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When all vessels came out of the portals and where near a planet that resembles earth. When Roland gotten a bit more Intel on it and told Lasky. He immediately said to call the arbiter to have a meeting to discuss what is the next move as Roland is still gathering Intel. After a few minutes Lasky and Sarah were in the meeting room.

Roland: Sir, The Arbiter is here and is on his way.

Lasky: Thank you Roland. How's Blue Team's condition?

Roland: All green Sir. No signs of mental damage or any serious injuries. Also Halsey is on her way.

Sarah: Why?

Roland: It's because she wants to talk to the Arbiter and the captain about a idea she has.

They waited for around five minutes and the doors open to reveal Halsey as she walked up and took a seat next to Lasky. Then after a few more minutes the doors open and there was the Arbiter.

Arbiter: Greetings Captain Lasky.

Roland: Likewise Arbiter. Please take a seat. We have much to discuss.

Arbiter nodded and told his honor guard to stay there and he took a seat and Roland pop out and they began.

Lasky: As for why I called this meeting is to talk about the planet we all have seen when we were out of the Slip space portals.

Arbiter: Agree though it's a beauty to see.

Lasky: Same so Roland enlighten us please.

Roland: Yes sir, after getting in their networks and systems. I have found some interesting and disturbing things of this planet. Which the locals call it Remnant.

Arbiter: Interesting name. Please continue construct.

Roland: Thank you, as I was saying. This planet is home to humans and a group of others called Faunas.

Arbiter: How can there be humans here and what are these Faunas you speak off?

Roland: I know we had the same reaction. We though they were insurrectionist but that is not possible. As for Faunas they are human/animal beings who look human but have animal parts like tails, ears, eyes etc.

Then he shown them a picture of what they look like.

Arbiter: Interesting.

Halsey: Yes, I would like to perform some experiments on them to see their biology.

Roland: Indeed they are though they aren't very well liked.

Lasky: What do you mean by that?

Roland: Well it seems racism against the Faunas is regular occurrence and no one has been trying to stop them except for the White Fang. Though in the end they were turned into a terrorist group when it's Former leader killed himself a a more radical one took his place. Also for the fact that this Schnee dust company has some shady deals. Like illegal forced labor on Faunas and other things I wish not to speak off.

Then he shown a few pictures of what the Faunas go through.

Sarah: Those heartless bastards.

Arbiter: Agree, they bring great shame to themselves. No honor on both sides. Except for the innocent who are still affected.

Lasky: Indeed, Roland why didn't their government or the military stopped this?

Roland: Their government is different from ours since it is consisted of a council in each region. Currently there are four Vale,Mistral,Vacuo. The last is their "military power" Atlas. Though from what I gathered from their systems. They haven't done shit about it for many years even the military. Since they mostly get their power and tech for weapons etc, from the Schnee dust company. If they try to do anything then is can go south.

Lasky: Okay what is this Schnee Dust company and what is dust.

Roland: Dust is a mineral that has special effects like in weapons and it's ammunition. Like you can have a fire lightning and ice bullets. It is also their energy source and their only way they can combat the Grimm.

Then he shows them pictures of the different types of Dust.

Halsey: Intriguing.

Roland: Agree, so to continue the Schnee dust company wasn't always like that it was once taken over by a great man. Though when daughter married Jacques then things turn to the worst. He is the most racist bastard you'll ever meet. He uses force labor and horrible conditions.

He shows them the picture of Jacques and how many survivors came out and said what happen. This caused Sarah,lasky,and the Arbiter hate the man a lot. If he was in the UNSC then he would've been executed for his inhuman actions.

Sarah: Wait until I can get my hands on him.

Arbiter: Agree, this monster deserves to die by the sword.

Lasky: Well talk about it later for now Roland please continue. Explain the Grimm.

Roland: Well the Grimm are creatures of pure darkness and have no souls. They come in different variations.

He shows them the pictures of the Grimm and how they are different.
Then he continues.

Roland: To fight this they have academies that help train young teens in his to fight them. Though they have access to aura which is like a weak version of a energy shield. It is good to block hits but it all depends on the individual.

Lasky: So  will our weapons be able to handle them.

Roland: Most likely yes. Since our ammunition is focused on going through tough energy shields.

Arbiter: What about our weapons.

Roland: Very well since this aura doesn't block plasma weaponry. Though their semblance might be a issue.

Halsey: Semblance?

Roland: Yes a semblance is a unique ability a person has it all depends on the individual and their character if I'm correct.

Lasky: Can our forces be able to use aura and Semblance?

Roland: That is unknown for the moment sir.

Arbiter: Can our troops be able to handle them if this becomes violent.

Roland: For Atlas troops yes since they aren't that disciplined or have a lot of combat experience against humans unlike our troops. But for the huntsman our Spartans, and the Arbiter's elites and hunters will be able to handle them. Now that is out of the way I suggest we find a suitable site to make base.

Lasky: Agree. So where do you suggest Roland?

Roland he brought out a map and pointed it at the spot.

Roland: Here it is close to the site but we need to do a bit of clearing out the area from the Grimm that reside there. Also it is far from the cameras or any other surveillance that Vale uses.

Lasky nodded and said.

Lasky: Good now tell the True Blood autumn to report back to Highcom and ask for additional resources. This might take us a while.

Roland Understood Sir.

Once he said it he vanish and left the four to talk.

Lasky: Well this is unexpected.

Arbiter: Indeed,Captain.

Sarah: Yep so what is the plan?

Lasky: Before we go there Halsey you said you wanted to talk to me and Arbiter about something.

Halsey: yes, I have been thinking of upgrading the armor of Blue team with certain armor modifications.

Sarah: Why?

Halsey: Since after the incident. I know that they need a bit more edge to be more effective. As for the arbiter I would like to ask for assistance with it.

Arbiter: What do you need?

Halsey: I'm going to need these. *hands over the data pad.* since your people are more experience with it than we are.

The Arbiter looked at it then nodded.

Arbiter: Indeed these will help and we'll agree if we can use this for my troops as well.

Halsey nodded and the Arbiter continue.

Arbiter: also what do you mean by the "incident".

Lasky: Well you see Arbiter. Before we arrived here a weird energy was detected in the bay where Blue Team were located. They were affected by it but it wasn't any injury or mental damage.

Arbiter: What happened?

Lasky: When it cleared up we send a team to check on them but found out that their bodies have reversed into their teen years.

Arbiter: How's that possible?

Halsey: We don't know but they are alright.

Y/n's pov

Well that was a unexpected nap. When I woke up I notice that I was in the medical bay. I turn to see Selena sleeping but she seems look younger and she started to wake up and turn to see me.

Selena: Y/n are you alright?

Y/n: Yeah I am. How about you?

Selena: I'm fine thank you. Wait why do you look younger?

Y/n: I was about to ask you the same thing. You look young as well.

Selena/Y/n: What!

We look at ourselves and notice it. We are young well our bodies and not our minds.

Y/n:*thoughts* Fucking great. 

Then we heard the rest if the team waking up and all having similar reactions to the situation.

Chief: Well this is unexpected.

Fred: Agree but I am not complaining.

Linda: Same here.

Linda: Me too.

Then the doctor came in and looked relief.

Doctor: I'm glad your up Spartans the Captain and Halsey would like a word with you. Your clothes are in the cabinet and I'll inform them of your waking up.

We all nodded and went to get ready for what the captain and Halsey would want.

(hope you like it and until next chapter)

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