11: Long Time No See

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Once we had healed, we got back on the job. Granted it took a couple of months, but at least the city was understanding and helped pay our bills when we were running low on money. It was nice to be loved so much that the entire city would help us out. The moment Janine and doctors deemed us ready enough to start busting, we got a lot of calls. We were running around cleaning up New York from ghost, ghouls, and demons. It was nice having a lot of money. 

After we had cleaned up an apartment building, we were back getting ready to rest. Peter and Ray weren't fully healed yet so our twenty-four/seven policy wasn't really in effect at the moment. Ray and Egon were downstairs getting all the ghost into traps. Peter went upstairs to ice his arm so it would stop hurting. Winston and I were getting our jumpsuits and packs put away. We had to hook the packs up so that they got a nice charge to them. That's when I heard a women. 

"Oh Natalie! It's so nice to see you again!" 

I looked up to see who it was. It was a woman with blonde hair that went a little past her shoulders. She had dark brown eyes. She was wearing a green top with some jeans. I smiled a bit, standing up from the pack I was working on. This was Donna, an old friend from college. The guys would know her has well since she was friends with them I believe. Heck I think Peter and her went out at one point. 

"Hey Donna. Nice to see you looking so well. What brings you to our lovely Firehouse?" 

"Besides to make sure my old friends didn't get killed in a car crash? I actually do have a job I need you all to do for me. If it's not too much trouble." 

"For you? Not at all." 

After I got the guys and we had a quick reunion with Donna and introduced her to Winston (finally I was in on a secret and someone else wasn't), we were sitting around the desk to listen to the issue she had. After all, ghost were a pain in the butt. I would know, I bust them and live with Slimmer. 

"So what seems to be the problem?" Ray asked her, handing her a cup of water to drink. 

"You see, I got this huge house a couple of towns over from a relative. I went to go cheek it out, see if there was anything there worth saving and such. Maybe renting it out to anyone who wanted to spend time in it. Once I got there, I knew I couldn't possibly do anything with it, even live there. The paintings were watching me, plates flew off the walls, the tables and chairs moved whenever I passed by. It was awful. I had to get out of there before I saw whatever was haunting the place." 

"Sounds like a class three or four," Ray told us. "Should be a simple bust." 

"Might be more than one Ray," Winston pointed out. 

"Still, should take an hour tops and we can come back and rest. I mean this is Donna we are talking about!" 

"I agree with Ray, it wouldn't be a huge chunk of time and should be easy," Peter chuckled. "I mean for an old friend? We can break our rest policy right now. Besides, I'm feeling great right now! What do the lovely twins think?" 

"It is worth checking out," Egon said after some thought. "These ghost can be a problem to anyone who wants to come in or out of the house. Who's to say they won't follow her home if she tries to get rid of them herself. It needs to be taken care of soon." 

"I'm with Egon here. Besides, I owe Donna a favor from college. Might has well cash it in now." 

"You've got the Ghostbusters on the case!" Peter told her with a smile. 

"I can't think you guys enough!" Donna exclaimed with a huge smile. "You are all too sweet!" 

After we got the address from Donna, she went back home and we started the drive to the house. I was driving with Winston next to me. Ray, Peter, and Egon were in the back. Like I said, Ray and Winston got the old girl looking brand new again after her poor crash. She was worse off than Peter after the crash. Unlike Peter though, she could have things replaced on her. The benefits of being a car. 

"So this is the place, huh?" Winston asked when I parked the car. 

Donna wasn't lying when she said a huge house. It had at least three stories to it. I had no idea if there was an attic or basement to it. It looked pretty old with a few broken windows and some vines growing up the sides. The paint was chipping off. Some areas didn't even have the paint. Once it was ghost free, it was still going to need some hard work to make it look nice again. 

"This is a prime ghost spot," Peter joked. "Looks like the haunted house from the cover of a story." 

"Well, let's get in there and bust a ghost!" I told them. I walked to the house and opened the door. 

Or tried to. It was hard to get the thing open. After a bit of struggling to get it opened, it just opened on it's own. A strong wind started to blow, sucking us in to the house. Once inside, the door slammed shut behind us. We were completely trapped inside the clearly haunted house. Just great. 

If you have an OC you want to make a quick cameo like Donna, send me a quick character sheet. They'll make a quick appearance in the book. Nothing big. 

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