Chapter Five: Friendly date

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>•<!!! I'm really sorry if i haven't been updating it's because school is recently on my full attention because i'm graduating so hope you guys understand.

Naruto's POV

After I knew that Hinata likes me, everything seems a bit clear to me now. The gifts, greetings, and when she faints. It was all because she likes me.

She likes me,

She likes me,

But I'm not feeling anything.

Maybe it's because I don't know what that kind of love feels like. I don't even know what love is.

Well I had a crush on Sakura-chan but she turned me down when I confessed. She told me it was infatuation and I confessed just because I didn't want to lose to Sasuke (which was a little bit true). I asked her everyday about what love is but all she said was "Naruto, you don't think when you're in love. You feel it."

But hell I don't know what that means!

Anyways school was normal and as usual, I saw Hinata turning red when I look at her, Tenten trying to flirt Neji and him trying to hide his blush from Tenten, Sakura and Sasuke talking to each other, and the others boys without lovers forming an alliance and hanging out in Kiba's table. And here I am, trying to think of ways to approach Hinata and making her get used to me.

"Hinata loves a walk in the park, eating food from stalls, and watching the sunset. Go for it Naruto!!" That's what Kiba said earlier when we walked to school together.

Weird, he was making those weird goo goo eyes when he said it. That idiot.

Got no choice but to go with that plan... Since I don't really know her that much.

Kakashi Sensei sure is late. I'm sure he's gone cuckoo with that porn book he was reading recently. I thought.

Okay this is my chance! I tried to scoot silently going to Hinata's direction until I'm inches away from her. I touched her shoulder with my pointy finger which made her skin turn red again.

"N-n-naruto-kun? W-w-what are y-y-you doing?" She backed off, taking her earphones off.

"Uhmm.. You see I.. was wondering if.. ahmmm.. you could.. spend some time with me later after school." I shuddered.

Not because I'm asking her this, but the reaction of Hinata is really making me nervous. I don't want her to faint in front of me again.

"Huh? O-oh o-okay! Haha.." She's still in good condition but after a second she turned red and hot all of a sudden. And I know what happens next

"HINATA!! DON'T FAINT PLEASE!" I said in worry as I placed my hands on her shoulders, shaking her until she snapped out of it.

"NARUTO WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY COUSIN AGAIN!" It was Neji giving me death looks and showed his balled fists to me. I gulped.

"It's not what you think Neji! I was just asking her something!" I shouted back.

"You better! Or else you'll kiss my knuckles later bastard." He gave me a glare with his pearl white orbs and continued to talk to Tenten.

What a flirt.

"N-naruto-kun? Oh yeah I almost fainted. I-i would like to go with you.. W-where w-will we m-meet?" I turned to her as I caught her attention. Yes! Hinata is back on earth.

"The school fountain. Let's meet there at 5. After our club meetings."

"O-okay.." She said while looking down and playing with her fingers.

"So it's decided then! Yosh!" I stood up with my arms held high.

"Minna-san! I'm sorry for being late. And Naruto, stop doing that weird pose. It looks like you have an urge to rape Hinata." Kakashi sensei said with an inexpressive face.

Hinata and I both turned red and froze. Damn that Kakashi sensei!!

"Says the person who reads porn in front of his students." I pointed the porn book that was being covered by two big books. Everyone laughed, rampage in every corner.

I never knew if Kakashi sensei was smiling, frowning, fuming, or blushing because he wears a mask from his chin 'til the nose. I kind of think he's a member of some gang or something.

"30 minutes in detention. No buts and don't ask why. Now turn to page 13 of your Math books."

You got me closet pervert sensei. Guess this day will be longer than I thought. I sighed in despair and went back to my seat.

3rd Person's POV

"Oh Hinata!! Sorry I took so long!" Naruto said as he hurriedly ran to Hinata while waving his hands in greeting.

"N-naruto-kun... Hi-i." The innocent girl stuttered, trying to act cool even if her heart is about to explode in excitement.

"Owh c'mon Hinata. Loosen up a bit. You need to get used to me. I'm not gonna bite -ttebayo." Naruto ran his fingers through his hair. Giving her a big cheerful smile. "Just think that i'm Tenten or Neji. I know you can do it, believe it!"

Hinata felt... Determined. She always wanted to show Naruto her other side, the 'btch I don't care' side of her.

Just Naruto, body. Show him the other me.

"I-i s-see." She straightened herself, took a deep breath, and gave herself a confident pose. She took of her school blouse, revealing a violet colored spaghetti strap. She tied the jacket around her waist. Her natural pale skin shone like never before.

She still turned into a tomato for blushing so hard. It was her first time showing most of her skin to the guy she likes. She waited for this and now that she has it on her hands, she's gonna make him fall over heels for her no matter what.

"L-like t-this Naruto-kun?"

Naruto could not help but gape at her for a very long time. There were no complicated words to describe her. She is just purely beautiful. Inside and out.

Dug dug

Huh? What is this feeling?

Dug dug

Why won't it stop?

Dug dug

Keep yourself together!

"Dō shita no N-naruto-kun?... Is i-it weird? I-i'll j-just s-stop." She covered her face in embarrassment.

Why do I suck at this? I'm embarrassing myself in front of my crush? Why is it always me? She thought.

Hinata's face changed into a sorrowful state, waiting for Naruto to reply but it seems that the blonde boy hasn't snapped out of his thoughts.

"Hinata.." He stuttered. He looked at the lass with a sappy expression. "You look b-beautiful. W-would you m-mind i-if you'd stay that way for a w-while?"

Hinata widen her eyes. She's gotta keep this show going. She needs this to conquer her fear.

"Yes.. N-naruto-kun.. I t-think I still can. We're gonna h-hang out remember?"

"Y-yeah!! I totally forgot! L-lets go!" He grabbed Hinata's arm as they exited the school's gates.


"N-naruto-kun.. Where are we going?" The raven haired girl asked while gasping for air. They took a break from walking and running around Konoha.

Hinata is still blushing scarlet because Naruto didn't let go of her arm yet.

Lucky me.. Finally made contact with my crush without fainting. She thought.

"We're going to a private park owned by one of my Godfathers. Kiba told me you love to walk in parks and eating food from stalls." He let go of the maiden's arm, which made Hinata really sad but didn't show it, and squat since there were no benches around.


"Hmm?" He tilted his head to her direction.

"Why are you hanging out with me? I-it's really great but w-why?" She fiddled her fingers. Naruto looked at her purplish pearl eyes and

Pat her head..

"I wanna know more about you Hinata. I-i know that this is all of a sudden but since the day you fainted when you were my seatmate, I was really concered and I heard that it was because of me that you fainted... And we haven't been hanging out that much since you were hiding from me."

HIDING? He caught me stalking him? Hinata squelched. She turned redder than usual.

"Y-y-you saw me when I-I was hiding?" She gathered all her courage just to say that. Naruto laughed.

"Well yeah! Your head keeps popping out but I didn't really mind it because I thought you were hiding from someone else."

Naruto you butt ass liar. He thought

Baka... I was hiding from you. She thought.

"Ahahah really? Sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry about Hinata. Let's just keep going. Let's get to know each other better okay?." Naruto stood up, brushing all the dirt that's surrounding him and wiping his sweat.

He went near her, lent her a hand to grab on. She accepted it with no hesitations.

I know everything about you Naruto. I even sneaked out of the house just to see what you do at night. But I want you to know me, be close to me, even love me if ever that's possible. Just notice me please.

"Okay.. Arigatō Naruto-kun."



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