First contact

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(a/n that is the new intro for the reclamation hope you like it and forgot to say it.)

Diana's pov

Alright now I was speechless of what I just saw here. First now we were sent on a mission to clear the Grimm here then the White Fang takes is prisoners the a badass Spartan saves us. Then we see Aliens and other humans in different military uniform than Atlas and they have these Vehicles and weapons we never heard of. Talk about a crazy day. As the man in uniform and a Alien in golden armor introduced themselves as the leaders.

Diana: W-we are team DGTL from Beacon academy sir. I'm Diana Fritillary.

Gaea: I'm Gaea Buckwheat honorarium meet you.

Terrel:Terrel Couronne.

Leila:I'm Leila Souris it is a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for freeing island those innocent people.

Lasky: You should thank Blue team.

Terrel: Blue team?

Sarah: Yes that is their team name and it has the one spartan who lead you out Spartan-145 who has MJOLNIR armor.

Diana: Yes him uh may I ask a question Sir.

Lasky: Ask away.

Diana: What's a Spartan,and Why do you call him by numbers and not his name?

Lasky: To answer your question that is because they are Spartan IIs or the last of them though their new member is one if the few remaining Spartans IIIs. Unlike Sarah here who is a Spartan V. So their names are classified and they are only known by only those they trust. To answer your first question they are super soldiers of the UNSC.

Terrel: Really awesome but why are they the last of these Spartans II and IIIs.

Lasky: It's because the majority of them were killed in the Great war. I won't get to much into detail with it until we get back to the Infinity and talk. Besides here is your chance to thank them. Here they come.

Third person

As team DGTL turn around they saw Blue team coming with their stuff in hand and went to them.

Leila: You found our Scrolls and weapons.

Fred: So that is what these phone are called huh.

Y/n: Yes here we found them in a locker and though these belonged to you four.

Terrel: Thanks man. Boy you Spartans are something else.

Kelly: Comes with the Job.

Diana: So is it okay if we can hang out with you guys for a while until your captain calls us.

Y/n's pov

Well now we have a team if these Huntsman who we heard much about. Still they don't seem bad. Still their weapons and "scrolls" seems to be interesting. Luckily for them the techquies have much of these weapon changers or whatever they are called for study. Still I miss my dual M7 careless smgs. They are so much easier to reload than these M30s models. Well git to work with what I got. Maybe I could go for a dual gunfighter magnum combo. That sounds good. As I got my focus back we heard Diana the leader ask if it was okay for them to hang out with us. I turn to my team and said.

Y/n: So what do you guys think?

Fred: It's fine.

Kelly: Maybe a little company does sound good.

Linda: Sire besides maybe we can trade stories.

Chief: Alright.

Y/n:*turns to them* Looks like they gave you the A okay.

Leila: Awesome I can't believe we are hanging out with super soldiers.

Then as we are about to head inside a marine comes in and says.

Marine: Sir we are detecting a unknown aircraft heading towards our location.

That caught our attention and we went to see what is our next move.

Sarah: Damn. Do we have a visual on the thing?

Marine: Yes ma'am.

He showed her and I can see the Huntsman team get a little nervous a out seeing it. It appears that they know what it is.

Y/n: Do you know what is it?

Gaea: Yeah that is a bullhead more specific from Beacon academy. It seems they sent another team to find us.

Fred: Do you have a idea who could it be?

Terrel: Nope.

Gaea: Yes you dummy. Who would be worried about us and volunteer for this mission?

Terrel glared at her for a minute before the truth settle in.

Terrel: Oh right.

Sarah: Can you please explain.

Leila: It is another huntsman team like us only second years. It could be team MASK.

Marine: Excuse me ma'am. What is up with these weird names that keep poping out?

Terrel: That is Beacon for you and the Headmaster just puts together our first letter into a team name.

Marine: Weird no offense.

Diana: None taken so what is going to happen?

Sarah: Wait for them to land and that vehicle leaves and you four alojg with Blue team will meet them and bring them here.

Terrel: Why?

Sarah: Because radar states that there is a huge group of Grimm heading towards them.

Diana:Understood. You heard her DGTL we got to help them out with Blue team.

GTL: Yes!

Sarah take to the marine and says.

Sarah: Get three warthogs ready Marine. Blue team load up.

Blue team: Yes ma'am.

Third person

As they got their weapons ready and loaded they jumped on the Warthogs along with team DGTL. They have to split up. Y/n was the gunner of the LMG Warthog while Fred was the driver and Diana and Leila were with them. In the second one a Gauss warthog were Chief and Kelly with Terrel as Kelly was on the Gauss canon while chief was driving and Terrel in the passenger seat. In the third was another LMG warthog with Selena in the turret and Linda was driving and Gaea was in the passenger seat. As they got closer to their location the leader ask.

Diana: Are we getting there yet?

Y/n: Yes just one klick.

Leila: Klick?

Fred: Military thing. It means one kilometer left. Spartan get ready to shot.

Y/n:Want to you think I'm doing?

Fred: Messing around.

Y/n: Really?

Fred chuckle as they approach and saw the team mask engaging the Grimm and are starting to get overrun but they heard gunshots from the LMGs rapid fire on the horde which started to kill them fast. Selena shot the Gauss round into the deathstalker and it clean right through it and y/n kept his gun firing and aiming at their weak points like the head or any open area. As they stop and the rest for off to engage and push back the horde. The second team was shock to see their friends well and somehow with these people that look like knights but move to fluently. After 5 minutes if combat. The last Grimm was dead and now all of them regroup.

??: Diana,Gaea,Terrel,Leila thank goodness you're all alright but who are they?

Diana: Relax Midori these are the ones who freed us from the white fang camp.

??2: Really?

Terrel: It's true Kuro these are real life super soldiers. They aren't from Atlas.

Kuro: What?

Leila: It'll take long to explain and we need to head back soon to their base to introduce you to their leaders. Oh right these are Spartan Blue team.

Midori: Hello and thank you for saving our friends. I'm Midori Hayashi.

Aoi: Nice to see real super soldiers I'm Aoi Mizu.

Shiro: Greetings I'm Shiro Suzume.

Kuro: Hello I'm Kuro Tetsu.

The Spartans introduce themselves and Fred ask Midori.

Fred: Are you a Faunas?

Midori: Yes I am do you have a problem with that?

Fred: Nope just wondering. You're the first one we come across that didn't attack us.

Kelly: You numbskull we attack the White fang.

Fred: Right my bad.

Midori: What you fought them and lived.

Y/n: We faced worse than them in the galaxy.

Aoi: Galaxy?

Leila: Like I said it'll be explain when we head back.

They nodded and soon they were rising back to the base where they set up a base of operations. Once they arrived team MASK is shock to see humans in different military armor but also aliens. Then they see Lasky with the Arbiter and once they introduced themselves he says.

Lasky: Good now that's we have that now settled I believe it's time we talked to the infinity. You right will be escorted by Blue team and we'll meet in the war room.

The eight people of remnant will have a surprise of their lives once they find out were the ship is and learn a out the UNSC and their allies.

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