The truth will come out

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Intro begins

The UNSC Infinity with the The Shadow of intent and their fleets flow over remnant and shows Lasky,Arbiter going over battle plans with Roland. Then it shows Blue team and Team DGTL,MASK,with both militaries charging at the armies of Grimm and White fang. As it goes back to beacon academy with the huntsman and team RWBY and JNRP doing their thing. While Teams MASK and DGTL are cleaning their gear and sending intel to the infinity. Last Spartan Y/n stands on the hill with his blades out and jumps to face the Grimm dragon and both collies and soon the symbol of Blue team appears with all 14 standing in front.

Intro ends

At Vale some time later after the 1st breach

Teams DGTL and MASK were walking down to the streets with their gear and weapons on them. Since they were heading to a location to be picked up. Though unknown to them since they aren't wearing their helmets Team RWBY were following them. They all whisper.

Ruby: Weiss why are we following them?

Weiss: You dolt keep it down. I want to know how they got their hands on that armor and weapons.


Blake: Maybe because she wants to get them for the Schnee company.

Weiss: W-What N-No way. I was curious besides they might be connected to whoever is disrupting the White Fang bases that were found totaled.

Blake: True. Also it was weird how their dust bullets can pierce through the Grimm Bone armor. When rubys's sniper round can't go through a deathstalker.

They agree to continue to talk as they were now focusing on flowing them. After one hour later they arrived outside of Vale and in deep within the forest. They kept their distance and when they look at both teams they were in shock. A green vehicle that looks like a Bullhead is there with the symbol of a bird with flags and a banner that says UNSC. There was one person with a weapon that Gaea and Kuro have. As well he is wearing a green military armor that looks nothing like Atlas. He walks up to them and says.

UNSC Marine: Team DGTL, and Team MASK it's good to see you again.

Both teams salute at the marine and he returns it.

Midori: Likewise Sir. We have a good amount of Intel to tell the Captain and Arbiter.

Marine: I heard of the breach. It's good to know that no civilians were injured or killed. As well to see you guys are alright.

Diana: That's true but Atlas is here we can't be seen right now. As well as we seen some transfer students that are acting suspicions.

Marine: Understood Ma'am. We need to.... Wait who are you?

When they all turn they saw team RWBY there.

Aoi: Crap we need to go now!

Marine: Everyone get your assess to the pelican!!

They all ran in the pelican and it took off faster before any member of team RWBY can react and can see the vessel being faster than a bullhead and better. RWBY were left stun by what they saw.

At the tower on beacon

Ozpin and Glynda were there talking to Ironwood as well Qrow.

Ozpin: It seems that this new group is more than we expected.

Qrow: yeah. Oz it seems they are always one step ahead of us.

Glynda: True, and they way Teams DGTL and MASK are being professional and very skilled. As well their weapons and armor are different.

James: What do you mean by that Glynda.

Ozpin: When both team return they seem to have upgraded. They said that they made them themselves.

There he shows him the video of their initiation and was impressed how they are well coordinated. As well their armor and weapons aren't familiar to him and are impressed how well they kill Grimm.

Ironwood: None of what they have correspond to anything Atlas has. They do seem to have military training in them.

Qrow: Those eight know more than your toy soldiers Jimmy.

Ozpin: Do you think they are connected to this new faction?

Glynda: Ozpin!! How could you say something like that.

Ironwood: Maybe it might be connected to these bases that were wiped out.

Then they heard the elevator ding and open to see team RWBY.

Ozpin: Ah Team RWBY how can I help you today ladies.

Weiss: Mr. Ozpin we have to tell you that Team DGTL and MASK. Have gone with some unknown guy in a flying vehicle that looked nothing like a bullhead.

That made the adults of the room wide eye and Glynda ask.

Glynda: Are you sure?

Ruby: Yeah and we got it recorded right Yang?

Yang nodded and showed them the video and they were shock to see it all and hear what both teams said. Then the marine looked at them and soon they all bolted and the vehicle flew fast.

Ironwood: It seems you were right Ozpin.

Qrow: Yeah so we chase them.

Ozpin: Yes its time to get answers and do you know which direction they are heading?

They nodded and went to see if they can lead them to this new group.

With the ground team near the forerunner structure.

Once both teams were assign to join Blue team and the group to secure the structure.

Diana: *raidios*Captain were sorry for not noticing that we were followed.

Lasky:"It's alright Diana. It happens to the best of us. Besides with all that happened and the Vytal festival. The question was when. Now focus on the objective. We will be ready to face them. As for these "transfer students". I'll have ONI investigate them. Good luck on your assignment.

Diana: Understood Sir and thank you.

When she got off and told the rest and they sigh in relief and now they have to face the music. True that they all wanted to be Huntsman but. When the UNSC came and that changed their perception of things. That there were more dangerous threats out there. As well that Huntsman are more like mercenaries while the UNSC soldiers have been recognize as heroes for the war they fought and the genocide they stopped not just in them. But for all life in the void. That is where they want to be. They want to be the first for good and change in a bigger scale. Now they have it. When they went to the group they found Y/n and Selena there waiting for as Y/n has his new SAW that he customize himself with a bigger drum and a reflex sight and a compesator.

Y/n: You guys ready to see your first forerunner structure.

Leila: We are.

Gaea: Yeah it's so exciting to see a ancient high tech alien location.

He nodded and they all meet the rest. While the journey took two hours there as they have to fight through Grimm. When they have arrived the forerunner structure was hidden in the cave entrance. DGTL and MASK were shock to see it though they knew this was just on the outside since they said that it's way bigger when you get in. Then when a scientist went to the console to activate it. The ground started to move and a bright light shined in the sky. As it died down and everyone recovered their footing that is where it all went to hell. As Roland contacted them.

Roland: Ground team is everyone okay.

Chief: Were all fine Roland. Though that might may of exposed us to everyone.

Roland: You're right. I'm detecting a small fleet of four Atlas frigates heading towards your location and one of them has general Ironwood.

Fred: The big guy huh. Anyone else.

Roland: Yes, Headmaster Ozpin and Ms. Goodwitch is the with them along with others.

Elite: So it's time to reveal ourselves or be ready to fight our way out construt.

Roland: Yes its fifty fifty. Don't attack if only you get fired upon first.

Chief: Understood.

With that their time has run up and soon. All of Remnant will know of the mysterious faction. What will happen find out next chapter.

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