The truth is Reveal

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New intro begin

Over the Mega City New Reach is the Infinity and The Shadow of Intent and their fleets with Lasky and Arbiter looking out at the horizon of Remnant. While in the other side of the world is the White fang planing their next move with Adam wanting to kill the Spartans. As the Atlas fleet is in Vale there are three individuals are there with one with Amber glowing eyes. Then there is Team DGTL and MASK in their ODST gear and with other soldiers humans and now Faunus saluting the flag of the UNSC. Then next appears blue team jumping off a pelican and into battle. Fred is fighting Adam while the others is clearing out Grimm and White fang. Then Y/n is there with his lighting energy sword charging and dodging fireballs. Last appears to be the flag of the UNSC rise after a battle and is waving in the wind.

Intro ends

At the facility

The ground team with the SA and UNSC forces are aiming their weapons at the Atlas soldiers that landed when the four Atlas Frigates arrived. It's a quiet standoff waiting for one to make the first shot. Then a group of nine came out and they know who they are. Ozpin, Glynda, Ironwood, Winter Qrow and team RWBY. They were shock to see aliens and other humans there. While the stand off occur Ironwood walked up and said.

Ironwood: You're surrounded. We suggest you lower your weapons now.

Chief: Ain't going to happen Ironwood.

Ironwood was about to repeat again until a large shadow appear and they all look up and now they Atlas and the Huntsman there are scared. The Infinity and the Shadow of intent and their fleets were now in the sky as Air vehicles decent and now surround the Atlas fleet and ground forces.

UNSC pilot: Atlas forces you are surrounded and you have three seconds to lower your arms or we will open fire.

Ozpin: James you need to do it. We're outnumber three to one.

Ironwood: You're right men lower your arms.

They all did and soon more UNSC and SA forces and vehicles landed to make sure no funny business occurred. Then Captain Lasky and Arbiter both went down escorted by Blue team and Team MASK and DGTL and the Honor guard. As the research team with guards went inside the Forerunner facility to investigate.

Lasky: It would seem that you all found us now.

Ozpin: I guess your the ones who been clearing out WF bases.

Arbiter: We are.

Blake: Why kill them they are just misguided.

Lasky: "misguided" Ms. Belladonna. I suspect as much from a former member.

That all made them shock.


Lasky: Your cyber security is a joke. We know some kids back home where they can make a better security programs than that. Before you all want to talk. Ambassadors are on route in two days they'll arrive.

Ozpin: Alright. Now Team MASK and DGTL you all knew didn't you.

Diana: Yes sir. Ever since they rescued us and now since we are of age. We all decided to join them.

Goodwitch: I though you all wanted to be huntsman.

Terrel: We did once. Now after getting to know them for a while. As well know their history. All of us agreed that we can do more good being in the UNSC than being a Huntsman.

Lasky: Their right. Now they are full members of the UNSCDF and UEG citizens. Now we all of you all to return back home and wait for the talks to begin. Right now we are doing important assignment. Before you ask no we can't say anything for its classified.

After that they all return back to vale and now all of Remnant will know of the Existence of the UNSC and SA in tow days. Now in the Facility the researchers found a Monitor named Defender Bias. Where he told them that this facility is a R&D for weapons and military tech. Then descends of a new source of energy they made that glowed blue and it very potent. Defender called it "energon" (a/n I know it s a transformer reference but I suck coming up with new names for some stuff. Hey who knows what the forerunners did make its all a mystery still). Then explain other projects that took place here,Defender later explained how they were trying to weaponize it and how there were five prototype suits made of different alloys and introduce a energon shield which is easy to make and in theory is more and stronger and reliable than even the most strongest forerunner shields. Blue team were given the new suits to test and it was proved correct after a serious of tests. As of now they prototypes were now remolded into their mjolnir armor with the same upgrades and now the new shield generator is being developed for the infantry since they can't rely on Aura to stop all attacks especially since they don't know if it can stop all projectiles. As the research team were still there uncovering all the secrets they can. While the military reinforces it with a strong garrison. Both of them know that they need to be ready to face the music in tow days. Since now the White fang and Atlas will target them for the tech and weapons.

Two days later

It was during all the news outlets in Remnant. Since now they have made contact with the UNSC and SA. They have send their ambassadors with a armed guard to the councils in the four kingdoms. Where the talks took place. As for the White fang and Cinder and her lackeys watches the news they grew infuriated.

Adam: More humans and now aliens. They are the ones who wipes out our bases. Now we can't have Roman steal their weapons for our cause.

Cinder: Indeed this is a larger change. But the plan will continue not matter who it is. Soon Vale will fall and I will have the full power of the Fall Maiden.

Unknown to them a ONI agent was watching them named Ariel and she is a Faunus who is a huge supporter of the UNSC and now is sending her findings to her superiors and hopes that this will end before civilians are hurt. In Atlas negotiations went south as Jacques Schnee and the Atlas Council try ask the UNSC and SA to buy their weapons and other military stuff. The ambassadors said that the UNSC and SA will not trade their military tech and told Jacques that he is not well like in all UNSC and SA space. Since slavery is heavily illegal and it penalty is death. Well now Atlas is not in their liked place. Now in the other kingdoms it went well. Like in Mistral,and Vacou as well Vale the talks went all well and the Council and the people were shock to hear of the wars they have been especially the Human covenant war. In Beacon it was being broadcast by a reporter as all the huntsman watched.

" As we all heard that the UNSC and the SA were once enemies but are now close allies and trade partners. Though their reluctance to sell their weapons to Huntsman and Atlas has been criticize by both parties. Though this leaves a lot of worry if the White fang get their hands on these weapons. But they have stated that we don't have anything to worry about. Since they transport them by their ships and are heavily guarded. This is Lisa lavender  live at this historic scene."

The Huntsman were at first excited to be able to use the weapons they had. Especially a silver eyed one. Bit it all came down when they refused to let them even buy them and said that they are only for the military and the soldiers who serve. Like team DGTL and MASK which they found out where UNSC soldiers and trained by Spartans. Super soldiers who like the one who killed all those Grimm at the initiation. Which no one should be able to survive but he did. As they learn more about them they were afraid of the probability of facing them since they have been known to accomplish the impossible.

Ruby: Aww. I won't be able to see all their cool weapons now.

Yang: It's alright Ruby. We all are. Still it's crazy how their closest friends were once their enemies.

Blake: Yes and how they are now in bad terms with Atlas,Huntsman and Schnee company.

Weiss: Yeah and knowing my father he won't give up that easily.

Then the news came back and the sounds of gunfire where heard.

"Breaking news! A white fang battalion is attacking the UNSC and SA ambassadors in Mistral. Wait here comes the reinforcements."

They all saw many pelicans and Phantoms arrive and the troops walked out and fired at the White fang troops with plasma and EP rounds were taking the White fang fast and hard as one by one fell down dead. As the last one was killed medics came in to check everyone is alright. They battle scene left many shock as now they know that these two aren't to be messed with.

One week later

After that terrorist attack a week ago and New Reach is open for tourism. The SA and UNSC broadcast a message on live to all with Lord Hood and the Arbiter there.

Hood: After the attempt by the White fang to kill the ambassadors and try to take over a outpost. The cabinet and the president have all agreed that this threat must be dealt with. Our enemies aren't all the faunus. Our enemy is a network of terrorists groups of the White fang. Who have shed innocent blood and destroyed many families. The UNSC declares war to the White fang. We will not falter or we will not stop. Nor we will not go quietly into the night.

Arbiter: The SA stand with our Allies and we all agree that the White fang must be dealt with. We will hunt them down to the last. Their reign of terror ends now.

With that done. All of remnant grow worry how this war will go. As UNSC and SA forces ready for the coming battles. As the war on terror begins.

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