The war on terror and the end of the White Fang

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Intro begins

Over the Mega City New Reach is the Infinity and The Shadow of Intent and their fleets with Lasky and Arbiter looking out at the horizon of Remnant. While in the other side of the world is the White fang planing their next move with Adam wanting to kill the Spartans. As the Atlas fleet is in Vale there are three individuals are there with one with Amber glowing eyes. Then there is Team DGTL and MASK in their ODST gear and with other soldiers humans and now Faunus saluting the flag of the UNSC. Then next appears blue team jumping off a pelican and into battle. Fred is fighting Adam while the others is clearing out Grimm and White fang. Then Y/n is there with his lighting energy sword charging and dodging fireballs. Last appears to be the flag of the UNSC rise after a battle and is waving in the wind.

Intro ends

The war of terror began

Over the last few days. The UNSC and SA had been engaging the White fang in the ground and Air. Thank to their superior technology and numbers. They have been pushing the White fang back. Since in the air, bullheads were no match for Longswords, Shortwords, Banshees and Phantoms and other air vehicles. As well in the ground thanks to military ground vehicles like tanks and Wraiths has given then a huge advantage since Remnant never seen or heard of it. They fought a tenacious defense as well the Grimm seem to be more targeting them than the White fang. Still it didn't stop them and it soon turn to a slaughter with some MAC fire on their positions as well bombing raids have crippled their supply runs. As well they have liberated Villages from their oppression and gladly join the UNSC or SA. Then some of those village teenagers join the military to help in the defense of their home. These actions have gained a lot of support from Faunus and some humans from Remnant. True the UNSC and SA have suffer casualties. Though compared to the White fang it was a 1 to 60 ratio. Since they have never faced battle harden soldiers and especially the Spartans proved to be the most deadliest soldiers with the Elites, Hunters and Brutes. With many battles fought all over remnant and many raised flags of the UNSC and SA rising after each base or village. Everyone knew that the end of the White Fang was near and soon thanks to Spooks and AI they have found the White Fang's headquarters where their leader and commander were. They can end the war with one final assault.With the last lines of defense breach the end was near. All forces were ready to end the White Fang once and for all.

In Beacon

The War On Terror has been seen by every huntsman and Professor. There were shock to see shock how the White Fang were getting destroyed. As well seeing the end of each battle with a lot of White Fang Casualties with little to minimal from either the UNSC or SA. As well the different vehicles used and how they are powerful. Lisa Lavender is giving all of Remnant the updates.

" On the Update on the War it seems the UNSC and SA are ready to launch the final assault on the White fangs Headquarters. Right now they have amass a large force with soldiers mechanized infantry and aircraft going to assault. As well the legendary Spartan Team known as Blue Team will lead the assault. As you know this Team of super soldiers live up to their legends. Now let's talk to a soldier."

She starts to walk towards a Wolf Faunus marine with the camera man following her.

" Excuse me sir. May I ask a few questions.

Sure but, we are on a tight schedule.

Understood thank you. Can you tell me why did you join the UNSC.

Before I did I was a Atlas Soldier who was replaced by those AKs. As well that Atlas didn't have the guts to engage the White Fang and push them back. As well as my training instructure said when I joined. "All of Atlas military and the council have sticks up their asses that Schnee can remove."

Alright still. Did you face any racism from the UNSC?

No I didn't. Neither anyone faunus there. We were all respect and treated equally which is a dream for us came true. The UNSC knows hardships more than all of us in Remnant. Which is why I'm proud to be a Marine serving the UNSC and with my fellow soldiers.

Okay one last question. Was training to be a marine different than being a Atlas Soldier. It made us go further beyond our point.

Steve it's time get out here and form up.

Yes sir."

As the soldier left after finishing his interview Lisa told the viewers the time has arrived. In the tower Ozpin, Qrow, Winter,James and Glynda were there.

Glynda:It seems that the UNSC and SA will do what Atlas and Huntsman never have been able to accomplish. Take down the White fang.

Ozpin: Yes though I wish a better solution was found.

Qrow: Well Oz. They did attack the ambassadors and that was when they dig their own grave.

James: Yes and the Military vehicles they have outclass the bullhead and Paladin.

Qrow: Hehe. Yeah and their weapons and Armor also outclass your little troopers and AKs.

Winter: As well their tactics are innovating.

On the White fang headquarters Y/n's pov

It was a rainy day and the UNSC and SA ready for the final assault. As the UNSC cover one side and the SA the other. They ready to end this. Y/n grabbed his saw and dual magnums and grenades and his Electric energy sword and his two combat knives now with fire powder in it to melt their the armor.

Y/n: You ready Chief?

Chief: Yes.

I saw John get his weapons and saw Linda,Kelly and Selena talking and loading their weapons. As well Fred sharpening his knives and putting Thunder powder on own and fire on the other. Once he finish he turn to Y/n and said

Fred: Hey Y/n leave Adam to me.

Y/n: Sure the rest of us will get the leader either way he is to dangerous to keep alive.

Fred: True and no one will miss him.

Selena: Hey Uh Y/n can I ask you something.

I turn around and saw Selena there looking a bit nervous and I could swear I see a bit if a blush in her cheeks.

Y/n: What is it?

She turn back where Linda and Kelly look at her and nodded and she took a deep breath and said.

Selena: Do you want to go out with me after the war is done.

I stood there surprise by what she said and I'm trying to find the right words to say but when I would feel the suppression take effect it didn't. As I was trying to say something Fred said.

Fred: I think you broke him Selena.

Selena: Y/n..

I got my focus back and looked at her with my E/c eyes and said.

Y/n: Uhhh. Yes I would like to go out with you.

Selena soon smiled and gave me a hug which I soon returned and we have to stop as Chief said.

Chief: Alright Blue team. Captain Lasky said it's time to head out.

Linda: Alright let's end this.

They put on their helmets but before I put mine in Selena put her hand on the helmet and I looked at her as she said.

Selena: Y/n, I want to give you this for luck.

She then leaned in and gave me a kiss in the cheek and soon retreat and put on her helmet.

Selena: Come on we got to catch up with the rest.

Y/n: Y-Yes you're right.

As she left I touch with my and where she kissed me and soon felt my heart beat.

Y/n:*though* What's going on I never felt this before and how did it happen. I though the suppressors were suppose to take effect. I'll find out later right now we have a war to win.

I put on my helmet and went off to meet with the rest. There with Commander Palmer getting ready to lead the charge.

Palmer: Alright everyone this is it. The moment we all fought hard and sacrifice for. The White fang are cornered and they will fight like rabid animals with everything they have. That won't stop us. Well will fight our way in and apprehend their leader and eliminate Adam Taurus on sight. Understood.

All: Yes ma'am.

Palmer: Okay Blue team will head in and take their leader prisoner while the rest of use cover them. Let's show them what UNSC soldiers are made off.

All: Hoo'rah!!!

After that we all charged for the final battle of the war. As UNSC Sodiers and vehicles charged and opened fire on the White fang's fortifications and made a hole in their defenses. Blue team were the first in and I aimed my SAW at a group of 10 White Fang and fired and the new EP rounds made from NATO tore through them and some tried to fire back but the new shields hold up and it was going down slowly. Then as the last one was killed and the sounds of bullets and explosions were in the scene and Bullheads engaging the Broadswords and Longswords and Banshees and Phantoms. As we made our way in and meet up with the Arbiter and Rtas and their own units. My motion tracker detected two targets heading out way. We all turn to face two similar people wearing a red robe and one having his ears out with their weapons out.

Corsac: You Humans have ruined everything we have worked so hard for.

Fennec: Indeed brother. Once we are done with you. We will deal with the traitors of our race.

Y/n put away his Saw and took out his two combat knives and told chief and Arbiter.

Y/n: Chief, Arbiter go I'll deal with them. We need to get their leader and end this

Rtas as well walked up and activated his fire energy sword.

Rtas: He's right Arbiter go while me and the Spartan deal with them.

Arbiter: *nods* Let's move. We can't let them escape.

The rest nodded and headed towards the room while Selena stayed a bit and said before she left.

Selena: Please come back alive Y/n.

I nodded at her and as she left. I heard one of them say.

Corsac: Spartan be warn that we are not like those grunts you all faced. We have taken on veteran huntsman.

Rtas: Spartan it's always a honor to fight by your side as a fellow brother.

Y/n: Likewise Rtas. As for you two true you may of faced off against huntsman. Though you have never faced a Spartan II and a Veteran Sangheili warrior. We have faced much worse than you and the Grimm.

Rtas: He's right we faced the Parasite and the Prophets and their followers.

Fennec: We know, that is why we have backup.

Then 30 white fang soldiers came out and aimed their weapons at them.

Corsac: You are outnumber three to one.

Rtas: Then it is a even fight.

Y/n: Yes it is.

As I got myself in my battle stance where my two knives were told reverse and my arms near connect I say.

Y/n: As for you and this terrorist organization your reign of terror ends here.

Then me and Rtas charge at the enemy and they open fire but our energy shields hold up as I stab my two knives into the necks of the first two who have assault rifles. As Rtas kills two other with his energy sword and kill 5 more with his plasma rifle. I hack and slash 6 who decided to group on me which became a wrong ideas. Four more with shotguns tried to kill me up close and personal but with my advance speed and strength I was able to get them before they pulled the trigger. After a few minutes of combat all 30 of the White fang were dead and Corsac and Fennec try to remain calm but seeing how those two killed the others was something they never though was possible. As I charged at Corsac and Rtas fought Fennec. I trued to slash at his left but he's blocked it with his father which gave me a chance to stab him in the stomach with my other knife. I heard him scream in pain. As I took it out and see how he is holding his wound.


Corsac: Turn to see in honor of his brother being impaled by Rtas flame energy sword and was kicked off of it. Laying down dead. Which fused his taxes as he charged at me. Though with his rage it made it easier to block his strikes. Then when he try to ask for my neck I dodge it and return the favor and striked him in the neck effectively killing him. As the gift dropped I turn to Rtas.

Rtas: We need to catch up the the rest.

Y/n: Agree.

Their person

Fred was fighting Adam and both hit their blades at the same time.

Adam: I will have your head human.

Fred: You talk to much.

Then he slid under him and jabbed Adam four times. Which was enough to break his Aura. Adam decided to use his semblance and try to run Fred fast. Though unlucky for him as he was about to strike him. Fred went into Spartan time and dodge the blade and stabbed Adam in the back and the stomach. When Adam felt the pain and fell to the floor seeing his own blood being drained from his body. He look up to Fred with hatred in his eyes.

Adam: Beaten by a Human impossible.

Fred: It is possible. It's a Spartans mission to prove the impossible,possible.


Just like that Fred finish him off with a magnum shut to the head. There he meet up with Rtas and Y/n and headed to where the rest were. When they arrived they Saw Sienna Khan apprehended and her guards either dead or surrender. Y/n then saw Selena run towards him and gave him a hug which he returned.

Y/n: What did we miss.

Linda: Oh you know fight our way in and told her to surrender or die. She chose the latter and here we are. Lucky for her. We have been order to arrest her where she will face trials with others.

Arbiter: Indeed still this is a glorious day. For we have vanquished the light of the White fang forever.

Chief: Still there may be hidden cells out there.

Fred: We'll just keep hunting them down or they will give and go home.

Kelly: Yep either way we won. Now can you two love birds stop doing that

Selena and Y/n stop hugging and she said.

Selena: I'm just glad you came back.

Y/n: I know.

After a long fought battle victory belong to the UNSC and SA have won against the White Fang. With their fortitude and bravery have inspired many in Remnant to fight for a better future and to side with them. Now all that the threat of taken care off. They must focus on the Grimm and find the truth behind them.

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