》Sexuality vs Romance《

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Now we can get into the primary differences of sexuality and romance.

#1 What the feelings are based on.

Sexuality is based primarily on the sex organs of a person.

Romance is based primarily on sex organs, personality, & physical looks of a person.

#2 What they are and what they mean.

Sexuality is what sex you are physically aroused to and would willingly have sex or pursue a sexual relationship with.

Romance is who you have romantic feelings (like/love) towards and would like to pursue a romantic relationship with.

#3 The feelings needed for the relationships.

For a sexual relationship, you only need a physical or sexual attraction to someone. Romantic feelings are not obligatory to have sex with someone.

For a romantic relationship, you only need romantic feelings (like/love) for someone. Sexual feelings are not obligatory to have a relationship with someone.


The primary similarity is that sometimes the romance & sexualities can line up.

I'm a prime example. I am both biromantic & bisexual. I am sexually aroused by men & woman and I can have romantic feelings for both men & women.

However, just because some people's romance & sexuality lines up does not mean that they are the same thing. They are still vastly different and will always be different.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please let me know!

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