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Bellamy and Murphy walked side by side through the woods, being careful of where they stepped and avoiding stepping on any twigs.

Bellamy glanced at Murphy, who was still wearing his jacket, but with a bag now from the camp filled with supplies they probably would need.

He noticed the small wound on her neck. It had stopped bleeding, but it looked bad. "..you should get Clarke to take a look at that wound on your neck."

Murphy glanced at him, "I know how to take care of a small cut, Bellamy."

Bellamy nodded with a small hum, "Look about Conner.."

"Don't." Murphy interrupted him, sending him a small glare, and Bellamy sighed,

"All I'm trying to say is, I'm sorry about everything, about hanging you, for letting Clarke accuse you, for letting Conner hurt you, for failing Charlotte," Bellamy told her, reaching his hand out, and stopping Murphy from walking any further.

The two of them stood in the middle of the forest, staring at each other, "I am sorry, Murphy."

Murphy pulled her arm back from Bellamy's grasp, and she was about to reply when a noise nearby sounded.

Murphy moved away from Bellamy and started walking towards the noise, and Bellamy was quick to follow her.

"Hey, careful." Bellamy told her, walking in front of her, and Murphy rolled her eyes a little at Bellamy,

"I don't need your protection, Blake." Murphy said, hurrying past him.

"It could be a grounder or a wild animal." Bellamy warned her, quickening his pace to catch up with Murphy, who was surprisingly fast for someone who was still healing from her injuries.

Murphy walked out from between the trees and into a clearing, and she threw a grin at Bellamy, who came out from the trees, "or it could be the pod."

Bellamy watched as Murphy approached the pod, "Be careful, Murphy."

Murphy went to open the door to the pod, but Bellamy pushed her behind him and opened the pod door,

"Just stay behind me." Bellamy told Murphy, pulling her back as she went to check inside of the pod.

Murphy scoffed, "No way, Bellamy. I ain't no damsel." She pushed him away and headed inside of the pod.

Bellamy rolled his eyes but took a look inside. There was someone in the pod in a space suit, and Bellamy reached out and pulled Murphy out as the person moved.

He kept a firm grip on her arm as they both watched the person continue to move before the person removed the helmet from their head.

It was a woman, "Reyes?" Bellamy glanced at Murphy, who had spoken, her eyes in disbelief,

The woman turned her head towards them, and a grin appeared on her, "Murphy? Well, ain't this a sight."

A smile appeared on Murphy's face, "You look like shit, Reyes."

The woman chuckled, "says you. What the hell happened to you?"

Bellamy let go of Murphy's arm and watched as she went back inside, crouching down besides the woman,

"You're bleeding, Raven."

So, the woman's name was Raven, Raven Reyes, it seemed.

"I'm fine. Who's your friend?" Raven questioned, her eyes moving from Murphy to Bellamy.

"That's Bellamy." Murphy pulled out a canteen and took off the cap and handed it to Raven,

"It's just water, sorry it's not Monty's special drink." Murphy told her, and Raven chuckled, grabbing the canteen.


"I'm gonna check the perimeter. Make sure there aren't any grounders around." Bellamy spoke, and he left before any of the girls could say anything.

"Bellamy.. Bellamy, why does his name sound familiar?" Raven questioned, her eyebrows furrowed as she tried to recall where she heard Bellamy's name before.

"And what the hell are grounders?" Raven asked, and Murphy sighed,

"Let's get you out of here first, okay?" Murphy told her, and she nodded

"Wait, where's Finn?" Raven asked, and Murphy frowned,

"What?" Raven questioned, seeing the frown on Murphy's face, "He's not dead, is he?"

Murphy shook her head, "No, but you should ask him what his relationship with Clarke griffin is."

Raven looked at her confused before she realized what Murphy was implying. She didn't want to believe Murphy, but if there was one thing that Murphy didn't do to her, and that was lie to her.

Murphy never lied to her, never in the years of their friendship, and Murphy would always tell her how Finn was never good enough for her and that she could do better than Finn.

There were footsteps outside of the pod, and the two girls shared a look before Clarke's face appeared from the pod door.

Clarke was surprised to see Murphy already in the pod, "Murphy?"

Murphy grinned at her, "Sup, princess. Meet Raven Reyes, Finn's girlfriend."

The look on Clarke's face made up for what Clarke did to her, but Murphy did kinda feel bad about it.

Clarke trusted Finn, and Finn lied to her,and Murphy would give him a piece of her mind soon enough for cheating on Raven with clarke and lying to Clarke.

Clarke moved back to let Murphy and Raven walk out of the pod, and Raven let out a small laugh as she took her first steps on earth's ground.

Raven turned towards Murphy and ran up to her, hugging her, and Murphy was surprised, but she let out a laugh, hugging her back.

Raven pulled back as she spotted Finn walking over, and Finn looked surprised to see her, and even if Finn was cheating on her, she still missed him.



Murphy and Clarke stood by the side, watching as Raven and Finn embraced each other.

"..I'm sorry," Murphy told Clarke, who looked at her with a frowned, "i should've told you that Finn had a girlfriend."

"Why didn't you?" Clarke asked, and Murphy chuckled,

"Oh, I'm sorry, princess, but I was a bit busy being hanged after being accused of killing my friend." She replied before glancing around,

"Did you see Bellamy on your way here?" She questioned, and Clarke shook her head,

"No. Was he with you?" Murphy nodded,

"Yeah, he said he was going to check out the perimeter." Murphy told her, and Clarke let out a small curse.

"What?" Murphy questioned, confused, and Clarke sighed,

"Bellamy took the radio. He doesn't want the Ark knowing we're still alive." Clarke replied,

"Why the hell not?" Murphy asked,

"Because he shot the chancellor." Raven spoke, gaining Murphy's attention, "Now I remember why his name sounded familiar. Bellamy Blake shot Chancellor Jaha."

Murphy let out a whistle, a smirk on her face, "I think I just gain some respect for Bellamy. Tell me, is he dead?"

"Murphy." Clarke let out a sigh of disappointment, shaking her head at Murphy.

"We need to find Bellamy. Now."

1132 words


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