Mission 11: The world crisis part 5: Family ties: Sparda

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A/n pov 


Within the city streets of Fortuna Vergil is seen within a cloak wondering. Having slain many demons he chose to rest within a alleyway. Closing his eyes the Sparda remembered the night,that lead him to the path he has taken. The sight of his home in burning ruins,his brother nowhere to be found,and above all;his mother dead.

Vergil:(Mind) Without strength you can't protect anything..not even yourself. 

Slowly falling to sleep Vergil sat  falling into a dream. One devoid of the despair he's come to know. While he did a woman within a hood saw him resting.

???:(Mind) That's the man I saw from earlier..why is laying in that alley? 

As the woman slowly approached Vergil she held no fear;but pity for the Devil. Inching closer she saw Vergil's face curl into one of pain.

???:(mind) This poor soul...I can't begin to imagine the pain he is feeling.


3rd person pov

A young Vergil and Y/n laid in Eva's lap while she read them poetry. After Y/n had fallen asleep Vergil looked back at the poems.

Vergil: Mom...why do people write poems in the first place?

Eva:*Smiles*  It's often their way to  spread the messages they can't say Vergil.   Not all people's voices can be heard. So to let others  regardless of the time  know they beliefs;they wrote for all to see.

Vergil: Is that really true?

Eva  rubbed her son's head with a giggle before she responded to him.

Eva: It sure is most Poets  spread their beliefs and stories of their love within their work. People like Edgar Allen Poe for example. He let the world know of the beauty in Death and in Love for another being.  Poetry is a beautiful thing Vergil and it's something that  many can appreciate. 

As Vergil stared up at Eva everything went white; turning to the sight of his burning home.

(Dream over)

Vergil soon awakened by the woman's footsteps,quickly turned to her stopping her movements.

Vergil: What do you want with me? I wish to be left in peace.

???: I saw you wipe out those Demons earlier and I wanted to thank you.  Well that was until I saw you laying there in sorrow.

Vergil sighed then stood up and spoke.

Vergil: It is none of your concern now leave me.

???: I understand if you don't wish to talk about your pain. What I can't do is leave you lying here alone in a alley-

Vergil drew Yamato then aimed it at the woman.

Vergil: I said leave... I won't ask you a third time. 

???: I  refuse I won't forgive myself if I leave you out here.  All I want is for you to rest in a bed for the night. That is all then if you really feel happy in a alley instead of a home;so be it.

Vergil looked into her eyes seeing she wouldn't bow down. Scoffing Vergil sheathed Yamato then spoke.

Vergil: Why do you feel the need to go through all this for someone who you know nothing about woman?

???:*smiles* With our world full of sadness I want to believe that some happiness can exist.

Vergil: How foolish...not all souls can be saved with that naive nature in mind.

???: That maybe true... but am I really more foolish than someone refusing  shelter;that they clearly don't have?

Having followed the woman to her house Vergil had stayed the night. What he thought would be a one time deal soon changed. He found himself  staying by her side  more often. Turning to months with her Vergil came to a realization. He found himself discovering love for another being.

Vergil: You've given me more than most ever have. It seems the more I tried to reject them the stronger my feelings became. I spent my life in search of power until this point but;I am willing to try and live this human life.

Nero's mother: Vergil....I love you with all of my heart. Ever since that day all I ever wanted was to heal your broken heart. I want to show you the good side of humanity; I'll give you my body and soul...my love.

As time passed their love blossomed further; with even a child being born. However like all things even that happiness soon passed.

Fortuna citizen: D-DEMONS ARE ATTACKING!!!!

Fortuna Citizen 2: H-HELP ME!!!

Vergil looked on in the streets seeing the horde of demons running wild  before he attacked. Slashing one down with ease  Vergil sprayed the ground in blood.

Vergil: Come you shall die.

While the demons charged at Vergil he rushed towards them and bashed one with his sheathed blade.  Fortuna's guards watched the demon smashed through a wall then Vergil scoffed. Slashing one in half Vergil hacked off another demon's head.  The Son of Sparda saw a demon going to stab him from behind then took a deep breath. When the Demon split into more Vergil formed spirit swords then  impaled the demons.

Vergil:(Mind) I have no time to waste on this trash. I have to hurry home and fast.

Vergil  saw a explosion happen in the distance then clenched his fist. Running off Vergil mowed down those in the way. For him what mattered most in that moment was returning to the woman he found love in. His very soul SCREAMED out for him to return and protect her.  Running with every ounce of  his speed Vergil thought about his son's mother.

Vergil:(Mind) Just hold on a little longer I swear to you i'll save you.

With Vergil's  lover  things seemed dire.  Running through her burning  home she heard the sounds of her son's crying. Rushing  in she grabbed her son and ran outside the house.


The woman looked around in fear when the sight of thousands of demons stood before her. Holding Nero tightly against her chest she ran as fast as she could.

Nero's mother: (Mind) I-I have to buy time! V-Vergil is coming I know that with every fiber of my soul. U-Until he gets here I need to protect our son until my last breath!

 While the woman ran as fast as she could her leg was cut by a demon;making her scream out in pain.  Trying her best to ignore the pain the woman tried limped only for another demon to  stab her in the stomach. As her body fell to it's knees she smiled faintly when she saw Vergil stop her fall. Holding her close Vergil stared down at his lover while she reached; to touch his face.

Nero's Mother: I...I knew you'd come for me.

Vergil: Please save your energy your too injured.

Nero's Mother: D-Darling... we both k-know I don't h-have much time.. I'm not like you;i'm merely human.

Vergil: And yet the only human who could change my demonic heart.

Hearing Nero's cries Vergil looked down to see his son  looking at his mother's blood.

Nero's Mother: V-Vergil Nero is still alive...I-I did everything I c-could t...to save him.

Vergil: You truly are  brave and selfless... someone that proves humans still have a chance in this world

Nero's mother: C-Could you p-promise me one last  thing....my love?

Vergil's face filled with a single tear as he nodded at the woman.

Nero's Mother:Please Darling.. I...beg....you..protect Nero..He must..live...Vergil.

Vergil:*clenches fist* Fine....for you I will..my love. I'll keep him safe.

Nero's Mother: E-Even....even if our t-time together was small.....I......I'm so happy to have m-met you...I'm....b..blessed..t-to have....loved you.....Vergil.

Vergil: You're wrong...the one who was blessed was a Demon like me....Rest in Peace my love.

Hearing the laughter of the Demons Vergil slowly stood up.  After Wrapping Nero in his coat Vergil faced the Demons once more.

Vergil: You scum have taken from me  my only reason to keep restraint.

Beginning to glare with a unending hate in his eyes Vergil's body began to glow.  His heart blackening once more Vergil was consumed in a dark blue energy.

Vergil; You wanted to face a Sparda and so I'll give you your wish.

 The demons stared in disbelief as the ground shook before Vergil roared;echoing thorough the land.

Vergil: You will not forget this Devil's power!

Blitzing towards them Vergil showed no ounce of mercy; only  butchering and mutilating the monsters before him. He had lost many things during the course of his life up until  now.  His father: a man who he would strive to be like. His mother who was a saint within his world. Y/n; the twin he thought would always have his back. His family home and even now he lost the one person to make him feel the love of another.

Vergil;(Mind) I was a damn fool for thinking I could have a normal life;to stop my search for power. 

After slaughtering every  last demon in sight Vergil wiped away the blood from his face. Turning to his crying son the Sparda walked over then picked him up.

Vergil: It'll be ok Nero....those monsters shall never hurt you;neither will they harm your mother.

(flashback over)

Vergil; Who are you?

Jeanne: Someone who helping a friend prevent you from making a huge mistake.

Vergil: You know nothing about this matter;stand aside.

Jeanne: I know more than you'd think. If you do this you could  unleashed every Demon upon this world.  Don't you understand there is more to this than you realize!

Vergil: That's none of my Concern now get.out.of.my.way. I won't ask you a third time.

Jeanne saw the seriousness in the Sparda's eyes before she sighed to herself.

Jeanne:(mind) I'm sorry Y/n and Cereza but I can't reason with him.

Jeanne quickly shot at Vergil causing him to  block with Yamato. Jeanne rushed at Vergil with a kick then called out to him.


Vergil got into a stance then spoke coldly;ready for the fight ahead.

Vergil: What good is a Umbra compared to the power of Sparda?

While Vergil's battle began so did Y/n and Bayonetta's began aswell.



To be continued

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