Author's Note

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Okay, so this week has been incredibly tough. 

I'm sorry for delays between updates, if anyone really cares😅 I'm not saying that to be hateful I just don't know if anyone actually reads this. 


I want to address a few things.

1. I know the "Girl meets two boys and has to choose" Plot is a little (Lot) stereotypical, but I always find myself getting really into it and then crying in anger and deep sadness when the girl chooses the one I was hoping she wouldn't. Prime example of this: SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. I MEAN, COME ON. CLEARLY THE YOUNGER BROTHER IS SUPERIOR. GOSH.

2. I'm not on top of my game with the whole writing part of writing. How, you don't ask? I've never written an intrigue story, and I've definitely never written on Wattpad. I think that a first person POV may be better for this kind of story? Please let me know if you read this. Would it be tedious for anyone if I switched the POVs? 

3. Thanks for reading up to this point! Votes and comments mean the world to me, and let me know what I need to improve on.

4. That's all. Love yous!😊


5. Kana Sheill's face pretty much constantly looks like this:  ^_^ JSYK

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