Mission 12: The World Crisis part 6:Family ties:Umbra

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3rd person pov

Y/n ran at Balder with a slash only for the Lumen sage to block with a his wings. 

Y/n:*Smirks* Is it just me or can't anyone around here have a decent family reunion? Does everything have to happen during a world ending event?

Balder: Oh don't  threat son of Sparda I shall  take what i'm after very soon.

Y/n: Now I wouldn't go betting on that anytime soon.

Bayonetta jumped over Y/n towards Balder while firing her guns at the Lumen Sage.  Balder dodged the bullets then summoned his spear to block a strike from Y/n.Watching Balder attack Y/n jumped back onto a rooftop. 

Balder: You are worth commending for your efforts son of Sparda however; I believe you have more important matters to deal with.

Y/n looked up into the sky seeing angels descending down towards him. 

Y/n: First Demons and the metric shit tone  of other baddies, now I got to do Angel control too huh?

Standing up Y/n  smirked as he began to use his Devil Trigger. When a Blood Goyle got his way Y/n slashed it in half before he spoke.

Y/n:Well bring it on ya halo wearing bastards!

Y/n rushed towards the Angels with a slash hacking 4 in half. While Y/n cut his way through the horde Bayonetta was seen  summoning Manama's fist. Trying to crush Balder Bayonetta watched as Balder  fired a beam of light at her. The Umbra witch  hit by the beam was sent flying towards the ground.


Balder: My dear sweet child... your are not yet at the level I wished you to be.

Getting up slowly Bayonetta  held one of  her guns tighter then stared back at Balder.

Bayonetta: (mind) Daddy......I wished this path wouldn't of come for you. I wish things could have been different.


A/n pov

Ticking back once more the clock of time takes us back to the sight of a Younger Balder and Rosa. Their kinds at war  Balder  swung his spear at Rosa who blocked with one of her guns. Going to kick the Lumen back Rose watched his spear separate;allowing him to block her strike. Launched back a bit Balder   stood with a smile.

Balder: I must confess you fight well Umbra Witch. I almost find it commendable if it weren't for the fact you serve Hell.

Rosa: The feeling is mutual Lumen Sage. If not for our kinds at war I'd say your quite a catch for a woman.

Balder: Hmph is that say then tell me what pray tell  is your name?

Rosa:  Is it not rude for one to ask another for their name without introducing themselves first?

Balder:*Chuckles* I suppose you got me there. I am Balder a proud member of the Lumen Sages.

Rose: Balder eh well I am Rose a sister of the Umbra Witches  it's a pleasure to meet you.

  Engaging in battle once more the two had come to find a a admiration towards the other. Over the course of many a year they grew closer with every encounter. It became clear they had begun a taboo of both kinds;

They had fallen in love. with one another. Their love blossomed until they had conceived a child;one that would be seen as a outcast among the Umbra. 

Rosa: Balder is Cereza not beautiful?

Balder: She is indeed she carries the greatest looks of yourself my darling. 

Rosa: I only wish their was a way she wouldn't have to suffer among my umbran sisters.

Balder: We have caused this to fall upon her..but I know deep down she will accomplish what none of us ever could. 

Rubbing the check of his daughter Balder smiled  warmly then spoke softly.

Balder:No matter what Cereza we shall  never stop looking after you. You are our greatest gift and we shall never stop loving you ....my dear sweet child.

 Knowing their kind outrage they refused to acknowledge Balder as Ceraza's father;to keep her from being killed. However as she grew older Bayonetta found herself more and more alone. When she had met Y/n and Vergil that all had changed. At the age of 5  a young Y/n is seen running with Bayonetta through shaded path.

Y/n: Come on Cereza I wanna show ya something!

Bayonetta: Ok Y/n just hold on i'm not as fast as you!

Y/n laughed as Bayonetta tried her best to follow until they reached the sight of a glowing green gem. Bayonetta's eyes lite up with amazement causing Y/n to grin.

Y/n:Pretty cool huh? It's sick looking so I wanted you to see it!

The young Umbra hugged Y/n then squealed.

Bayonetta: Thanks so much Y/n!

Y/n: Hehe it's no biggie.

???: Cereza dear where are you?

Bayonetta turned back then walked over to the person know spoke.

Bayonetta: I'm Right here Mummy!

Rosa: Good come with me dear we will be going now.

Going off Sparda watched them leave alongside Balder. Hearing a familiar voice behind him Sparda turned to see Amaterasu staring back at him.

Amaterasu: It is sad seeing that they must hide in order to meet one another. Poor Cereza cannot see her own father;without coming here for secrecy.

Sparda: I agree...however they haven't any other choice.  The Lumen and the Umbra are built on their pride. Something I can't see them be-ridding themselves of.

Timeskip brought to you by these

A/n pov

With 2 years passing Bayonetta learned of the death of Y/n's family. Y/n sat in the rain when  Cereza ran after him seeing him in sorrow.

Y/n: The demons...they took her.... they took mama from me...I-I can't even find Vergil anywhere.

Bayonetta:  W-What happened Y/n?

Y/n: Mom...she...she locked me in a closet so she could find Vergil...b-but then..

Y/n 's face filled with tears then he punched the ground while crying.


Bayonetta hugged Y/n close while he cried in her lap.

Bayonetta: I-I haven't left you Y/n.. and I won't ever do it.

After a minute Y/n calmed down before he stood up. Going to wonder away Cereza stared back at the boy.

Bayonetta: Y-Y/n? Where are you going?

Y/n: I ..can't let what those monsters did be forgiven. I-I swear I'll kill the bastards that killed my family no matter what;and i'll do it alone.

It was that day Bayonetta had found herself alone once more. With years passing the two children took the path's that forged them to what they were today.

Y/n followed the path of a Devil Hunter;using his Demon powers as a means to protect mankind.

 Cereza  followed the path of Umbra Witch alongside Jeanne. In order to fight for the Demon she would make a pack with.

Madama Butterfly: So you wish to create a pack aswell Child?

Bayonetta: Yes you serve your side of the contract and I will do my part.

Madama Butterfly; Hmm your strength and will are  strong;so be it child.

With their paths chosen carved neither truly knew what the future held.

(flashback end)

3rd person pov

Lady went through the streets when she heard someone running. Grabbing her gun she watched them turn the corner;then put their hands up.


Lady: Who are you and why aren't you at the  safe zone?

Frank: The names Frank,Frank West and I'm a journalist. I'm out getting whatever evidence I can on who caused this damn thing.

Lady: Well look it's nowhere near safe for you out here.

Frank: Woman I don't scare easy.. I covered wars you know?

The ground began to shake when they both looked up seeing Jeanne summoning Madama Styx.

Jeanne: See reasoning Vergil! Sparda's power  was sealed off because it was too much for another to possess without his heart!

When Madama Styx unleashed her punch it shattered the building Vergil was on;causing rubble to fall. When a part of the building fell down towards Frank Lady blew it apart with a rocket.

Lady: Still wanna stay out here?

Frank:Alright already point taken. I'll come with ya but this isn't over yet.

Vergil appeared on another building before he spoke   holding Yamato in on of his hands.

Vergil: Foolish Umbra did you really think I wasn't aware of that fact? I will reclaim my father's power so that no one else can. This world is one consumed by power,those without it are doomed to lose all they cherish. That is why I shall gain power beyond anything this world has known.

 Vergil dashed up Madama Styx's arm before he jumped off towards Jeanne. 

Jeanne: To sacrifice the world in order to achieve that goal is madness!

When Jeanne blocked  the two  were sent flying onto 2 rooftops. Closing his eyes Vergil remembered the last words of Nero's mother.


Nero's mother: E-Even....even if our t-time together was small.....I......I'm so happy to have m-met you..I'm....b..blessed..t-to have....loved you.....Vergil.

(Flashback end)

Vergil: This world doesn't matter to me anymore. 

I have sacrificed many things to get  to this point. If I have to end the world world to achieve my father's power I will.

(Back with Y/n)

Finally slaying every angel before him Y/n heard Bayonetta call out to him.

Bayonetta: Y/n...as  much as I love your help I suggest you leave Balder to me. From the looks of it you have your own family drama to stop.

Y/n remained silent for a moment then turned to see Jeanne and smiled.

Y/n:Alright I guess you got a point...Guess it's up to me to whop his ass.

Walking away Y/n put Rebellion over his shoulder.

Y/n; I hope your ready Vergil cuz I'm coming for round 2.

After a few minutes Y/n found himself in area frozen off with a statue standing before the door. Walking over towards it he heard chains rattle before;the statue bursted up with a roar. As ice flew at Y/n he  jumped back.Facing the Demon that stood before him watched it try to bite him.


Y/n:Wow i've never seen a talking  mutt before. You know in a dog show you'd definitely  take  first place.


The demon growled before it shot ice at Y/n causing him to jump back;while it froze the door.

Y/n;Easy Fido how about I take you out for a walk? Come on puppy let's go!

Cerberus: You'll regret this you worm.

Y/n hopped in place then took a stance with a smirk.

Y/n;Alright it's show time come on!

To be continued

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