》Other Sexualities & Romantics《

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In this chapter, I'll be discussing the sexualities and romance compasses that weren't mentioned before. Some of them do not have a predetermined definition so I will give a brief idea of what it is.




not limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex, gender, or gender identity.

^ This is the definition for pansexual. Also referred to as pan. Breaking down the definition:

Pansexuality is where you are physically aroused no matter what sex or identity the person is.

A pansexual man will get an erection no matter if the person is a man, woman, or identifies as something else.

A pansexual woman will get wet no matter if the person is a man, woman, or identifies as something else.

Demisexual: a person who is sexually attracted to people they have an emotional bond with.

^ This is the definition of demisexual. Breaking it down:

A demisexual person is someone who is aroused by people they have a strong bond to. This means they are either straight, gay/lesbian, bi, or pan.

A demisexual man will only get an erection if the person is the sex they are attracted to and they have an emotional bond.

A demisexual woman will only get wet if the person is the sex they are attracted to and they have an emotional bond.

Panromantic: to have romantic feelings for someone regardless of sex or identity.

Broken down this means someone who is panromantic will have romantic attractions (like/love) for some one regardless of their sex or identity.

A panromantic man can have romantic feelings for someone no matter if they are a man, woman, or identify as otherwise.

A panromantic woman can have romantic feelings for someone no matter if they are a man, woman, or identity as otherwise.

Demiromantic: to have romantic feelings for someone you have an emotional bond with.

Broken down, this means someone who is demiromantic only have romantic feelings (like/love) for someone they have an emotional connection to.

A demiromantic man will only have romantic feelings for a person if they are the sex the man is attracted to and they have an emotional bond.

A demiromantic woman will only have romantic feelings for a person if they are the sex the woman is attracted to and they have an emotional bond.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to let me know!

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