A history lesson and new allies

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As the two huntsman teams from Beacon were guided to the pelican by Blue team. As they started to leave the atmosphere and head towards the INFINITY they were shock.

Aoi: Holy shit. I can't believe we are in space!

Gaea: Yeah man. I'm so jealous of you guys for being able to do it.

Shiro: Yes but do you have Aura?


Diana: What that's impossible?

Kelly:Listen well kid. The universe does not revolve your little planet or your people's concepts. Out there is no Aura or semblance and dust. In the void there are threats that make you so call "worse" enemy of life look like child's play.

That made both teams be quiet and think about her words. As well wonder what other threats do they mean. As they dock in the hangar and moved out. Both teams were shock by what they are seeing a lot of military vehicles and soldiers and others walking around and doing their everyday thing.

Shiro: I can't believe they are this high tech.

Terrel: Yeah and I can imagine Atlas military going crazy for this and probably the schnee dust company.

They all agree to Terrel's statement and could only imagine some outcomes until Sarah Palmer came out and said.

Sarah:Blue team you are to report to Armor bay to be outfitted with the new generation three MJOLNIR armor. Once that is done report back to the war room.

Blue team: Yes Ma'am!

As they left and soon she guided then towards the war room where Lasky and the Arbiter were waiting for them and once they took their seats they began to talk.

Lasky: Let me be the first to welcome you eight to the infinity the capital ship of Humanity in the Orion system.
Now how about we share a bit of history.

They tell them of how each one have been advancing and the cultures. They were amazed how many planets they have colonized. Then how the human covenant war began and the events that lead them to be allies. Once they saw some video evidence of how the covenant fought they were terrified and knew that of the were still around then remnant would of fallen a long time ago. Then why scared them most was the flood a parasite who can take over any organic being dead or alive and the halo ring and what secrets they hold. Also the fact that they can eliminate all life in a larger radius since they don't understand space words as they call them. Then they tell them the history of remnant and how they still haven't know how the Grimm came to be and how the White Fang began and who is their commander and tells them the history of others as best they can. After all of that was done Lasky and the arbiter are pleased and Roland have it all recorded and soon Aoi ask.

Aoi: So what is going to happen to us?

Lasky: Well before you arrived we have a few ideas around but to me what seems most best and Arbiter and Sarah agreed is that you eight be our eyes and ears on Remnant.

Shiro: What?

Lasky: Yes since we are still new here and don't want to attract attention in our efforts of recovering the Forerunner facility here.

Kuro: I can understand that.

Arbiter: Indeed young ones. As you can see from our history we can't allow Atlas or the White fang to get this tech and weapons for it happens.

Sarah: All hell is loose and Mr. Schnee dickhead can have more power or even rule it maybe.

Lasky: I think you spend a bit to much on those movies Sarah.

Sarah: I don't but you agree I have a point there.

Lasky: You're right half of it. Still we won't force you into it. It'll be up to you eight to decide. If you help us then we can help you.

Diana: How?

Lasky: Well you can be allowed to join in some of our missions here. If you gain our trust then we might allow you to use some of our weapons and gear. Also Blue team can help you home your skills further.

Diana/Gaea/Aoi/Leila:*eyes beam*Really!!

Lasky:*chuckles* Yes.

They all group up and chatted a bit and after a minute they all turn back to Lasky and Diana said with a smile.

Diana: Sir, We all agree to help you.

Lasky: I'm glad to have you eight onboard with us.

He took out his hand and they all shook it with the arbiter then they heard many marines and some elites run past them.

Lasky: Soldier what's going on?

Marine: Sir, the two Spartans of blue team are going to fight one on one.

Sarah: There they go again.

Diana: Who?

Lasky: Spartan-145 and Spartan-104 those two are always trying to see who is the best CQC fighter.

Arbiter: Yes, those two have always been like that and it has helped our swordsmans be better.

Aoi: Can we see it?

When he nodded they all followed the group and when they enter the gym. They were all in awe to see how Y/n and Fred were holding two knives and fighting with incredible speed and strength. Able to counter one another's hits and even using a few martial arts they don't recognize. Then during the spar match Y/n managed to flip over Fred when he grabbed his arm and tried to end it but Fred kicked his leg sideways and Y/n also fell down. The two got back up fast and tired again but it was soon cut off by Lasky.

Lasky: Alright you two that is enough for now and everyone return to your duties. Blue team I want you to stay here.

As the group left the huntsman in training heard some saying.

Marine4: Man the WO was close.

Elite: They are still in even ground for now. But which Demon will triumph over the other.

Then when the Spartans of Blue Team went to Y/n and Fred. Selena placer her armored hand on Y/n and said.

Selena: Y/n you were great out there. You almost had him.

Y/n:*places his own with hers*Thank you Selena.

Under her helmet Selena Started to feel a little warm in her cheeks and heard her heart beat fast. Then he let go and she did as well.

Cheif: You two are still even though.

Fred: For now. That was just a lucky shot you got on me Y/n.

Y/n: Yeah right Fred. Lucky shot my ass. That was all skill brother.

Linda: Boys still be Boys.

Kelly: You got that right Linda.

Then Kelly moved closer to Selena and said.

Kelly: So was that close enough for you Selena.


Kelly: I know you want to feel his skin on yours right.

Selena:W-what no, not like that.

Then when they all went to the Captain and saluted him and they stood at ease.

Lasky: Chief, Spartans we have eight new special friends that will help us during our time here in Remnant. I want you to help then home their skills and train them if needed in some aspects.

Chief: Understood Sir.

Lasly: Good Chief. I'll leave the rest to you guys and when done you eight will go back to this Beacon. Before you go we will have some special radios to call us or when we call you. Understood.

Midori: Yes sir.

Lasky nodded and they left to get back to work on securing and fortifie the base. Then all eight huntsman in training look at Blue team and then Aoi ask.

Aoi: So what is the first lesson Chief?

Chief: Let's see what you all have. All of you show us your best now.

They all look at one another and ask.

Kuro: Are you sure about this Chief?

Kelly: Don't worry we can handle it boy. Now show us what you are made off.

They all shrug and charge.

* Timeskip of one epic beatdown brought to you by Chibi Selena and Diana with others talk about the guys they like while trying not to kill some of them.*

After only three minutes all eight of them were in the ground while a crowd of Marines, ODSTs and some elites and Grunts were laughing at them for they all got beaten so easily by the Spartans.

Y/n: Looks like we got our work cut out for us chief.

Chief: Indeed but they have potential.

Gaea: Ow no wonder they call you guys demons.

Kuro: Even with our aura and semblance you still beat us.

Diana: Yeah seems like we do need more training.

Y/n walked up to Diana and helped her up and she looked at him as he said.

Y/n: That may be true but as the Chief said you all have potential to be better. Though until then we got a lot of work to do.

Diana: We won't let you down.

What will become of these huntsman in training if they get to be trained by the Spartans of Blue Team. Only time will tell.

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