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"..don't let them in!" Octavia yelled as Murphy and Monty held the hatch door closed as the other delinquents had decided to kill Jasper for his constant pained moans, and him being the reason for them not being able to sleep.

".. Murphy! Monty! Let us in!" Someone banged on the hatch door, trying to pray it open.

"Go float yourselves!" Murphy snapped as Octavia searched for something to lock the door due to the lock being on the other side.

Monty sits down on the hatch and looks over at Octavia, "No rush, we're fine here."

Octavia tried to pull a pipe from the dropship loose, but she was struggling before the pipe came loose and rushed over.

"I've got it. Move it!" Murphy and Monty moved back , letting Octavia put the pipe on the door to stop the others from opening the door.

"You three better open this hatch now!.."

Murphy took a deep breath, her ribs aching as she did so. She walked out of the dropship, knowing Jasper was safe with Clarke.

She moved to the side as Octavia rushed past her, tears streaming down her face. Confused and concerned, she glanced around, trying to find the source of Octavia's crying, having taken a liking to the younger Blake after spending a few hours with her.

Her eyes found Bellamy before her eyes landed on the body on the ground, and she instantly knew it was Atom.

Sure, she didn't like the guy, but she didn't want him dead, and Octavia had taken a liking to Atom.

"..lose anybody here?" Murphy tore her attention away from Atoms body and towards Bellamy who had approached her.

She shook her head, "No, just a few assholes trying to kill Jasper."

Bellamy let out a sighed, and Murphy looked away from him and towards Atom, a deep frown on her face.

She turned away to head back to the dropship, but Bellamy grabbed her arm, stopping her, and Murphy looked at him,

"Just.. can you make sure my sister is alright?" Bellamy questioned, dropping his hand from Murphy's arm, and Murphy nodded.


Wells was dead. Everyone thought it was the grounders who killed Wells, and Murphy never thought Wells would be the first to go out of all of them.

She always thought she'll be the first one to die out of her, Jasper, Monty, and Wells. She guessed she was wrong.

She always thought Wells would be the last one standing or truth to be told. She always thought Monty would be the last standing, but Wells came in second.

She didn't let herself grieve for so long, making herself busy in camp or with Jasper, who had woken up and was walking around like he didn't almost die.

She was currently handing Conner some water when she was suddenly shove back,

"You son of bitch!" Clarke yelled, and Murphy looked at her confused,

"What's your problem Clarke?" Murphy questioned, and Clarke held up a familiar looking knife.

"You recognize this?" She questioned,

Of course, Murphy recognized the knife. It was her knife, the one mbege gave her, but she had lost it before Wells was killed.

"It's my knife," Murphy told her, "Where'd you find it?"

"Where you dropped it after you killed Wells." Clarke accused,

"Where I what? The grounders killed Wells, not me." Murphy told her, defending herself.

She wouldn't hurt Wells. Sure, she pushed him around and started arguments with him, but that's just how they were.

"I know what you did, and you're gonna pay for it." Clarke spat out, and Murphy shook her head,

"I didn't kill Wells, Clarke. What the hell are you on about?" Murphy asked, glancing behind Clarke,

"Is this the kind of society that we want? You say there should be no rules. Does that mean that we can kill each other without… without punishment?" Clarke questioned, glancing around,

"Murphy didn't kill Wells, Clarke." Octavia came to Murphy's defense, but she was ignored

"I say we float him!" Murphy really regretted messing around with Bellamy for her amusement now that everyone thinks she's a boy.

Others started shouting in agreement,

"That's not what I'm saying!" Clarke said, but the delinquents started circling around Murphy.

"Murphy!" Murphy barely had the chance to briefly see Jasper and Monty before she was being roughly pushed to the ground,

She covered her face with her arms as the delinquents started kicking and punching her.

"No! Get off him! Get off of him! Let him go! You can't do this!" Clarke shouted over the chaos. She was going to help Murphy, but she was held back by Bellamy

"Get off me. No! No! You can stop this! They'll listen to you!"

The delinquents dragged Murphy towards a tree to hang her.

"No! Stop it! She didn't do it!" Monty screamed, struggling to fight off the ones holding him back.

"Stop! No!"

Jasper and Monty's pleas were ignored as the crowd started chanting for Bellamy to hang Murphy.

Murphy shook her head, but Bellamy averted looking at her as he approached her, and he kicked the crate from under Murphy.

The noose around her neck tightened, cutting off her airway, choking her, and she kept her eyes on Jasper and Monty.

If she was going to die, well, at least the last thing she'll see would be her friends.

Suddenly, she was falling forward, and she gasped for air. Her coughs were aching coughs, and wheezes came as she breathed.

"Stop! Okay? Murphy didn't kill Wells! I did!" The crowd went quiet, and everyone looked at Charlotte, who was crying.

"Oh my god." Clarke gasped out.

Monty pushed away the people holding him back, and he ran over to Murphy, removing the rope from her.

Jasper and Octavia rushed over, "Oh my god, Murphy."

Murphy couldn't breathe, her chest felt too tight, and Jasper seemed to notice, "she can't breathe."

"Shit, let's get her back to the dropship, now." Octavia ordered,

Monty and Jasper nodded, helping Murphy up and towards the dropship.

Bellamy went to stop Octavia, but Octavia moved away from him with a glare.

"Don't touch me! And stay away from me, Bellamy, "Octavia turned to Clarke with a harsher glare,

"This is all your fault." She spat out before she rushed towards the dropship.

Octavia ran into the dropship and ran over to Murphy, "Give us some privacy. Make sure nobody comes in here."

Jasper and Monty gave Murphy a worried look before heading out of the dropship to keep guard and make sure nobody entered.

"Hey, Murphy,"Octavia crouched down in front of Murphy, "I'm gonna take the wraps off of you, okay?"

Murphy flinched as Octavia's hands near her, but Octavia gently put her hands under Murphy's shirt and removed the wraps without having to take her shirt off.

Once the wraps were off, Murphy gasped, taking deep breaths, her chest being more noticeable than before.

"Take deep breaths, Murphy..I'm right here, I won't let anyone hurt you, not anymore." Octavia promised,


1177 words


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