30| Painkiller

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The morning sunlight filtered through the tall windows of their home, casting long beams across the hardwood floor. Sam quietly padded across the room, her bare feet making a soft sound as she made her way downstairs. She glanced over at Ray still wrapped up in their bed, his face peaceful in sleep. A small smile touched her lips as she watched him for a moment longer before turning to head to the door. After their night out, she knew he was sleeping in, and honestly, she didn't mind having a little quiet time to herself.

In the kitchen, the faint aroma of coffee brewing filled the air. Sam pulled her hair into a loose ponytail, rolling up the sleeves of Ray's oversized band T-shirt she had stolen for the morning. She reached for a carton of eggs from the fridge, the coldness prickling her skin. As she cracked the eggs into the sizzling pan, her mind wandered, thinking about the life they were building here. The weight of responsibility clung to her thoughts like a shadow, never too far away. Rose had been stable the night before, but that constant worry nibbled at her. The guilt of leaving her grandmother, even for a few hours of fun, hovered in the background.

"Morning, Ms. Morris," Amber's soft voice pulled her out of her thoughts. The housekeeper stood in the doorway, wiping her hands on a dish towel.

"Hey, Amber," Sam greeted with a warm smile, flipping the eggs in the pan. "How was everything last night? Was Rose okay?"

Amber nodded, stepping into the kitchen to pour herself a small cup of coffee. "She was fine. No trouble at all. She slept through most of the night."

"That's good to hear." She hesitated for a moment, biting her lip. "Actually, I was wondering if you could look after her again tonight. Ray, Andrew, and I are thinking about going out for dinner."

Amber gave a knowing smile, her eyes soft with understanding. "Of course. You need your time too, Samantha. I'll make sure everything's taken care of."

Sam nodded, grateful, but a twitch of guilt twisted in her stomach again. "Thank you. I know I'm asking a lot lately."

"Don't worry yourself over it," Amber said kindly, taking a sip of her coffee. "You deserve a break too. And she's in good hands."

Sam forced a smile, pushing away the unease that always seemed to cling to her when she thought about Rose. She didn't want to think about what Amber and her parents had suggested the other day about finding a care home for her grandmother. It felt like giving up, and Sam couldn't bring herself to even consider it.

Amber turned to leave, heading off to start her cleaning for the day. As the kitchen quieted down, Sam focused on preparing the rest of breakfast, stirring the scrambled eggs and placing some toast in the toaster. She enjoyed the simplicity of the moment, the rhythm of cooking helping her clear her mind. Yet, beneath it all, there was always that undercurrent of tension between her obligations, her guilt, and the small space of freedom she craved with Ray.

The door to the kitchen creaked open, and Sam glanced up to see Andrew standing there, leaning casually against the doorframe. His hair was slightly disheveled, his eyes still sleepy, but he wore a smirk that matched the lazy morning energy.

"Well, well," Andrew drawled, his voice teasing. "Looks like I'm missing out on a gourmet breakfast."

Sam chuckled softly, waving him in. "You're just in time. Grab a plate. Ray's still out cold, so I figured I'd get something started."

He moved over to the counter, grabbed a plate, and served himself some eggs. "Good call. If I waited for Ray, we'd be starving until noon."

Sam grinned as she handed him a mug of coffee. "Yeah, he's definitely not a morning person."

Andrew leaned against the counter as he took a sip of the coffee, his gaze drifting to the view outside the window. "You settling in okay?" he asked, his tone softer now, more genuine. "New York's a big change after L.A."

Sam's smile faltered just a little, but she nodded. "It's different. I miss parts of L.A., but being here feels right. Close to family, you know?"

Andrew nodded in understanding, his gaze thoughtful. "Yeah. Family's complicated though, huh?"

Sam let out a small laugh, stirring her own coffee. "You can say that."

She leaned back against the counter, her thoughts turning back to Rose. "It's just, I don't know. Sometimes it feels like no matter what I do, there's always more to worry about."

Andrew gave her a knowing look. "That's life, isn't it? Just when you think you've got one thing handled, something else pops up."

Sam met his gaze, feeling the weight of his words. They shared a quiet moment of understanding both of them dealing with lives that seemed constantly shifting, constantly pulling at them from all sides.

As they continued to eat, Andrew broke the silence. "So, how's everything really going?"

Sam stirred her coffee thoughtfully. "It's been... a lot. Adjusting to New York, taking care of Rose, and just trying to find my footing again. But it's good to have some normalcy, even if it's just breakfast."

Andrew nodded, leaning back in his chair. "I get that. Sometimes, you just need those little moments to ground yourself." His gaze turned contemplative, and he took a sip of his coffee before speaking again. "I've been thinking a lot about Molly lately."

Sam looked up, her curiosity piqued. "Oh? What's going on with that?"

Andrew's expression shifted to one of frustration mixed with longing. "I don't know. We had a great time at the party and last night, but things are up in the air. I thought we had something real."

Sam tilted her head, considering his words. "You should talk to her, Andrew. Sometimes, clarity comes from a conversation, even if it's uncomfortable."

Andrew sighed, a trace of a smile on his lips. "Yeah, I suppose. It's just hard to know what to say without making things worse."

Sam gave him a teasing nudge. "You're overthinking it. Just be honest. You've always been good at that. Use tonight to get some clarity."

Andrew chuckled, shaking his head. "I'll take that as advice from someone who knows."

The conversation then shifted as Andrew looked at Sam with genuine interest. "Enough about my messy not so love life. What about your writing? How's that going?"

Sam's eyes lit up, the topic bringing a spark of excitement to her. "Actually, I've been working on a mystery thriller. It's something I've been piecing together for a while now. It's about a detective unraveling a series of clues that lead to a shocking revelation."

Andrew leaned forward, clearly intrigued. "That sounds fascinating. What's the twist?"

Sam hesitated a playful smile on her lips. "I don't want to give too much away, but let's just say that the detective's personal life becomes entangled with the case in unexpected ways. It's all about blurred lines between right and wrong."

Andrew's eyes widened with interest. "Following your grandfather's footsteps, I can see why you're excited. That sounds like it has a lot of potential. You should definitely keep working on it."

Sam felt a rush of validation from his encouragement. "Thanks, Andrew. It means a lot to hear that. Sometimes, I feel like I'm just spinning my wheels, but your enthusiasm is motivating."

As Andrew and Sam continued their conversation, the soft clinking of utensils and the rich aroma of breakfast filled the kitchen. The morning sunlight streamed through the window, casting a warm glow over the room. The relaxed atmosphere of their shared meal was a welcome change from the recent chaos.

Ray finally appeared, rubbing his eyes and yawning, his tousled hair a testament to his leisurely start to the day. His presence immediately brightened the room, and he gave a sleepy smile to both Sam and Andrew. "Morning, guys. Did I miss much?"

Sam looked up from her plate with a grin. "Just Andrew confessing his complicated feelings for Molly and me getting a boost of writing inspiration. You're just in time for breakfast."

Ray shuffled over to the table, taking a seat next to Sam. He grabbed a piece of toast and started spreading butter with a practiced hand. "Sounds like I missed all the drama. I will have to catch up later."

Andrew chuckled, clearly in a better mood now that Ray had joined them. "We were just discussing Sam's new book idea. She's working on a mystery thriller that sounds like it's going to be amazing."

Ray's eyes lit up with interest. "Oh, really? That's great to hear. What's it about?"

Sam, feeling encouraged by Andrew's praise, eagerly shared more about her book. "It's about a detective whose personal life becomes entangled with a case she's working on. The lines between right and wrong blur as the investigation progresses. It's a bit of a psychological twist on the genre with a hint of dark romance."

Ray nodded, clearly impressed. "That sounds intriguing. I'd love to hear more about it as you continue to develop it."

As they ate, the conversation naturally shifted to more casual topics. Ray and Andrew reminisced about their time on the road and the peculiarities of life on tour. Sam listened, interjecting with her own thoughts and anecdotes, enjoying the easy camaraderie that had settled over them.

Eventually, Ray's gaze softened as he looked at Sam. "So, how are you feeling about everything? I know there's been a lot going on."

Sam paused, her fork hovering above her plate. She met Ray's eyes, her expression a mix of gratitude and vulnerability. "I'm doing okay. It's been a whirlwind, but having some normalcy, like this breakfast, helps a lot. And I appreciate your support, Ray. It means a lot."

Ray reached over and gently squeezed her hand. "You know I'm always here for you."

Andrew watched the exchange, his eyes reflecting the warmth of their bond. "You two make a great team. It's clear how much you support each other."

Sam smiled, feeling a wave of contentment. "We do try our best. It's nice to have a moment like this, where everything feels a little more grounded."

With the conversation flowing smoothly, the mood was light and filled with laughter. However, as the morning wore on, the trio began to notice the need for some quiet moments to themselves. Andrew and Ray excused themselves so they could video chat with Logan.

Sam lingered at the table for a moment, savoring the peaceful ambiance of the kitchen. She felt a deep sense of connection with her friends and an appreciation for the calm before the day's activities began.

With Ray and Andrew absorbed in their separate activities, Sam found herself alone in the kitchen. The remnants of breakfast were a few crumbs on plates, and the faint aroma of coffee stayed in the air.

Sam took a deep breath, allowing the tranquility of the morning to wash over her. The chaos of the past few weeks seemed to retreat for a brief moment, leaving her in a rare, peaceful space. She pushed her chair back and rose, her footsteps light as she moved toward the back door leading to the garden.

Outside, the garden was lush and serene, with blooming flowers swaying gently in the breeze. Sam stepped out and felt the cool air on her skin, a refreshing contrast to the warmth of the kitchen. She walked over to a secluded corner of the garden where a comfortable chair sat beneath a large, flowering tree. It offered a perfect vantage point for a quiet reflection.

Settling into the chair, Sam closed her eyes for a moment, allowing the soft rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of birds to envelop her. The quiet was both soothing and contemplative, giving her the space to process her thoughts and feelings.

Her mind drifted back to her recent conversation with Andrew, the deep connection they had shared over breakfast. She appreciated his genuine interest in her writing, something that had reignited a spark of creativity in her. The support from both Ray and Andrew was a balm to her weary soul.

As she looked out over the garden, Sam's thoughts wandered to the upcoming challenges. The complexities of her family dynamics, her unresolved feelings about her adoption, and her parents' expectations still weighed heavily on her.

A gentle breeze ruffled her hair, bringing with it the faint scent of blooming jasmine. Sam took another deep breath, trying to ground herself in the present. She needed this time alone to recharge and prepare for the interactions and decisions awaiting her.

Her thoughts then shifted to the day ahead she and Ray had planned to have dinner in town later, and she wanted to make sure everything was arranged for Rose's care. The responsibilities seemed manageable, but Sam knew she had to stay focused and positive for her own sake as well as for those around her.

Sam's phone buzzed on the table next to her, pulling her from her reverie. It was a message from Ray, letting her know that he and Andrew would be by the pool, enjoying some downtime before their evening plans. The message was a gentle reminder of the support system she had in place, a reassurance that despite the difficulties, she was not alone.

Rising from the chair, Sam felt a renewed sense of purpose. She knew she had to confront the challenges ahead, but for now, she allowed herself to enjoy the quiet and the simple beauty of her surroundings. She walked back inside, ready to join Ray and Andrew, feeling more grounded and centered.

As she entered the kitchen, she grabbed her pain pills and popped two into her mouth. Ray and Andrew were chatting amiably by the pool, their laughter mingling with the sounds of the garden. Sam approached them with a serene smile, ready to face the rest of the day with a clearer mind and a stronger spirit.

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