Chapter 3

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I feel something siting on top off me. I wake up and I see a rooster. Then it made that sound they make in the morning. I jump off my bed.
"Ow!uh that rooster scared me."
"No kidding!" I look next to me and I see June on the floor as well.
"I guess we're both jumpy ey?"
We start to laugh.
I get on my working clothes and get a hair tie and tie up my wild red hair. Then I look in the mirror to check if my hair looks good and run out the room. I can not wait today is selling day. Every week there is one day we're 2 of my sisters get to go with my cousins and sell some of the stuff we earned but because it is winter we had to make replacements. Today I would finally be going and doing it. Last time it was my turn I got sick and I had to wait until next time. I go to the kitchen and look around for something to eat and I grab a apple and start to munch on it. Then I grab my coat and walk out. I wave to them.
"Hi Jam!"
"Stop calling me Jam!" James yells
"Hi Maya how are you?"
"Doing good Ricky."
I hop into the back of the truck. Wile they load the supplies. Then I see June come out and sits in the back with me.
"You ready?"
"Of course! What about you ey?"
Me and June talk for the rest of the ride. Then I start to see the gate.
"We're here! Ey June we're here!"
She glances and we smile together. It is hard to believe we are all sisters. Me and Amanda only have Red hair and then the rest of us have blond hair. But we all have dimples and blue eyes.
I look at all the people there. There are so many. I stand up to see more. Suddenly I feel the car back up and I fall on something.
"Maya are you okay?"
"Ya I'm good. But I can't say the same for the thing ey."
I had squished a box. I open it and I see some yarn and I feel relived it was not broken or a breakable. Then they park the car and we get off. I help them set up.
"Go all of you big storm, big big storm!" A old man shouts
"Okay grandpa were leaving." A man tells him "sorry about my grandfather he is crazy go back to your work."
I looked at them. I took a chair and sat on the back wile they sold the set up stuff. Then I see Ricky look like he is tired.
"Hey Ricky I can take over Ey."
"Ya ok." He sits on the chair.
"Excuse me, I would like to buy this but I noticed it has a chip in it, can you check if there is another one?"
"Yes sure, give me a minute Ey."
I go through the boxes and I find a mini dog model and hand it to her.
"Thank you and here is the 20 dollars and keep the change."
I take the money and put it into a jar. I suddenly fell a strong winter breeze.
"James do you feel that? Ey."
"Ya I think we should pack up and call it a day. I am not sure why the man said that or if it is true but from what I see it could be."
We start to pack up the stuff and head for the center shelter. That is were buyers and sellers go if the weather starts to be to bad that we have to go home but it is to bad to go home. I can here the wind blow by. It is strong. Then I can feel the cold of it. Suddenly I saw the top of the shelter look like it could fall. It collapsed on top of us. I feel to the ground feeling cold and weak. The last thing I saw was June there right next to me and the blood that was every were including on me.

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