14: Night Noises

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I have to say, Gozer was getting on my nerves. I haven't seen them since they came to us to tell us that they were going to kill us slowly and painfully. But the effects have been a pain in the butt. Of course the crash was a huge pain. I mean not only were we black and blue, we were losing money that whole time! Like I said, the city helped, but not for extra stuff that we didn't need. They only spared us on bills and any food we needed. 

But after the whole Donna ghost thing, we have been back to busting. Nothing big had happened for a couple of weeks. We just kept an eye on Louis and Dana, looking out for signs of the god's return, and keeping money in the bank. But nothing else has been going on. I couldn't decide if that was a good thing or not. I mean, what else would it be? Maybe Gozer decided we weren't worth the effort to deal with us again. How wrong I was. 

It happened last night. We had just turned in for the night, hoping to get some rest. We had spent all of last night fighting some ghost in the subway. It took a bit of effort to get that thing to go down, but we did it like always. I mean we always get the ghost in the end or help the poor souls go free. We are pretty good at our jobs after all. After we got home though, I have to say I was drop dead tired. I could barely keep my eyes opened as Winston drove us home. I didn't care to ask the others if they were the same way. I just got changed, took off my glasses, fell onto my bed, and passed out. 

I don't know how long I was asleep until the noise started. I hope it was for a couple hours at least. I woke up in the middle of the night to a strange ticking noise. At first I thought it was just a clock and that I could ignore it. Than I remembered we don't have a clock in the room we slept in. Or at least not one that ticks. Just Ray's digital alarm clock. I sat up, looking around the room. Peter seemed to have also been woken up since he sat up around the same time as me. 

"Do you hear that?" he asked me as quietly as he could to not wake up the others. 

"The ticking? Yeah." 

"What ticking noise? I meant the banging." 

"I haven't an idea what banging noise you are talking about. I hear a really loud tick." 

That was when I heard the banging noise. It was going along with the tick at a perfect pace. Once the tick stopped, a bang would happen. We shared a look as we got out of bed, trying to find the source of the noises. We ended up going downstairs, but still no idea where the source was. It wasn't the unit, none of the clocks, nothing in our home was making this noise. 

"Okay, I give, I have no idea what this is," I told Peter who nodded in agreement. 

"Maybe we are still asleep, sharing a weird dream?" he suggested. "I mean the other three don't seem to be bothered at all." 

"But why us and why a weird noise dream?" 

"I don't know, you're the sister of the smartest guy I know!" 

"Doesn't make me the smartest guy I know." 

That's when a thumping started to sound above us. Even when we went upstairs to see what was going on, it still sounded like it was above us. We walked into the room to see Ray sitting up in his bed, clearly just having woken up. 

"Do you guys hear a thumping, banging, and ticking?" 

"Yes Ray, we hear the annoying song of the night. We're trying to find it," Peter answered. I should note that maybe don't play a drinking game on how many times we say ticking, banging, and thumping. Or two other noises I'm about to say. Won't be good for you. 

"Okay, is it the unit?" 

"No, I don't think so," I told him. "We cheeked and it's working just fine, nothing else." 

Winston woke up while we were talking, adding a nice hissing noise to the mix. This whole noise situation was starting to give me a headache, but without a clue where it was coming from, I knew I wasn't about to get anymore sleep unlike my brother.

"Do you hear the noise?" Peter asked Winston before he could speak up. 

"Yeah, I do. It's a real treat to hear it." 

"Isn't it though?" 

"Okay, Egon needs to wake up soon so he can figure it out," Peter grumbled. 

He got his wish because a loud scratching was heard that caused Ego to sit up right away. He looked at us and didn't say a thing. He clearly knew that we heard the noise. 

"So where did you two cheek?" Ray asked as Egon and Winston walked over to us. 

"Everywhere but the roof," I told them. 

"Than to the roof we go," Winston told us. 

We all walked to the roof, looking around. Nothing seemed off. In the middle was Ecto-2 sitting there, waiting for us to have a use of her. In the left area was my star gazing set up for when I had a clear night to actually look at them. Other than that, there was nothing that we could see. But the noises were loud and clear from here. In fact it did sound like it was coming from my telescope. We slowly walked over, the guys right behind me. I slowly reached my hand out, touching the thing. Than the noises just stopped. I looked at it thinking that something was off about it. 

A large burst of blue light flashed, pushing us all back into Ecto-2. When I blinked to clear my vision, I looked up to see a woman with long, black hair that seemed to have stars in them. He pale blue skin shinned like a million suns making the bright blue makeup pop. Her dress was a mix of blues, pinks, and purples like she scooped out the nebula and made it a dress. The woman was quiet pretty even with solid black eyes looking at us. She smiled at us with a wicked look. 

"So you five are the famous Ghostbusters," she chuckled in a smooth, soft voice. "Gozer said it would be a fun challenge for me to defeat you and take over this planet. After all, humans are so much fun to rule. Thank you for freeing me finally. I thought you all wouldn't hear my call. I'll be see you five around. Don't wait up for me." 

With that, she disappeared into a bright cloud of smoke, making me shield my eyes. The mysterious lady was gone, leaving the night quiet once again. 

"Well... that's an interesting way to get to us," Ray spoke up. 

"Any idea who that was?" Winston asked Egon who shock his head. 

"Not a clue. Let's get back to sleep and see if we can figure it out in the morning." 

"Sounds good to me." 

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