Chapter 4. One tough trainer.

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The next day, Y/N was fully recovered. Bell and Y/N agreed on having a free day to rest. Besides, Bell did went on his own and managed to hit level 4.

But Y/N was having none of that. He wasn't gonna go to Babel but at the very least he would go shopping.

Y/N grabbed some spare Valis he had and was about to leave until a hand grabbed his shoulder.

Bell:"Hey. You're wounded. Where are you going?"

Y/N:"I'm not going to Babel. Imma go hit the town."

Bell:*Sigh* "Wait. I'll get dressed and accompany you. But you have to get breakfast with us. Don't you think Hestia would be sad if we leave her alone again?"

He was right. They can't do that again. The young adventurer sat on their couch and sighed, watching Bell go to their cooking station. He was making croquettes for everyone.

Y/N:"Thought you didn't know how to cook."

Bell:"I said I only knew a couple of recipies not that I couldn't."

Y/N:"Fair enough. So, where are you from Bell? We don't know much about you."

Bell:"I come from the outside world. I lived in the mountains along with my grandpa. He used to be an adventurer like me."

Y/N:"Until he took an arrow to the knee?"


Y/N:"Nothing, I heard that from the guards of Orario lately. You were saying?"

Bell:" I was saying, he was an adventurer. He told me many times stories about other adventurers. Reason why I wanted to be one and most importatly, find a girl in a dungeon, save her and then marry her!"

Y/N:"A noble cause. I guess."

Bell:*Giggles* "Childish, I know. But that's my dream and I intent to pursue it until my last breath."

Y/N:"That's great."

Bell:"Now that we have more privacy... I wanted to thank you."


Bell:"Yesterday. For saving me. I will not forget that. Next time, I promise I won't run away. I'll be there to fight with you."

Y/N:"Next time let's look for a more even fight."


Both adventurers smiled and kept silent until Hestia woke up. She rubbed her eyes and looked at her surroundings. Bell was cooking and Y/N was sitting in the couch, staring at the ceiling.

Hestia:"Good morning my precious childs!"

Bell:"Good morning goddess."

Y/N:"Good morning Hestia. Slept well?"

Hestia:"Mhm! How are you feeling? Did the pain went away?"

Y/N:"My chest is a little sore, that's all. I feel nice tho."

Hestia:"That's good. Do you have plans for today?"

Y/N:"I was thinking of going shopping. Buying some materials for my potions. Better equipment if possible. I will meet up with Aiz later on."

Hestia:"Don't remind me of that damn girl..."

Y/N:"Why you hate her so much?"

Hestia:"Because she's trying to get in between you and I! That-that fool! I'm gonna have to teach her some of this!"

Hestia stood up on the bed and started throwing hooks like a boxer, making both Bell and Y/N laugh.

Hestia:"W-What are you two gonna do anyways?"

Y/N:"No idea."

Bell:"Man you're lucky, I wish that were me."

Hestia:"Not you too!"

Bell:*Shrugs* "Can't blame me. She's cool."

Bell was over cooking. The boy divided the croquettes and placed them in three dishes. Then, he sat with Y/N. Hestia quickly sat in mid of the two and started eating. Y/N and Bell followed her soon after.

The three were happily enjoying the food with their friends and family members. This day began in a good way.

It was time for Y/N to leave. Bell decided to accompany him just in case the pain appears once again. In the meantime, Hestia decided to go see a friend of hers. Miche.

The two adventurers were walking around town, seeing the different weapon and armor stores. Sadly, all of them were too expensive for the duo. As for materials and potions they did find some. They had no choice but end their search.

Both were sitting on a fountain, looking at the sky. They sighed in unison, not knowing what to do.

Bell:"What are we gonna do now? We don't make enough money to buy that gear..."

Y/N:"Let's call it a day."

Bell:"Hey, shouldn't you go with Aiz? When are you two meeting up?"

Y/N:"Aiz told me during night time. That's when she has free time."

Bell:"And when were you planning on resting eh?"

Y/N:"Are you my mom now?"

Bell:"No but I'll rather go to Babel with you."

Y/N:"I'll be fine. Besides I'm sure Aiz will go easy on me."

Bell:"If you say so."

Both looked at the sky. They passed so much time looking for stuff to buy the sun was already hiding.

Bell:"G-Geez, I did not realise we were out for that long..."

Y/N:"Wanna go to the Hostess of Fertility? At the very least we could get us a good meal."

Bell:"Good idea."

The two boys stood up and marched to that tabern, hungry. Thankfully their resting spot wasn't that far from the tabern so they reached in merely s couple of minutes.

There were customers but it wasn't too crowded. Y/N and Bell sat next to the counter and waited for a waitress to get their order. Mia Grand saw the two boys and called for Ryuu and Syr to come who happily obliged.

The two waitresses approached the adventurers. This time, both engaged in a conversation with Y/N.

Ryuu:"Better Y/N?"


Syr:"Y/N, I heard from Ryuu you got hurt! Are you alright?"

Y/N:"Yes don't worry. I'm fine. Just some scratches, that's all."

Ryuu:"Hmph. I'm sure you now have scars."

Y/N:"Well I heard the ladies like'em!"

Ryuu:"N-Not true..."

Y/N:"Anyways, we have a lot of Valis. What's today's special?"


While Syr and Ryuu told him the food they could order, Bell payed attention to a conversation being held in a different table. He saw Aiz, and her group. They were listening to what seems like a funny story from Bete, the guy with animal features.

Bete:"Hey, Aiz! It's about time you tell everybody about what happened the other day! It was freaking hilarious!"

Aiz:"And what's story is that?"

Bell knew what "the story" was about. He glanced at Y/N who was busy talking with Ryuu, not listening at what was going on.

Bete:"C'mon y'know what I'm talking about! After those minotaurs got lose you told me you went to the upper floors to kill the remaining ones until you saved that tomato dumbass!"

Bell widened his eyes. Bete was talking about Y/N who's face had filled with the minotaur's blood after Aiz killed it.

Bete:"So the pantsy starts running away and the big ugly thing chases him right? So Aiz shows up and cuts it to pieces getting the lil dummy covered in blood just like a big ol' stupid tomato!"

He and other two girls started to laugh. No one else except those three found it funny. In fact, Aiz was getting furious.

Bete:"Then check this out, the other guy carries his tomato friend while following Aiz like a goddamned puppy! His mouth was watering like a freaking degenerate!"

Riveria:"Enough. The monsters escaped the fifteenth floor because of our mistake. It wasn't the kids fault. Don't even try."

Bete:"What? The idiot bit more than he could chew trying to be a hero!" *Looks at Aiz, gets closer over the table* "Tell'em Aiz, if you had to chose who's a more big, handsome hero who would it be?"

Aiz looked at him very angered. She had her fists clenched.

Bete:"What would you do if that kid walked up to you and said he has the hots for you huh? Would you take me or-"

Tired or his crap, Aiz grabbed Bete's head and slammed it on the table, getting it stuck there.

Dwarf:"Ma drink!"


Bell widened his eyes when someone slapped his nape. It was Y/N. Him, Ryuu and Syr were staring at him, unaware of what happened on the other table.

Y/N:"I said, what do you want?"

Bell:"...I'm not hungry. Let's go home Y/N."

Y/N:"Huh? Bu-"


Bell grabbed Y/N's arm and yanked him towards him, running out of the tabern while dragging his friend that was confused and surprised. Ryuu and Syr widened their eyes and went outside, looking at the two from afar. Aiz, that caught a glympse of Y/N also went outside and started to chase the two.

Back with our heroes Y/N finally managed to free himself. He grabbed Bell's arm and forced to look at him.

Y/N:"What's wrong Bell?! What the hell are you doing?!"

Bell:"Did you not hear?! What that asshole said about you?!"

Y/N:"What asshole? What are you talking about?"

Bell:"Aiz and her group were there! T-That idiot started talking crap about you! He was ridiculising you! I wasn't gonna stand there and hear all of that! He has no right to say that specially when he refused to help! He did nothing! He..."

Y/N rubbed Bell's hair.

Y/N:"Many will talk crap about us Bell. Ignore them. Perhaps not now but we'll get better than them. Whoever gets the last laugh laughs better, am I right?"

Bell:"...what about your date with Aiz? I screwed that up."

Y/N:*Sigh* "It's fine. I'll-"


Both boys turned around to see Aiz sprinting towards them. She stopped in front of Y/N. The girl looked to be a little sad.

Aiz:"I'm sorry you had to hear those things from him. My most sincere apologies."

Y/N:"Don't worry. It's fine. I don't really care what he said."

Aiz:"Sorry to you aswell Mr. Cranel. Y/N is your partner and it must be bad to hear someone else saying profanities about him."

Bell:"Y-You don't have to apologise Miss Aiz! If anything it should be him! A-and please don't call me 'Mr. Cranel' it makes me look old."

Aiz:"As you wish." *Looks at Y/N* "Even then, I-I still hold on what I said."

Y/N:"Which is?"

Bell:"She said she rather be with-"

Aiz:*Places her hand on Bell's mouth* "Nothing. Do you still rather come with me or..."

Y/N looked at Bell who gave him a thumbs up.


Aiz:*Puts her hand away* "Great. Shall we go?"

Y/N:"Of course."

Bell:"I'll tell Hestia. Have a good night Y/N."

Y/N:"Good night Bell. Tell treat our goddess well and be careful. After all..."

Bell:"We're her only childs."

Both nodded and parted ways, Y/N following Aiz.

Aiz:"First, we're stopping at the Hostess of Fertility. You did not had your meal, right?"

Y/N:"Yes but how do you know that?"

Aiz:"I was watching."


Aiz:"This time it's on me. Consider this an apology from Bete's part. Even if he will probably won't apologise..."

Y/N:"Figured as much but like I said I don't care."


The two arrived at the tabern. Ryuu was there, cleaning the counter and watching Aiz's group talk. Bete was tied up to the ceiling for his poor manners. As soon as Aiz walked with Y/N Bete got angry and jealous while Ryuu got happy.

The elf approached the two.

Ryuu:"You got me scared right there Y/N. I thought I said something."

Y/N:"And why would that be?"

Ryuu:"Syr sometimes say I can be mean to people."

Y/N:"That's not true. You're a sweetheart! I know it."

Ryuu:"T-Thank you... w-where's Bell?"

Y/N:"He decided to go back home. I had plans with Aiz."

Ryuu:"Right. Should I get you today's special?"

Y/N:"Yes please."

Ryuu:"What about you Miss Wallenstein?"

Aiz:"Same as he."

Ryuu:"That'll be 2000 Valis total."

Aiz:*Gets money from a satchel* "Here."

Ryuu:"Right. Food will be here in no time."

Ryuu retreated to the kitchen.

Aiz:"Now, I want to present you to my group. Please, come with me."

She grabbed Y/N's arm and walked towards her group's table. Loki, that was passed out in a secluded table, opened her eyes and looked at Y/N.

Aiz:"I'm back, sorry for running away. This is the rookie that was almost killed due to our mistakes. Y/N."

Riveria widened her eyes and stared at Y/N.

"That's the one Freya..." she thought.

A blond small boy stood up and bowed at him.

Finn:"We are deeply sorry for the trouble caused. My name is Finn Deimne and I'm the one in charge of the clean up team tasked to eliminate the minotaurs. If you have someone to blame it's me."

"He's so small..." Y/N thought.

Y/N:"N-No, no! It's okay really! Aiz was there to save me. That's all that matters."

A blond girl giggled and smiled, happy.

Lefiya:"You're so kind Mr. Y/N!"

Y/N:"It's nothing."

The dwarf laughed and prompted Y/N to sit where Bete once was sitting. Y/N looked at him on the ceiling, smirked, and sat down, annoying him even further.

Gareth:"So tell us newbie, how was your fight with the minotaur?"

Aiz sat in front of Y/N, wanting to hear the story.

Y/N:"I did all I could. When it appeared I knew we couldn't defeat it so me and my friend decided to run away."

Tione:"And it cornered you right?"

Y/N:"Right. I decided to let Bell run while I fight it. I managed to get the beast on it's knees but it wasn't enough."

Aiz:"It was. Thanks to you I got a quick kill. You did great."

Tiona:"Yeah! You managed to force a creature way higher level than you on it's knees! Not many people can say that!"

Tiona:"So you were lying Bete~ are you perhaps jealous a rookie made a better feat than you during your entire career~?"


Riveria:"Y/N. There is something I'd like to ask you."

Y/N:"Of course!"

Riveria's eyes shine in green. She was trying to charm Y/N. Due to her extremely high Charisma and his poor Sharpness he fell for it. Everyone else realised what happened, even Ryuu felt it and she was in the kitchen.

Riveria:"Can you tell me your mother's name?"

Y/N:"Of course. Her name is-"

Loki appeared behind Y/N, slapping his shoulder. Y/N snapped out of it.

Loki:"No one cares Riveria! Don't be a bully, using your abilities to hear embarrassing stories is not cool girl!"


Riveria:"That's not-"

Loki walked towards Riveria and whispered:

Loki:"Too soon. Not now."

Ryuu appeared with Aiz's and Y/N's food. She grabbed the dishes, thanked Ryuu and stood up.

Aiz:"I wanted to present you my friend. Now, if you don't mind it, I'd like to be alone with him. There's things we have to discuss."

Aiz walked towards the counter with Y/N following her. Ryuu also followed Aiz, standing behind the counter.

Ryuu:"Anything to drink?"

Y/N:"Water please."



While Ryuu was grabbing the bottles of magic water they had, she listened to Aiz's and Y/N's conversation.

Aiz:"Do you have story with Riveria?"

Y/N:"No. Prior to this I've never seen her."

Aiz:"Then why would she charm you..."

Y/N:"Charm? That's the nice feeling I felt?"

Aiz:" liked it?"

Y/N:"W-Well it felt good..."

Aiz:"Dully noted. In any case, let's focus on your training."


Both started eating the food Ryuu got them. She also placed two glasses of water next to them. Instead of leaving, Ryuu stayed with them.

Aiz:"I saw you had a bow and a sword. What's your preference?"

Y/N:"The bow."

Aiz:"Then if I had to take a guess you use the sword merely for defensive purposes, am I correct?"

Y/N:"That would be correct, yes."

Aiz:"In that case we should start by changing your sword by something easier to use."

Ryuu:"Like a scimitar. It's a perfect weapon for parries and for agility users."

Aiz:"Agreed. With it you can quickly defend yourself, push the enemy away-maybe even get a hit or two and then create space between you and them."

Y/N:"I see. Problem is I do not have money right now so..."

Aiz:"Hmm. Well, I can-"

Ryuu:"Back at home I have a couple scimitars. I was an adventurer once. I'll give them to you tomorrow."

Aiz:"That's settled then."

Y/N grabs Ryuu hands, making her blush. Aiz stared at their hands with a straight face.

Y/N:"Thank you Ryuu! Is there anything I can do to repay you?"

Ryuu:"W-Well you could come to my house some day..."

Y/N:"Of course!"

Ryuu:"Good. I'll have something planned then."

Aiz:"Let's get back to business please."

Ryuu:"Right, right."

She doesn't know what it was but, when Y/N accepted her request Aiz felt bad. Sad.

Y/N:"We were talking about my fighting style."

Aiz:"Yes. With a scimitar you can focus on performing a parry or simply blocking, counterattacking with a kick, a shove or a slash and then get away from your attacker."

Ryuu:"It's easier said than done specially against aggresive or fast opponents. You'll need someone good to practice with."

Aiz:"And that's where I come in. Once we're done you and I are gonna train. 1 on 1. Mano a mano."

Y/N:"T-That sounds... tough..."

Aiz:"Don't worry I'll go easy on you. A little."

Y/N:"That doesn't help much!"

Aiz:"Just enjoy the food."

Listening at her words Y/N kept eating, finishing the daily's special and the glass of water. Once they were done they said their goodbyes and left.

Y/N:"Where are we training on?"

Aiz:"On the walls. No one should be there by now."

Y/N:"Lead the way."

While the two walked, an image came to Aiz's head. The moment Ryuu grabbed his hands. Yet again, as soon as it came to her head she felt sad. Now, she understands why. She's jealous.

Aiz's hand slowly moved towards Y/N. She wanted to try holding hands for the first time. In the end, she decided against it.

Y/N:"I don't have a scimitar..."

Aiz:"Do not worry. We will take care of the basics today. After you get it from Ryuu come talk to me and we will start doing more advanced stuff."


Aiz:*Giggles* "You seem enthusiastic."

Y/N:"I'm gonna get trained by a veteran of course I'm pumped! I-I'm also a little scared but hey..."

Aiz:"Are you and Ryuu... close?"

Y/N:"We're close friends yes. She gave me a home when I had nothing. If it wasn't for her I don't think I'd ever reach this far."

Aiz:"Just friends?"





Y/N:"Okay then..."

They kept their mouths shut. Yet not everything went as planned for Aiz. They were being followed.

Riveria was very curious at Y/N. She has many questions. Specially now that the boy could be related to her goddess. And most importantly...

How the hell did he end up being friends with Aiz?

The elf mage followed the duo into the walls. They climbed up until they were on them. The girl took cover on top of a tower and watched them.

Aiz and Y/N were facing each other. Y/N had his sword drawn. Aiz was unnarmed.

Aiz:"Listen up. What you have to do is simple. Defend yourself and try to get away from me. If you manage to either land a blow or draw your bow you win. Understood?"

Y/N:"Sounds simple."

Aiz:*Chuckles* "You think I'm simple?"

Y/N:"N-No, no, that's not what I-"

Thanks to his Sharpness he caught what Aiz was trying to do. The girl grabbed her sword and rushed at Y/N. He managed to block by a miracle. Aiz performed a sweep kick forcing Y/N to jump. The girl punished him by doing a high kick, launching Y/N far away.

He made a backflip midair to regain his momentum and safely land on the ground. Foolishly he thought it was the perfect oportunity to draw his bow. Before he could even touch it, Aiz was already in front of him, sword pressed on neck.

Aiz:"Something on your mind, Ranger?"

There was truly something in Y/N's mind. Her smile, along with her beautiful face and long hair distracted him.

Y/N:"U-Uh definetly. I-I MEAN, NO?! Y-YES! I MEAN YES!'

Aiz:*Giggle* "Calm down. After seeing my group, did you realise something in particular?"

Y/N took a step back and watched Aiz moved away from him.

Y/N:"No one used a bow. There were no rangers."

Aiz:"Correct. Do you know why?"

Y/N:"We're... weak?"

Aiz:"Not true. In fact, a Ranger can be the teammate with the highest amount of kills in a single run. Yet we have none."

Y/N:"Then I do not know."

Aiz:"Are you aware of formations? A group not only must be balanced in what adventurers do they bring to Babel but they also have to be coordinated. Per example, our mages stay in the back with two of our leaders while adventurers like me and Bete take the front. Now you may be wondering..."

Y/N:"What about bow users?"

Aiz:"That's the thing. They can's stay close since melee it's not ideal for them. They can't be too far away or the arrows will deal less damage and will be harder to hit consecutive shots. Specially against small targets. They have to be in mid of the formation. Always moving around their team."

Aiz faces Y/N once again, entering a combat stance.

Aiz:"At that range, you can get attacked by anything and anyone at any point. You have no cover and no one can quickly save you if you're attacked. That's why no one really wants to be a ranger. It's too dangerous."

Aiz charged at Y/N once again. The boy stood his ground and blocked the attack. She tried a sweep kick but Y/N kicked her ankle before she could fully do so, forcing her to make a backflip to gain a little bit of ground, hitting Y/N on his mandible. Y/N's Strength wasn't high enough to make her kneel.

The boy jumped backwards and acted as if he was going to grab his bow. Aiz saw this and charged, going past Y/N and standing behind him. The boy ducked her attack and went for one of his own with his sword, aimed at her head. With a single step back she dodged it, grabbed his arm and threw Y/N over her shoulders.

From that position and still grabbing his arm Aiz placed her foot on his shoulder and her sword aimed straight at his face.

Aiz:"You're smart. But don't overestimate your opponent."

Y/N:*Sigh* "I just can't see an opening!"

Aiz:"Don't look for one."

She fred Y/N and walked back, letting Y/N stand up.

Aiz:"You're a ranger, you're meant to use your bow."

Y/N:"But I can't grab it! You don't let me!"

Aiz:"Then force me to back down."

She charged once again going for an overhead slash. Y/N dodged it and went for a low kick. Aiz moved her feet, avoiding it. She tried to hit Y/N with the hilt of her sword just for the male adventurer to push her hand away and finally manage to kick her torso, pushing Aiz back.

The boy managed to draw his bow but as soon as he looked at Aiz his face was met with her feet. Aiz threw a roundhouse kick and launched Y/N to the ground.

The boy coughed and sat.

Y/N:"T-That was not part of the rules! I won!"

Aiz:"You're gonna argue with a monster Y/N? When they put you down, you're gonna argue with them about rules?"


He groaned and stood up. Aiz had and idea, remembering his skill set.

Aiz:"If I remember correctly, you have the Parry ability..."


Aiz:"Use this."

From her satchels, she tossed him a small dagger. Y/N recognised the dagger's design. It's elven.

Y/N:"W-Wow. This has to be very expensive. Are you sure..."

Aiz:"Ryuu is gonna give you a sword and it's okay. I give you a knife and you complain?"

Y/N:"NO! Not at all! Thank you Aiz!"

Aiz:*Smiles* "Easy there. I was joking. For the record, it isn't too expensive. I got it as a reward for a guild request."

Y/N:"I see."

Aiz:"Back on topic I'm sure you're aware of the basics of Parry. If your Strength matches the opponent, you parry the attack. You're stronger? Opponent loses their weapon. They are? You do."

Y/N:"Yes, I know."

Aiz:"Great. Now the thing is, the weapon that both wield do not matter. Smart adventurers uses secondary weapons to parry so they do not lose their main one. In your case you'll use a knife."

"That's pretty clever. I see... I have an idea. This could work" he thought.

Aiz:"Keep that in mind."

Aiz, once again, charged at the male adventurer. She threw an onslaught of attacks. They were so quick for Y/N it almost looked like her arm was moving at the speed of light. The boy, wanting to put his plan into action, used the Parry ability with his sword.

Just as expected he parried the attack but his sword flew away. Aiz was stronger. She sighed, dissapointed in him. That was until she saw the dagger being thrown her way. Aiz managed to push it away, almost hit by it. Y/N took the opportunity to grab an arrow from his quiver and rush at Aiz, putting his left hand on her hips to avoid his opponent to flee. He stopped his attack when the arrow was close to her neck.

Aiz was smiling. Her dissapointment quickly turned into pride. Aiz's body was pressed onto Y/N's, giving her no way of escaping. Y/N truly thought he won but...

Aiz:"Not bad. Only if you had a little bit more of Agility..."


Y/N contemplated the situation a little bit better. Aiz's left arm was pressed against his elbow pit, blocking his attack. Her right arm was all around his body, prepared to backstab Y/N with her sword.

Aiz:"But still. You managed to catch me off guard. Well done Y/N. Consider this a victory."


The two stood there, in that position, staring at each other. Aiz widened her eyes and tapped his shoulder.



Both separated in unison. They looked at each other and laughed a little.

After that awkward moment they kept training for 2 hours until it was too late. Both were exhausted and wanted to hit the hay. Aiz stood on the walls for a little longer to admire the view but Y/N did went down and towards his home. That was until he was stopped by a hand. Riveria.

Y/N:"O-Oh, hello Miss Riveria. I-Is there any-"

Riveria:"I can sense your worries. Do not fear, I'm not gonna harm you. I'm truly sorry for charming you. There was something I had to... see."

Y/N:"Oh. Well, water under the bridge."

Riveria:"Lefiya was right. You're truly kind. In any case since I charmed you without your consent..." *Whispers* "Not that you're supposed to." *Normal tone* "I'd like to repay you. Why don't you visit me sometime and I teach you some magic?"

Y/N:"Y-You'll do that?!"

Riveria:"Yes. Besides, for what I've seen Aiz will like the visit aswell."

Y/N:"You were watching?"

Riveria:"I was making sure you treated my friend nicely."

Y/N:"You're a good friend Riveria."

Riveria:"Thank you. Should I take that as a yes?"


Riveria:"Great. Tomorrow, after your daily adventure into Babel come and visit me. You can bring your friend aswell."

Y/N:"Okay. Thank you, Miss Riveria! I owe you one!"

Riveria:"Trust me, I'll keep that in mind. Now off you go, you should be tired."

Y/N nodded and walked away, leaving the elf behind.

What are you hiding, Y/N?

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