatsoever?!"

Bell:"My goddess, who cares?! I had to help Y/N!"

Hestia:"Moron! I'm gonna punish you both once we're home!"

Bell:"But goddess-'

Hestia:"Silence you- look! The tabern! Quick, we must save my dear Y/N!"

Bell barged inside the tabern, startling Mia Grand, Ryuu and Syr that were chatting with one another. The young adventurer tripped and fell. Hestia rolled on the ground and quickly stood up, grabbing Mia Grand's hands.

Hestia:"Mia, we need help! Y/N it's dying!"

Ryuu widened her eyes, a look of horror in her eyes. She got extremely nervous and scared. The elf approached Hestia and grabbed her hands.

Ryuu:"What happened?! Where is he?!"

Bell:"Alright calm down everyone! He's wounded but he ain't dying!"

Ryuu:"Where is he?!"

Mia Grand:"SILENCE!"

Everyone kept their mouth closed.

Mia Grand:"Where's the boy."

Bell:"B-Back at home."

Mia Grand:"What happened."

Bell:"A minotaur from Floor 15 appeared and tried to kill us. He told me to flee. Instead, I went to look for help. I founded Aiz Wallenstein. When we arrived, she took care of the monster but Y/N was badly wounded. He got a cut on his forehead and a couple of ribs broken."

Mia Grand:"Ryuu, go with them and use your elf magic to heal him. It shouldn't be too hard to heal."

Ryuu:"You fools... you scared me to death."

Hestia:"Tell that my stupid childs! I thought I was gonna lose my beloved Y/N!"

Bell:"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Ryuu:*Sigh* "Guide me."

Bell nodded and walked outside alongside Ryuu and Hestia. The two females were angry not just at him but at Y/N too. Yet, the elf was relieved. When she heard those words from Hestia she almost got a heart attack.

"Not again..." Ryuu thought.

Back with Y/N and Aiz, the two were chatting. Y/N told her about his potions and how he decided to become an alchemist.

The boy was already sitting on the bed. He felt a little better. Aiz was leaning on the wall, listening to his story. She had a smile. Somehow, just listening to him was all she wanted right there.

Y/N:"-and that's basicly all. The only reason I became an adventurer was to use my skills for something... and to please my mother."

Aiz:"You said you do not remember much about her, right?"

Y/N:"Yeah. I was too small when I lost her. What I know, however, is the many stories she told me about adventurers. I always wanted to be one."

Aiz:"I'm sure your mother would be proud. Not many people can say they fought a minotaur without any problem."

Y/N:"Tell me Aiz, I heard something about you and I wanted to know if it's true."

Aiz:"I'm all ears."

Y/N:"Is it true you managed to level 10 times from a single creature?"

Aiz:"It is. From 40 to 50."

Y/N:"When did that happen?!"

Aiz:"Remember when we met? The next day, I went into a dragon's lair without knowing. Our group got ambushed by it."

Y/N:"You defeated the dragon?"

Aiz:"Yes. I had to save everyone so I bravely fought against it."

Y/N:"But 10 levels... that dragon truly gave you a lot of Knowledge points."

Aiz:"No. It was all me."

Y/N:"What do you mean?"

Aiz:"I wanted to save my group. I wasn't thinking in the rewards, nor the adventure, nor on my level. I only wanted to get out of there with my friends."

Y/N:"So... that's what matters? Wanting to save someone makes us stronger?"

Aiz:"Part of it. I knew the dragon was stronger than us. I knew there was many chances of us dying. But I didn't care. I had to save everyone. You understand now?"

Y/N:"I think I do..."

Aiz:"You don't have to follow my steps to get stronger. But, if you ever reach a point where it's do or die, ignore your fears and fight."

The adventurer nodded, thinking about what happened with the minotaur. That was exactly what he did but he did not win. Would that count?

Aiz:"We're canceling the rookie run."

Y/N:"H-Huh? Why?"

Aiz:"I'll rather train you personally. You said you wanted to get to know us better, right? Then we will train."

Y/N:"And Bell?"

Aiz:"Don't tell him any of this. Yet. He still needs to get stronger on his own. Then I will train him too."

Y/N:"Thank you Aiz. Really. You're a life saver. Literally."

Aiz:"It's nothing. Just helping a friend. That's all."

Both looked at each other, not saying a word. An idea popped in her head.

Aiz:"So Y/N would you like to co-"

Hestia:"Y/N! WE'RE HERE!"

The goddess went down the stairs, interrupting what Aiz was gonna say. As soon as she appeared the girl dived towards Y/N hugging him. The poor adventurer shouted in pain since the girl crushed on his ribs.

Bell:"Goddess! You're hurting him!"

Bell came in second place, quickly running to get Hestia out of Y/N. Aiz simply watched in curiosity.

Ryuu came last, worried for Y/N and annoyed at Hestia. Thankfully, Bell already had Hestia restrained. The elf slowly walked towards Y/N who is currently laying on the bed, hurt.

She sat next to him and lifted his shirt and then removed his bandages, seeing the severity of his wounds. Ryuu sighed, staring at Y/N with sadness.

Ryuu:"Was there really no other choice? You had to get so badly damaged?"

Y/N:"T-There was. Yet I would've never took it. Bell could've gotten hurt. Or worse."

Ryuu simply nodded and placed her hands on his wounds, casting a spell. Green light appeared on her hands. It was soothing. All the bruises and wounds dissappear, the ribs repaired.

Ryuu:"That's the best I can do. The pain won't go away but at least you can walk now. Hestia, come over here. Let's check his stats after this."

Hestia nodded and got fred from Bell's grab. She walked towards Y/N who was laying on the bed face first. The goddess sat on his back and checked his status.

Hestia:"You probably leveled up after that fight. Where should I put the points on?"

Y/N:"Luck, Agility and Resiliance please."

Hestia nodded and did as told, presing a paper on his back to copy the results.










Mind Sharp as Knives.
Critical strike.
Artemis gift.
Rapid Growth.

Hestia:"New skill."

Aiz:"A good one. Rapid Growth. You can get Knowledge points faster."

Ryuu:"3 levels in one go... I'm proud of you."


Bell:"I-If Y/N's skills are this high what are yours Miss Aiz?"

Aiz:"Higher. Much, much higher."

Both Y/N and Bell gulped, knowing Aiz could beat everyone's ass if she so wanted.

Aiz:"I must return now. My family should be worried for me. Will you accept my proposition Y/N?"



The blond girl smiled and nodded, leaving the room. Furious, Hestia tackled Y/N and started punching his stomach non-stop.

Hestia:"You cheater! Cheater, cheater, cheater!"

Y/N:"What do you mean?! I didn't do anything!"

Bell and Ryuu sighed and watched the two.

Timeskip brought to us by a femenine figure, watching Bell and Y/N through a crystal ball, smirking.

The Loki family had a visit today. One that was very unexpected for said goddess.

Loki and this goddess were in Loki's manor, sitting in a couch. While Loki drank dwarven ale the other goddess, Freya, had tea.

Alongside Loki was one of her childs. Riveria.

The elf was here to accompany Loki while Aiz was gone yet she wasn't truly paying attention to the conversation they had.

Loki:"I'm sure you didn't gift me a drink just to chat about our life, am I right? What do you want?"

Freya:"I'm looking for info on two adventurers."

Loki:"More targets for the goddess of sex?"

Freya:*Giggles* "You could say so. Let's begin. Bell Cranel."

Loki:"No idea who he is. Riveria?"

Riveria:"I do. He's with goddess Hestia. The kid appeared and took Aiz with him. Something about a wounded adventurer."

Loki:"Well there you have it. Why the interest on him? Hestia recently founded her family. He's merely a rookie."

Freya:"That do not matter. He's... special. And very, very handsome."

Loki:"Yeah yeah I know you're a perv. Who's the other unlucky adventurer?"


The mood in the room imediately changed. Riveria widened her eyes and glanced at Loki. She had her eyes partially open, glaring daggers at Freya. The elf has never seen her like that.

Loki:"You better stay away from him."

Freya:"I see the name does ring some bells."

Loki:"Riveria. Wait outside."

Riveria:"Mistress Loki, are you-"

Loki:"Do as I say."

Riveria stood up and exited the room, intimidated and unnerved by what just happened. Curiousity got the better of her. She placed her ears on the door and listened to their conversation.

Freya:"I wonder, how does it feel Loki? The last thing remaining from your friends is their child. Yet you can't say anything to them."

Loki:"My brother knew what could happen by marrying a goddess from a different culture. He had it coming. Even then, Y/N has nothing to do with this. Leave. Him. Alone."

Freya:*Chuckle* "I would've never picture you like an overprotective aunt."

Loki:"You know nothing about me." *Stands up* "This conversation is over."

Freya:"Tell me. For how longer can you keep him away from me?"

Loki:"Out of my house."

Freya:"Very well. But just remember..."

She got close to Loki and whispered in her ears:

Freya:"Sooner or later, I always get what I want."

After saying those words she walked towards the door, moment Riveria stood aside to not get caught. When Freya took a step outside she glanced at the elf with a smile.

Freya:"Good day."

Riveria:"T-To you aswell, goddess Freya."

The goddess walked towards the exit on her own. Riveria entered the room once again and approached Loki.

Riveria:"Miss Loki, is everything alright?"

Loki looked at Riveria and smirked.

Loki:"Of course it is! But, it you give me those big, bouncy boo-"

Riveria:"Not happening."

Loki:"In that case help me remember me something. Hephesto owes us, am I correct?"

Riveria:"Yes. She still owe us a couple of things."


Time to make her a visit.

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