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"...we should do something about it." Murphy lifted her head from the dropship floor and was a little startled to see Conner crouching near her, staring down at her.

It's been a couple of hours since she was almost killed because of Clarke accusing her of killing Wells, and she was alone in one of the parts of the dropship after convincing Octavia, Jasper and Monty that she would be fine alone.

She's tried to get some sleep, but her throat was aching badly, and every time she closed her eyes, all she could see was Bellamy kicking the crate from underneath her.

She didn't understand why she was seeing that particular moment over and over again, if she didn't even like Bellamy.

He was a total jackass who wanted to kill Jasper and tried to kill her. She wanted to forget about Bellamy and his stupid face, but no matter how hard she tried to think of something else,

Her mind always drifted back to Bellamy and him kicking the crate from underneath her.

"..why are you bothering me? Go bother, Bellamy." Murphy quietly said, her voice barely above a whisper. It hurt to even speak.

"We should do something about Charlotte." Conner whispered to her, and Murphy rolled her eyes, lowering her head down on her balled up jacket and facing away from Conner.

"Leave me alone."

"Murphy, she's gonna walk free. A murderer is gonna be walking around our camp," Conner told her, "she tried to frame you for killing Wells."

Murphy sat up and irritatedly looked at Conner with narrowed eyes, "She's a kid. I don't know about you, I don't feel like that's my problem."

As much as she wanted justice for what happened to Wells, she knew first hand what could happen to Charlotte if the delinquents wanted justice.

As much as it angered her that Charlotte killed Wells, Charlotte was still a kid, a kid who could learn from her own mistakes.

Conner sighed and stood up, "If you change your mind, we'll be delivering justice to Charlotte."

Murphy watched as Conner walked away, and she quickly stood up as his words sunk in.

She needed to find Charlotte before Conner, and whoever was following him did.

Murphy headed out of the dropship and entered the slight cold night, and she slightly shivered before she spotted Finn, and she rushed over, her body aching with every step she took.

"Finn! Hey," She called out as she approached him, and Finn looked over at her,

Finn was about to open his mouth to speak, but Murphy continued speaking before he could.

"Charlotte's in trouble. I think Conner is gonna do something to her." Murphy told him,

Finn nodded, "Okay, we need to find Clarke and Bellamy. Last I saw, Charlotte was with them."

Murphy followed after Finn as quickly as she could, but she paused as she spotted Conner disappearing behind a few trees.

She went to tell Finn, but Finn was already gone, and she debated on catching up with Finn or Conner.

With a small groan that made her cough a little, she quickly turned to catch up with Conner. Hopefully, Charlotte was still with Bellamy and Clarke.

She followed Conner into the forest, the camp becoming more distant as she kept walking, and for a moment, she thought she had gotten lost, but then she saw Conner ahead of her.

She jogged over to him, "What the hell are you doing?"

She grabbed his arm to stop him, and Conner turned to face her, looking down at her with a small grin, "I knew you'll join us."

"I'm not joining you, dimwit. I'm stopping you from what you're about to Charlotte. She's a kid, Conner. Leave her punishment to Bellamy and Clarke." Murphy replied

Conner scoffed, "You really have gotten soft, Murphy." He shook his head,

"I thought once we kill Charlotte, we'll kill Bellamy and clarke, take over the camp." Conner told her,

Murphy shook her head, taking a small step back from Conner, "Are you crazy? As much as I hate to admit it, but Bellamy and Clarke are the only thing keeping us alive right now, without them, we'll be dead in seconds."

"You're not understanding, Murphy!" Conner snapped, stalking towards Murphy, who backed up until her back met with a tree.

"We don't need Bellamy or Clarke. They tried to kill you!" Conner told her, stopping right in front of her, cornering her between himself and the tree.

"..hey! Get away from her!" Bellamy's voice was close, and Conner snapped his head towards the sound of his voice before grabbing Murphy by her arm and holding a knife to Murphy's throat.

"Conner, let Murphy go right now." Bellamy was now in Murphy's view. His expression was cautious, and his eyes full of anger and beneath the anger were anxious as he eyed the knife against Murphy's throat.

"Nah, I don't think so. Maybe I'll consider if you bring me Charlotte." Conner told him, pressing the knife closer to Murphy's throat.

"Don't!" Bellamy took a step closer, "Don't hurt Murphy, okay?"

"Stop!" Everyone eyes went to Charlotte, who was crying, "Please don't hurt Murphy."

"Conner, don't you fucking dare touch Charlotte." Murphy spoke, her voice low and threatening, and she gritted her teeth as Conner slightly cut her neck,

"Shut up."

"I can't let anyone get hurt because of me," Charlotte was slowly backing up, "Not after what I did."

"Charlotte, don't!" Murphy shouted, pushing Conner back, and she ran forward, but it was too late.

Charlotte jumped off the cliff, and Murphy's eyes widened, and Bellamy, in a fit of anger, started attacking Conner,

"Bellamy! Bellamy! Stop! You'll kill him!" Clarke yelled, trying to stop Bellamy from killing Conner.

"Get off me! He deserves to die!" Bellamy told her, pushing Clarke away,

"No! We don't decide who lives and dies. Not down here." Clarke said, and Bellamy turned to look at her, panting a little as his fist was raised to strike again,

"So help me God, if you say the people have a right to decide…"

"No, I was wrong before, okay? You were right. Sometimes, it's dangerous to tell people the truth. But if we're gonna survive down here, we can't just live by whatever the hell we want. We need rules." Clarke interrupted him, placing a hand on his shoulder,

He shrugged off her hand, "And who makes those rules, huh? You?"

Clarke sighed, "For now, we make the rules."

"So, what, then? We just take him back and pretend like it never happened?" Bellamy asked, shaking his head,

"No, we banish him." Clarke said, and Bellamy looked over at Murphy, a deep frown on his face,

"Murphy?" Murphy turned around and looked at Bellamy, a glare on her face,

"Do whatever the hell you want. Just leave me out of it." Murphy all but spat out before she walked away, pushing through the crowd that had formed itself around them.

Bellamy wanted to follow Murphy and make sure she was okay, but he had to deal with Conner first.

"Come on, get up..."

1191 words

Changed the plot a little,


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