Changes and the test

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Intro begins

The UNSC Infinity with the The Shadow of intent and their fleets flow over remnant and shows Lasky,Arbiter going over battle plans with Roland. Then it shows Blue team and Team DGTL,MASK,with both militaries charging at the armies of Grimm and White fang. As it goes back to beacon academy with the huntsman and team RWBY and JNRP doing their thing. While Teams MASK and DGTL are cleaning their gear and sending intel to the infinity. Last Spartan Y/n stands on the hill with his blades out and jumps to face the Grimm dragon and both collies and soon the symbol of Blue team appears with all 14 standing in front.

Intro ends

One year later

It was a long road for the UNSC and their allies. Since they needed to get a strong and heavily fortified foot hold on Remnant. Now they have successfully got a permanent base of operations and are starting to make way towards the location of the Forerunner facility or base that is still unknown to them. Since they need to be careful to not get detected by any of the Kingdoms or the White fang. As the ship True Blood returned and it has a few ONI agents that went to work immediately to keep an eye on the kingdoms and we're able to recruit some faunus and Remnant humans to them after being operated from a few White Fang bases which the UNSC and the Arbiters SA (Species alliance) had the pleasure of eliminated terrorist scum. After they have been trained and are full members of the UNSC with their families. As well the UEG has given authorization to build a colony there. Since Remnant has so much untapped land with new resources that they can use was voted and soon UNSC and their allies after a long meeting. Agreed that it should be a joint colonization effort to bridge the gap between their species and build trust. Soon once the land has been cleared and secured the colony soon rose. Though in Remnant it could be a kingdom true. But this is what they call a mega city. Since they didn't want to initiate contact with them they had to keep it away from their eyes. It'll only be a matter of time until they are found which they will use it to fortify. As well withing the UNSC space as they have heard if a new planet with life though they were shock to hear about being humans there as well as faunus. When some were heard and every one was shock to learn how Faunus were discriminate against and used for slave labor. They all wanted to wage war against the schnee company, and the crime underworld there. They weren't the only ones the members of Highcom and the UEG parliament wanted to free them. But they knew they needed to have a strong foothold and gather more intel before acting. Thankfully the colony city named new Reach didn't have to worry about Grimm since they have cleared out the breeding grounds though there are still more out there. As for team DGTL and MASK were doing well in their training with Blue team. John helped Diana and Midori to be better leaders and help develop team moves that would help them in any combat situations. As well Blue team taught them how to adapt to any environment and situation. Even taught them CQC and trained them how to use UNSC weapons. During their time they have gained their trust and told them their names except chief.They have develop to have a reputation among UNSC personal as being mini Spartans for being trained by Spartan IIs and a III. As well both teams have tried to unlock someone's aura and it was successful which shock them all and soon all military forces both human and SA have Aura and semblances which will be a immense aid for future conflicts. Dust has been found and transported to several companies that have found great uses for them. Like for weapons factories if it's mix with gunpowder it can make a deadlier projectile that may put down energy shields faster and have more stopping power. Some other scientific places have begun to test if they can make synthesis dust that has the same properties since this can only be found in one planet and in UNSC and SA territory have started to call it Elemental Powder since it makes more sense than to name it something that builds up on furniture. Some medical companies have begun to theorize if EP can be use as a cure for several diseases and viruses or make medicine. The elites have found out that these EP with their energy swords can make a elemental version of it which has many Sangheili welding different elements like ice,fire,lighting and wind. Even they have develop a different scroll now called SmartTanks. Teams DGTL and MASK were given their own SmartTanks so they can't risk of being detected through their normal scrolls.  The ST are different since they have more advance proceeding power and military versions have hacking and advance cyber security programs. Even some models allow to carry a smart of Dumb AI. As the year came by both teams have sent Intel to the Infinity about the events and in Beacon how they became the two best teams ever even beating more stronger teams. They have built a reputation of getting tough missions and making out of it alive. As well they have gone some mission with Blue team and we're given ODST armor since they have gained their trust and one specific version for Midori to fit in. They have customize it to their liking and soon wore it and surprise by the tech of motion radar with the new Aura hud which tells them the ammount of ammo they have in reserve and in their weapon. Still over time Midori has developed a crush on Fred as Aoi,Gaea,Diana,Leila,and Shiro has started to like Y/n for his help and support. The girls knew that Chief was probably taken by Kelly. Though Selena kniws of their attraction to Y/n. She is determined to get him first.

In the cliff

Now as both teams are in their second year in Beacon academy. They have to retake the test again. With their gear on in their colored ODST armor and their UNSC weapons with the new EP munitions. They had to lie and said they made their armor and new weapons. Goodwitch didn't buy it she was about to say something before Ozpin said it was alright. It was risky but they have grown to love their armor and new weapons since it works better than their old ones. Though it'll take more time to have a two weapons system integrated but they don't mind. Though they knew it they need to be more careful if Atlas or Schnee found out then it'll be hell. The rest of the school was watching them and were amazed by the armor and weapons teams DGTL and MASK have. For a silver eye girls eyes popped out while a white haired one took note of the armor and weapons like their designs aren't Atlas or Schnee made.

Ruby: Ohmygosh. Yang look at their weapons. Their designs are beautiful.

Yang: Settle down Ruby. True their weapons look awesome but their armor looks Badass though why need it. Since we have Aura. Hey Weiss is those there from Atlas?

Weiss: No they are not.

Then they saw them launch in the air and soon the two teams grouped up in their same teams and landed in unison. Which surprised them and the teachers and they reached for their guns which unclipped from their backs and nodded and moved out to their objective. Two had ARs other two had BRs,one has a DMR other has a sniper,one a unique SAW and last one a shotgun. Their secondary is the magnum and a combat knife.

Terrel: This is such easier than dropping from the Pelican.

Aoi: True but this is much easier than dropping down on the planet by drop pods.

Shiro: Indeed but New Reach is a great city.

Leila: Yeah it is. Still I can't believe Diana has Y/n's SAW.

Gaea: I know I wanted it. Since it is like my own gun.

Diana: You're all just jealous. Besides Gaea why didn't you get a SAW from the Armory instead of a AR.

Gaea:Uh. I sort of like the design of it. Plus the other SAWs don't have explosive bullets like his has.

Terrel: Why are most of you after him. There's also Fred and Chief.

Shiro: Well Y/n he's unique. He's always Benn there for us when we needed him and he is very wise.

Kuro: Thats true.Well Chief is more likely taken by Kelly and Midori has claimed Fred.

Midori: Not yet but I will. I think Selena is also after Y/n.

Leila: She is bit I intend to make him mine first.

Diana: No way I'll make him mine.

Their conversation was in their comns and not outside and that left many wonder what they are talking about. Then after that they have reach the temple and grabbed their pieces. After getting them they were contacted by Roland.

Roland: Heads up DGTL and MASK you have 35,000 Grimm inbound to your location.

Midori: What!

Roland: I know but keep calm and remember your training. Spartan-145 is on route to your location.

Terrel: Just him?

Roland: Yes as the rest are busy with Grimm clearing. Good luck and try to stay alive until he arrives.

With that they are cut off and the whole school saw the large horde of Grimm and how both teams readied for battle. Once they were in rage they open fire. The new AP-EP rounds tore through them like butter but with more numbers replacing the ones dead. After 25 minutes of using all their ammo. They all group up for what might be their last Stand.

Glynda: Ozpin we need to get them out.

Ozpin: Alright wait look.

She turn back to the screen and want happened next was some sort of tall AK appear out if no where. But this isn't a AK. It was Y/n out of his active camouflage and soon look over to he two teams and back at the horde which stop in front of him. The Grimm can fell his bloodlust and soon took out two handles and went activated were the type one energy swords with lighting all around. He then put the two together creating a light show of thunder as he said.

Y/n: It's that the best you got.

The Grimm then charge and so he did. He swung and started to cut them down fast and hard. Ursas,Beowuls,and King Taijitu as well death stalkers didn't stand a chance. Against a super soldier from a three decade war against greater odds and enemys than these Grimm. Thanks to the new advances the energy swords and last up for 3 weeks. The bone armor was no match against plasma blade. Back at beacon the students and professors were shock to see how fast and nimble than anyone they have ever seen this new fighter appeared out of nowhere. Is killing Grimm like its nothing even the stronger ones didn't stand a chance with the weapons he use which made Ruby jump for joy. After one hour of combat the 29,000 rest were killed by this one warrior. He deactivated them. As both teams were in shock and awe by his skills.

Terrel: Holy shit that was awesome.

Diana: That is why you never mess with a Spartan II commando especially Y/n.

Kuro: Even without Aura they are very powerful.

They all agree and went up to him but heard the sounds of a bullhead approach them. There they saw both Ms. Goodwitch and Ozpin arrive. Then Ms. Goodwitch pointed her crop at him.

Glynda:You whoever you are don't move.

Y/n knew if they manage to bring him in by her telekinesis it'll jeopardize the whole mission. He though fast and activated his active camouflage and ran to his parked pelican. That got both adults shock how whoever it was was one step ahead of them. They check on the teams and headed back to beacon. Though Ozpin has his suspicions about that person might be connected to these wierd events that have been occurring. He'll need to think on it later. After the Ceremony both team went to their rooms and sent a message back to the infinity that they are still safe but got a relief to be vigilant and inform them of any changes. For now their secret if safe but for how long remains to be seen.

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