Chapter 2

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I see her open the back door and she runs out.
"Daniella!" I shout
But it was too late she had already ran out from the back. I go to get Amanda. I might act older than my age but truthfully Amanda is the most responsible and oldest as we'll.
Amanda turns her head from writing her letter.
"What is the matter?"
"Daniella left. To the fair."
"What she disobeyed my rules?!"
"Yes, we should follow her at once. Ey, before she gets I trouble!"
"Yes I agree come on."
I follow Amanda to the fair. Once we arrive we see a whole line of people trying to get in. Amanda starts to squeeze herself in.
"Amanda what are you doing there is a line!" I whisper
"Getting through."
She finally gets to the man in the front.
"Excuse me but I am looking for one of my sisters her name is Daniella."
"Oh yes I did come across that girl."
"You did great!"
"She is in the cell."
"What why?"
"No ID card, no fair. Now do you have the card before I let you in."
Amanda pulls out a card. "Here."
He looks at the card. "Ok follow that man over there."
We follow the man to the cell room and we see Daniella siting there.
"Daniella." She pulls her head up.
"I am sorry ok."
"Oh you will be sorry." Amanda snaps
"Ok so give us nine dollars and she will be set free."
"Nine dollars for what? Ey." I shout
"Breaking the rules." The man answers
Amanda pulls out the nine dollars from our savings and gives it to the man. The man took the money and opened the cell door. Daniella held her face down as we walked home.
"Maya you better get inside."
"Why would I do that? Ey Amanda."
"Just go now."
I ran inside knowing what was coming it happened to me, Isabella, and Amanda herself but now Daniella was going to get it too. I peaked outside and I listened.
"Ok Daniella you know I hate to do this but you leave me no choice. And please forgive me."
She got out her stick and took out Daniella's hands and a big sound came up. I turned away. I could not bear to remember that day. Then I saw Daniella run in and I followed her upstairs.
"Daniella are you ok?-" Daniella slapped me on my cheek really hard like that same slap she had when we were kids.
"What was that for!"
"You telling Amanda!" She cried out. "I can not believe you ratted me out Maya what were you thinking!"
"I was thinking oh maybe I should stop my sister from getting into big trouble. Ey."
Then she slapped me again this time it was so hard I feel to the floor. Daniella ran to her room well her, and Isabella's room.
"Maya are you ok?"
I look up and see Olivia and June looking at me.
"Yes I am fine." I hold my cheek.
"Let me see." June try's to lift my hand away. She looks at it.
"What happened?"
"No really did Daniella hit you?" Olivia says
"She has no right you were just trying to do the right thing!"
I get up and look in the mirror my cheek was red and a bit bruised. Then I see June go into Daniella's room. Olivia takes me to my room and gets a wash cloth. She dips it in the cold water and puts it on my cheek for a few minutes then she lifts it and dips it back in and puts it back on my cheek.
After an hour of trying to get rid of my bruise I climb up my tree and sit there for a few minutes.
"Can I come up." Daniella looks at me.
I node.
"It is a beautiful day isn't it."
"Listen I am sorry I guess I was just hurt. Sisters?"
Then I see my red bird come and he starts to sing a song a beautiful song.
"Let's call that our bird song." Daniella cheers
"Ey yes that could be our song!"
Then we smile wile looking into the sunrise.

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