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"..hey, Goggles, have you seen Murphy?" Bellamy questioned, approaching Jasper, who turned his head to look at him, his eyes slightly narrowing.

"Nope, and even if I did, I probably wouldn't tell you. You did try to kill her." Jasper replied, and Bellamy frowned,

He regretted his decision the second he kicked that crate from under Murphy, and he would do anything to make it up to her..

He was still on the fact that Murphy wasn't a boy. This whole time, Murphy was a girl, and he's been calling her a him.

"Why didn't Murphy tell me that I've been misgendering her this whole time?" Bellamy questioned. He was a little upset that Murphy never bothered to correct him.

Jasper chuckled, "Dude, isn't it obvious? Her amusement, obviously."

Bellamy narrowed his eyes at Jasper, "Who knew?"

Jasper grinned at him, "Me, obviously. Monty, Octavia, I think Finn did and.." Jasper trailed off, a deep frown replacing his grin,

"And Wells." Jasper said, and Bellamy sat in the log in front of Jasper, a troubled look in his eyes,

"..did Wells liked Murphy?" Bellamy suddenly questioned, and Jasper blinked once before twice, and he let out a laugh,

"What? What made you think that?" Jasper questioned, and Bellamy cleared his throat,

"Well.. Wells and Murphy were sorta close, and i thought Wells liked Clarke, but now that I think about it, I think Wells liked Murphy." Bellamy responded with a small shrug.

Jasper stared at Bellamy. Deep in thought, Wells and Murphy had always had a close bond since they met.

Jasper didn't know how Wells Jaha wormed his way into Johana Murphy's life, but once he did, he was there every second of the day.

Murphy didn't tell him what had happened between her and Wells, but one day they were best friends, and the next they weren't, and Jasper and Monty had betted that maybe Clarke Griffin had something to do with it, but Murphy never gave them the full story of what happened between her and Wells.

Wells had often either pulled Jasper or Monty to side and asked about Murphy, but neither boys found it suspicious, but maybe Bellamy was right for once.

Maybe Wells did have a crush on Murphy, but he was dead now, so that will never come to light.

"..okay, and your point is? Wells is dead, Bellamy. Remember, you tried to hang Murphy for it." Jasper said, his tone a bit bitter by the end of his sentence.

"And I regret it. Do you think Murphy had feelings for Wells?" Bellamy asked, and Jasper raised an eyebrow at him before his eyes widened,

"Don't tell me you like Murphy?!"

Bellamy scoffed, "I don't like Murphy! I'm just curious as to why Murphy suddenly turned against me?"

Jasper chuckled, "Right, like Murphy was ever with you in the first place. She probably only did it for Mbege."

"Now that guy," Jasper let out a whistle, smirking to himself, "definitely has the biggest crush on Murphy."

Bellamy leaned forward a little bit, propping his arms on his knees, "What? Like John Mbebe? That guy?"

Jasper nodded, leaning forward as he glanced around, making sure nobody was around.

"Yeah, Mbege. I heard that he might even make a move on Murphy, if you know what I mean?" Jasper loudly whispered to him,

Bellamy stood up, "I'm gonna go find Murphy." Bellamy walked away, and Jasper laughed to himself.

He now knew why Murphy liked messing around with Bellamy. He was an easy target.

"..why are you laughing all by yourself?" Monty questioned, approaching Jasper with furrowed eyebrows.

"Oh, man, you are not gonna believe this, so get this, I think Bellamy likes Murphy.."

Not far from the camp, Murphy sat in the woods, her back leaning against a tree, her knees brought up to her chest, and her head resting on her knees.

Her eyes were slowly closing as the exhaustion was finally getting to her.

A twig snapping made her eyes tired, eyes snap open, and a sheepishly looking Bellamy stood next to her, "Sorry, didn't mean to wake you."

Murphy watched Bellamy as he sat down next to her, keeping his distance, but he was still close enough that Murphy could feel the warmth radiating off of him.

Bellamy kept quiet, staring ahead, trying to come up with a way to start a conversation with Murphy.

"What do you want, Bellamy? Besides disturbing my sleep." Murphy spoke, and Bellamy cleared his throat, turning his head to look at her.

"Well.. I want to apologize. I'm sorry that I tried to hang you." Bellamy told her, and Murphy glared at him.

"I don't need your shitty apologies, Blake." Murphy muttered under her breath, and Bellamy sighed, frowning

He noticed her slightly shivering, and he removed his jacket before placing it over Murphy's shoulders.

He expected Murphy to toss his jacket back at him, possibly even burn it in front of him. Instead, she pulled the jacket closer to her, and a small, quiet thanks was heard.

Bellamy smiled to himself before he and Murphy looked up as something passed through the sky, almost like a shooting star.

"..was that a.."

"Dropship." Bellamy finished Murphy's sentence, standing up,

"I was gonna say a cargo pod, but sure, Dropship works too." Bellamy looked down at Murphy and offered his hand to help her up.

Murphy stared at his hand for a moment, and she reached her hand out, her hand wrapping around Bellamy's, and Bellamy easily helped her up.

He was concerned about how light she was, but Murphy started heading back towards camp, keeping ahold of his hand as she dragged him.

"Come on, Bellamy, keep up. We gotta find that pod before the grounders do." Murphy told him,

Bellamy quickly fell in to step next to Murphy, his heart rapidly racing his chest as Murphy held his hand as they walked back to camp.

It was like Murphy didn't seem to notice that she was still holding his hand, but he wasn't about to make this moment awkward by pulling his hand away.

"We'll get some supplies back from camp before finding that pod.."

1032 words

Jasper being the first to know of Bellamy's crush on Murphy and having fun with that fact for his own amusement.

I love Jasper


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