Kyoyo and the Recall Shop

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The Shop was located on 9th Street, smushed between the insurance company and the Coffee Shop. It was painted a pale green, like new leaves in spring sunlight, and it should have been easily visible to anyone on the street. But it wasn't, and it remains a mystery why. The inside of the Shop was dusty and warm, and it had a timeless feeling as if you were suspended between seconds. 

A girl was inside, humming to herself as she swept. She had an average build and was a little short, with black hair fringing the shoulders of her school uniform. Her eyes were dark blue, and her tiny mouth pulled down at the corners just slightly. She knelt to pick up the dustpan and something caught her eye on one of the shelves. It was a beautiful bracelet, pale bronze with a small heart charm. 

She looked closer but did not pick it up. She knew better.

For she had been working at the Recall Shop for as long as she could remember. 

And something you learned very quickly was don't touch the merchandise. The girl remembered when she had once. It was long ago, when she was still new to the job. There had been a sweet little bunny toy sitting on the shelf, and she had longed to play with it. It was only for a second that she had fingered its velvety ear, but she was instantly transported somewhere else. She was suddenly in a pale pink bedroom, watching a pigtailed little girl pour imaginary tea for the little bunny. 

"There you go, Mija! More tea for you."

She had been shaken out of the memory by strong hands and was severely reprimanded for touching anything. 

The girl shook her head and returned to sweeping the floor. The stairs groaned softly under the weight of footsteps. She turned and saw her boss coming down from the upstairs apartment. 

"Hello, Timekeeper." She greeted, straightening up.

"Hello, Kyoyo." The Timekeeper returned, brushing her pale hand across the countertop. "Thank you for taking care of the shop while I had my tea. You are free to go home now."

'Thank you, Ma'am!" Kyoyo smiled and curtsied quickly before grabbing her backpack and heading out the door. The Timekeeper nodded. 

"Just don't be late for the night shift. I'll be needing your expertise." 

"I wouldn't miss it for the world, Ma'am!"

Kyoyo held deep respect for the Timekeeper, considering her to be the mother she never had. Anyone else, though, could see the sinister glint in the Timekeeper's coal black eyes.

(A/N) Hello! Thank you very much for reading this >@< 

Um...Does anyone know how to change the font to italics or bold? ":)

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