Kyoyo Zloto's Line of Occupation

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I feel like it goes without saying at this point, but the picture's not mine. 🙂

When the night's velvety curtain descends on the stage of the city, a new act begins.

"Kyoyo...It's time for the night shift."

Kyoyo nodded silently and donned her cowl. Then she slipped out of the Recall Shop and into the quieting night. Aside from a few cars piloted by drowsy people heading home, the streets were deserted. Reminders of the day, such as a desolate flyer or crumpled candy bar wrapper, remained in the street like wraiths. They may have held good memories, but the Timekeeper accepted only quality merchandise. 

"Let's see..." Kyoyo pulled the slip of paper from her pocket and checked the address that the Timekeeper had ascribed. 

314 Mayple Street.

One of those fancy apartments near the private school. Kyoyo thought. The Timekeeper only sends me to that area if she needs something important.

The address was on the fourth floor up, so Kyoyo carefully vaulted herself onto the balcony, almost slipping and falling in the process. "Parkour is not my strong suit." Kyoyo whimpered as she pulled herself back up. She carefully opened the balcony door and slipped inside. 

The Timekeeper knew full well that she was sending this young girl to commit breaking and entering. Did she care? Not in the slightest. Of course, Kyoyo did not know that. 

The floor inside the apartment was so shiny smooth that Kyoyo's sneakers kept squealing, to the point that she had to take them off. She crept through the darkened hallways like a spider, large azure eyes roving for the memory she was supposed to gather. 


It was sitting on the kitchen table. A letter, carefully opened and repacked in its pale pink envelope. The cute kitten stamps and kawaii handwriting made it seem out of place on the sleek jet black wood of the table. 

Kyoyo picked it up carefully and felt the memory rush through her.

The letter came for me today. I knew it would eventually, but I was hoping she'd give me a bit more time to think things over. Her handwriting is as cute as ever and I'm happy to see it, though it would have been better if she disguised it- at least on the envelope. I open it carefully, not wanting to tear it even a tiny bit. She wants me back. I can't believe this. How could she-

The memory is interrupted by the creak of a floorboard, but Kyoyo is already out of the apartment by the time it sounds. She clutched the letter in one hand and her sneakers in the other. She allowed herself a moment to breathe before she had to return to the Shop. 

The memory from the apartment belonged to the boy she had bumped into early that morning.

His name was Eli, and Kyoyo could feel herself beginning to blush just at the thought of him.

(A/N) Hiiii!! Thank you for reading this! Please comment if you have any questions or criticisms, but please don't speak harshly. I don't think this got mentioned in the story (My mistake), but Kyoyo is 16 years old and in 10th grade.😊

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