Mission 13: The World crisis part 7: The Hunter ascends!

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3rd person pov

Y/n fired at Cerberus causing the ice demon to jump with a slash. Jumping in the air Y/n smirked then pulled out his shotgun. 

Y/n: Sorry not in a mood to shake paw Scooby but how about some fetch!

 Cerberus's other head fired a blast of ice just as Y/n's shotgun shell blasted out of the gun. Colliding and causing a smoke screen Y/n ran at the beast with Rebellion.  Jumping at it Y/n slashed at it breaking the ice off it.  Upon doing so Cerberus roared blasting Y/n back with ice. Jumping back on his feet Y/n watched as ice rained upon the ground causing him to dodged his would be icy tomb. 



Slamming it's paw down Cerberus unleashed icy spike at Y/n who slashed them away. Cerberus  jumped to tackle Y/n who blocked with his arm with royal guard before knocking the demon back. Watching it crash into the wall Y/n whistled with Rebellion in hand.

Y/n: Not bad for a mutt but I hope you got something new up your sleeve.

Cerberus went to run at Y/n who  slashed  one of it's head's clean off. Cerberus growled in anger before it charged at Y/n once more only for the Sparda to blast it's other head away leaving one to stare him down.

Cerberus: Your are not human are you?!

Y/n: Who knows i'm not so sure about it myself!

Cerberus:  Regardless  you've shown your worth, I acknowledge your ability. Take my soul and go forth; you have my blessing.

Placing Rebellion back on his back Y/n watched as Cerberus's body  blasted apart and revealed a new weapon before him. While using it with style Y/n grinned with pride.

Y/n:(mind) Oh yeah this baby will come in handy. Let's see what Vergil will think about  my new toy.

As the weapon faded from his hand Y/n walked forward deeper into the building.

Y/n: Just you wait  Vergil, I'm coming for ya big bro.

(Meanwhile with Vergil

Jeanne  charged at Vergil as Madama Styx  swung her fist at him causing Vergil to jump out of the way while Jeanne rushed at with her guns. Trying to bash him the Umbra was  met with the Sparda blocking her strike.

Vergil: Foolish.

Vergil summoned  his spirit blades  causing Jeanne to stop time with Witch time as she  jumped back. Firing a barrage of bullets around Vergil she watched as she sliced them apart with ease as time unfroze. 

Jeanne: I'm the foolish one?   Darling if i'm a fool then what does that a stubborn boy like you? Unable to see how much effort those around you are placing to save this world. Yet through all of this you are unable to see just how much your brother is putting on the line to try and stop you.

Vergil: Y/n is naive...letting his heart stand in the way from what it takes to save this pathetic world.  Emotions are a human weakness;

One which i've seen the consequences of giving into.  

If he were to lose the one he loves the most? He couldn't handle the weight of it. 

Vergil rapidly slashed at  Jeanne  who jumped out of the way.

Jeanne:  While I sympathize with your struggle  however, I have my own goals. Besides that Y/n may not wish to admit it aloud but; he still loves you.

Vergil stared at Jeanne  in silence for a second then back into a stance.

Vergil: Then... he'l have to show just how determined he is.

 As they two clashed once more elsewhere  Joe and Alastor had stood before their beaten foes. 

Viewtiful Joe: Heh Yeah! We totally did it!

Alastor: Would seem so Joe.. so what will you do now?

Viewtiful Joe: What any hero should do at a time like this. Save any normy people I can with my Viewtiful skills.

Alastor smiled at Joe when he suddenly noticed someone with a gun aimed at Joe.

Alastor: JOE  GET DOWN!

Viewtiful Joe: W-Wha-

As the gunshot was heard  Alastor knocked Joe out of the way then took the bullet for him.

Viewtiful Joe: C-CRAP A-ALASTOR!!

???:A honorable display but  ultimately foolish.

Viewtiful Joe  turned to see the man responsible on the top of a building.

Viewtiful Joe: W-Who do you think you are..because you just made a bad mistake bro!

Deathstroke: I'm just a mercenary hired to take out you wanna be heroes for a hefty price. But for the time you have left alive you can just call me Deathstroke.

Alastor: J-Joe *coughs* d-don't do it! H-He's not someone you can beat!

Viewtiful Joe: What are you talking about bro?

Alastor: I've heard all about the man before you Joe. Slade Wilson was a man who was part of a failed medical experiment..  but to even call it that on it's own is horrifying. Due to it he became a Mercenary  unlike any other. His combat skills and strategy are legendary in the criminal underworld.

It's because of his ruthless and brutal nature he's become known as the terminator.  

Deathstroke faced off against many of the world's strongest and bested them. Don't you see Joe he isn't someone you can hope to defeat alone!

Viewtiful Joe: Maybe but it doesn't matter to me I still gotta try! It's called being a hero Al.

Timeskip brought to you by these

3rd person pov

As Y/n continued up the tower he made it to a sealed room.

???:Look brother it's been ages but we finally have company!

??? 2: I know brother we  must be gracious hosts!....So uh what should we do?



???: Brother our guest is sighing.

??? 2: SIGH? what is SIGH?

???: Well a sigh is when-

Y/n: ENOUGH ALREADY HOW LONG ARE YOU TWO GONNA KEEP CARRYING ON LIKE THIS?! Since you two haven't figured it out i'll spell it out for ya. your GUEST wants to go through got it?

The two voices stopped before the room began to shake as they seem to stand up.

???: We cannot do that! 

??? 2: That's right we are sworn to guard this gate with our lives!

When the two jumped down Y/n shook his head with a smirk before grabbed Ebony and Ivory.

Y/n: Alright then now this is more my speed anyways. 

When they rushed at him Y/n dodged the wind and fire they unleashed. Jumping behind them Y/n began to open fire.


The two demons  blocked the bullets before they swung at Y/n. Spinning around the blades Y/n whipped out Rebellion then knocked the blue one back. The Red one roared as it  unleashed flames at Y/n.  As he did Y/n spun around using drive causing the two blades to clash. Creating a blast of flames and demonic energy the two stared each other down.

Y/n: Well ain't this something guess I know what those beefy bodes are compensating for now.  Ain't that right pinhead?

Demon : Your mocking words are meaningless fool! 

Y/n:Mocking..me? You got it twisted it's called fact dude!

As ice formed in his other hand Cerberus appeared as Y/n smacked the Red demon back  with it.

Y/n: Just like how i'm gonna send you dudes on your asses.

Y/n charged at the blue one before hacking it in two leaving the other one two call for the blade. As the two demon blades were swung at Y/n the Demon hunter stared without a care. After flashing red in a instant Y/n cut down the demon. When the two blades fell they saw the truth of Y/n.

???/??? 2:(mind) Incredible...he is-

When they landed Y/n was going to keep going until they stopped him.

???: WAIT!


???: We've been waiting a long time!

??? 2: That's right a very long time for someone stronger than us!

???:Someone who can control us!

Agni: My name is  Agni!

Rudra: And my name is Rudra!


Y/n stood for a second and thought about it before answering.

Y/n: Ok but one 1 condition.

Agni/Rudra: Anything!/ NAME IT!

Y/n: No TALKING got it?

Agni/Rudra: Very well as you wish.

After Y/n picked them up he swung them around for a minute then smirked.

Rudra: Impressive.

Y/n knocked them together then spoke.

Y/n: No.Talking!

As they went silent again Y/n grinned.


Once they vanished Y/n saw Nevan suddenly came out and wrapped her arms around him.

Nevan: Hello there sugar~ I see you've  been busy.

Y/n: Let me guess you've been around seeing the new recruits of my lovely Devil May Cry business?

Nevan: I have as a matter of fact.~ But I must say I rather like the dog but just don't go letting the new girls be having all the fun.~

Y/n:*confused* New girls the hell are ya going on about?!

As Agni and Rudra reformed Y/n stared in shock to see the new form in which they were in. 

Agni: We are eternally grateful for  the ability to no longer need a such weak host bodies. 

Rudra: Now we are free to show our TRUE demon forms all thanks to you master!



Y/n: Hey you two better get to giving me some damn answers!

Agni: One moment he's telling us to be quiet then he's telling us to speak?

Rudra: Let's just listen to him dear sister!

Y/n:..You know what this is gonna give me a headache i'm not ready to deal with. I'll just take it you tow were covering up and call it a day for now. I got a bro who I got a ass to kick.

As the demon girls vanished Y/n kept going on.

Y/n(mind): Women....I'll never understand them. Race be damned.

To be continued

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