The insertion and the battle

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As Blue Team made their way to see Captain Lasky. They all were taking in what the hell just happened to them.

Y/n: Damn this is the most weirdest thing that has ever happen to us Chief.

Chief: You got that right Y/n.

Kelly: I don't mind it. It feels refreshing being a teen once more.

Linda: You got that right Kelly.

Fred: Yeah for you but some if us liked our older bodies.

Selena: Still I agree with Kelly it feels good to fell young once again. *besides y/n looks cute like that also his adult body was pretty good*

Y/n: Ugh great now all the females of blue team are against us. Chief it's official it's the end of the Universe.

Cheif: No it's not. Only when someone activates Halo.

Y/n: Oh right that.

Kelly then noticed how Selena was looking at Y/n then she smirks and whisper to her.

Kelly: You know if you keep looking at him like that the rest of the team will know.

Selena:*light blush* I w-wasn't looking at him.

Y/n : Looking at who?

Kelly: At...*selena covers her mouth*

Selena: No one.

All the guys look at each other and shrug while Linda chuckles at it. Then she stops and says.

Linda: Well we are almost there.

As they arrived at the door it opens and the walked in to see Lasky and the Arbiter. They saluted and Lasky did the same and nodded and they stopped.

Lasky: Now You See it Arbiter.

Arbiter: Indeed still it's a bit hard to believe that has happened to the elder demons.

Lasky: Same here Arbiter.

The Arbiter walked up to Chief and Y/n and said.

Arbiter: So my friends seems as though you have gone back in time.

Y/n: Yep,still it feels weird being like this.

Cheif: Hey look on the bright side, we still got our skills, knowledge and memories still there.

Y/n nodded as they all turn back to Lasky.

Lasky: Chief, the reason why I called you and Blue Team up here is to tell you we are going to send you down there with a team of ODSTs and a team of Rtas specops team down in the Planet remnant.

Selena: Remnant?

Roland: I'll explain. It seems this planet is inhabited by Humans and a sub-human species called Faunas.

Fred: What?

Roland explains by showing them what we means and clarify anything doubt and tells them of the Grimm and White fang.

Y/n: Huh so we basically just ran into a world that is having it's own Insurrection war and now we have people who have a natural energy shield and weird powers with these crazy weapon combos. And they rely on something that has the same name as the stuff that builds up on old stuff. Did I get it right.

Roland: For the most part yes. Now get yourselves on the armor bay and then to the armory and I'll tell the rest of your mission once you are ready.

Lasky: You heard him Spartans.

Blue team: Yes sir.

They all then gone to the armor bay and git their armor on which was redesign to fit their new bodies along with Y/n who now along with the rest of the Spartans notice that they have new upgrades on their MJOLNIR.

A/n yeah this was the armor for this story sorry I messed up but hope you like this new model.

Once they were on and went up to the armory to load up. Chief got his MA5D assault rifle with a M6H magnum with M30 SMG with two grenades. Linda with her Norfang sniper rifle and M6H. Kelly with her M45D shotgun and M6H and M30. Fred with a M395B DMR and M30 SMG and M6H and his two knives. Y/n took his saw named the Answer since it solves most situations with its explosive bullets and he is also carrying the Railgun just in case. Next for his side arms two M30 smgs with plenty of clips since he can handle the recoil and it feels like a pistol in his hands since he is has used a lot of heavy weapons in his careers,and his energy sword on his waist with his two combat knives and grenades. Once they gotten their gear they went on the pelican and heard Roland explain their mission.

Roland: You'll land bia pelican on these coordinates. Where scans show a bunker that was used by the "military" of Atlas. It is still operational but now in the command of the White fang. Your mission with the  sangheli is to eliminate all hostiles and secure the base. Also more research from their internet has shown us that this Aura is not like a energy shield. Since it can't take high caliber rounds easily since it can only lessen the damage This is the closest to the forerunner structure. Also keep an eye on your motion trackers for any Grimm there a few in this area like Ursas and Beowulf in the area. This might be a good chance to see how our weapons can handle them.

ODST: Damn this is one crazy planet we are going to sir.

Y/n: Tell me about it. Still it'll be good to get back out there instead of being stuck in the Infinity.

ODST2: Very True sir. I'll drink to that.

Pilot: We are getting close to the coordinates. Well be landing in 20 seconds.

Chief: Everyone check your gear and be ready to move out.

All: Yes sir.

As the Pelican landed the ODST fireream alpha and Blue Team came out with weapons out. Then they saw a Phantom was hovering over and saw the team of elites with some spec op grunts and Sniper Jackals also three hunters. Then came out was Rtas 'Vadum who has a plasma rifle out. They meet up and Y/n and Rtas shook hands.

Y/n: It's good to see you again Rtas.

Rtas: Likewise Demon. When the Arbiter informed me of your condition it was a bit hard to believe.

Y/n: Yeah,same for us. So has he informed you of what we might go up against.

Rtas:*nods* Yes, these soulless creatures called Grimm which are mostly mindless.

Y/n: Yeah also it is said that they get more intelligent the older they get.

Rtas: Indeed at least they are not like the Parasite.

Y/n: True, also if this terrorist group called the White Fang and Fanaus.

Rtas: Hmph such beings without honor. Their cause might be just,they way the do it is a disgrace and they are not real warriors. Cause of their foolishness the rest if their race suffers.

Selena: It is sad but what is your perspective with this aura and semblance and dust.

Rtas: Hmm they are intriguing but they need to be dealt with range.

Y/n: True but those are use to ballistic damage and not plasma or needles. Though our ballistics weapons are different from theirs. Well let's just see.

Rtas nodded and soon they all moved in slowly into the base. They confront a group of Grimm which were dispatched on sight with minimal noise as to not draw attention. Then they made their way and found the base and saw two guard towers and around 3 unknown vehicles and what look similar to a mantis. There they saw around 15 WF troops.

Chief: We need to cut off their communications. Roland can you do that.

Roland: Already on it Chief. Now let's see here. Okay done their radio is down.

Y/n: Alright me, Fred,kelly and Chief along with the ODSTs and your team Rtas will head in. First we need to get rid of the tower guards with our snipers then we move in and take down any resistance and clear the base.

Rtas: Sound plan demon.

They gotten into position the ODST sniper with Linda and the Jackal snipers were in position. The rest moved in quietly and they gave the signal. Soon plasma and sniper fire were heard and it took out the 5 troopers that were in the watchtowers by head shoot and bust their way in. Y/n saw the mech heading their way so he charged up his railgun and took aim and the rail went through the center of the mech and soon it exploded. The WF troops were shock and they tried to shoot back. Unfortunately they all saw their energy shields flick and they returned fire. Rtas shot one with his plasma rifle which killed him while his flesh burned and the Chief managed to kill another with 10 shots from his weapon. As the fight went on Rtas told Y/n as they regrouped.

Rtas: Demon head inside we will deal with the ones here.

Y/n nodded and they went off whole one Hunter knocked one WF troop down and smashed it's shield on her head which was severed off.

Y/n's pov

Alright we got in and we meet with resistance here also but nothing much we can handle for right now. With The Answer I was able to kill them quick and we moved in. As we gone deeper in we found what looked like a prison which housed several people mostly females from both races here. As I approached one which has four individuals they all got nervous.

Y/n: Hey I'm not here to hurt you.

??: Really?

I nodded and as the rest of the team came in they were surprised to see.

Y/n: Yes, so why are they holding everyone here for?

??2: They were collecting females for their troops to "enjoy". We got caught and try our best fighting them off but but in the end we were overwhelmed.

ODST: Those sick bastards.

ODST2: Okay now I don't feel bad for killing those fuck heads. I hope they all burn in hell.

Kelly: Yeah,but we still have a base to clear out.

Chief: We do but we need to get them out of here and get them with a medic.

ODST3: I'm right here sir.

Fred: We know but first we need to eliminate them all then we'll come back for the civilians. They'll be safe here.

ODST3: Understood Sir.

Y/n: Well be back once the rest of the White fang have been eliminated.


Y/n: I promise.

As we got out there we left the ODSTs there to guard them and make sure not White Fang soldier get in alive. We made ib to the command station after we killed off like spring 75 White fang soldiers who were in our way. When we bust in inside we saw around five of them with one who we believe to be their leader who has a sleeveless vest with a mask and a huge chainsaw.

Fred: Damn you are one big guy huh?

Lt: Who the hell are you?

Selena: We are known as humans but to our enemies we are known as Demons.

WFS: How dare you humans slaughter our brothers and sisters.

Chief: We are trained to kill terrorist like yourselves.

Lt: Enough!! You'll die today wretched humans.

He tries up his chainsaw as they got ready Y/n passed his weapon to the chief. Then he took out his energy sword and ignited it. Which surprised them WF and he ran to the leader and swung his sword cutting his weapon in half and thrust it forward into his chest which connects and the Two prolong blades came out of his back with one in his heart. The rest were terrified.

WFS: Impossible, the Lt is dead.His aura should've stop it.

As the Lt.'s body hits the floor he looks at the terrified faunas and says.

Y/n: This is your one chance to surrender or die.

They all oblige and lower their weapons and then Chief,Fred,Selena and Kelly knocked them out and put on restraints. Then they go back to check on the prisoners and saw that they were alright. They start to free them and they were surprised to see them remove the bars so easily. Y/n took off the jail door and walked forward to the four individuals. They all looked relief to be saved.

Y/n: See I told you I'll return.

??2: Thanks dude. I don't know what would've happen to us if you guys didn't came along.

Y/n: It's my duty to defend.

??3: Are you from Atlas?

Y/n:No I'm not. I'm a Spartan-145. So who are you?

Diana:Im Diana Fritillary, she's Gaea Buckwheat, the blond guy is Terrel Couronne,  and finally Leila Souris. Wait is that your real name.

Y/n: No and it's classified.

??4: What?

Y/n: There will be time to explain later for now. Let's get you checked on by a Medic and the Captain may want to have a word with you. Follow me.

Third person

As Y/n and blue team and ODSTs lead the captives to safety team DGTL were shock to see the carnage these guys brought up and what they saw surprise them more. Real Aliens walking around as they radioed in the base is clear and that they found some captives and feeds them. An hour later once the corpses were clear they saw more troops came in in different vehicles than what they are use to. Then they saw them placed weapon emplacements and fortifications. Then they saw a man who has a nice military suit on with another taller in white armor and next to them a Alien with a golden armor and another in red armor. The Man stop and looked at them.

Lasky: Hello I'm Lasky of the UNSC Navy and Captain of the Infinity and next to me is commander Sarah Palmer.

Arbiter: Greetings I'm the Arbiter. So who are you young ones.

Diana: W-well we are team DGTL from Beacon academy.

Now that they have first contact with s team of huntsman what will happen next. How will the White Fang react to the silence of one of their bases. Tune in next chapter

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