Chapter 2: Summer Visits

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(The video up top was the best video I could find of the full song of "This is my idea" BUT it only shows pictures from the movie during the song, sorry guys, but if someone does find a full scene of the song in the movie please let me know. Other than that enjoy the chapter.)

—————-///YEARS LATER///—————-
The servants in the castle of Lions, in Altea, were making sure everything was perfect. Today was the day that Lance and Keith would meet. Everyone was excited and Coran, Allura's father figure friend and conductor of the musicians, was keeping a lookout for Shiro and Keith. Once he saw Shiro riding on a black horse with Keith he got all excited.

"Haha, He's here! Here they come!" Coran shouted in excitement as everyone started to put the finishing touches on the palace as Allura and Lance went outside to greet them. Coran was about to blow the horn to announce their arrival but something was stuck in the horn. He tried to figure out why it wasn't working. While he was doing that Shiro had arrived at the gates of the castle.

"Greetings, Queen Allura of Altea. You're looking rather lovely as ever." Shiro greeted her as he got off his horse. Then out of nowhere, a bird's nest fell on top of Allura's head.

"Sorry, Allura!" Coran shouted from the balcony above them. Allura took the bird's nest off of her head and puts it in a tree. "Well, that was unexpected I might say. Welcome to our kingdom, your highness." She bowed to show some respect. She made Lance bows as well.

"The little boy must be your brother Lance I presume?" Shiro winked at her, getting at winked back from her as Lance and herself rise from their bows. "Yes, it is. And the little one must be your brother, Young Prince Keith."

Shiro helped Keith down from the horse he was on and Keith looked like he was a bit shy. Shiro looked at him meaning he wants him to go say hello, he gave Keith a little push and Keith started walking.

"Go on Lance, Go on" Allura tried to encourage Lance to go say hello to Keith.

"Allura" "Lance" Allura gave Lance a bit of a glare and since he didn't want to get on her bad side and went over to Keith in a fussy manner.

"Hello, Prince Keith I'm very pleased to meet you," Lance said a bit rudely at him.

"Pleased to meet you, Prince Lance," Keith said with an unamused expression on his face. 

Lance wanted to turn and leave, same with Keith, but Allura motioned him for Lance to kiss Keith's hand. Lance rolled his eyes as he held Keith's hand, his face had a disgusted expression on and so did Keith. Lance closed his eyes, quickly kissing Keith's hand.

"Yuck!" Lance wiped his lips in disgust and crossed his arms, looking at the raven-haired prince.


Both Keith and Lance weren't really getting along too well, they would have their ups and downs through the years. Allura and Shiro try to get them to get along with each other. The first meeting wasn't what they expected and they knew that would be a while till they got along and soon fall in love, even the common folks can't wait for it to happen. The servants even tried to get them to get along as well.

Years later in their teen years, and they still don't get along well. Lance was starting to flirt with girls, but none of them really liked his flirting skills, even if he was a prince. He was even learning how to do archery and he was getting good at it. Keith was also growing as well and he has been learning to sword fight and his hair was growing long that when he saw Lance he gave Keith the nickname "Mullet Head." Then it was time for them to meet again for another summer.

"How long will it take for this plan to work?", that's the main question that everyone had on their minds. Lance tried to avoid Keith as much as possible, along with his best friend Hunk. They even built a treehouse that had a sigh "No mullets allowed", Lance obviously came up with it. But no matter what Keith was right on their tail and he got so annoyed that they were avoiding him he accidentally made the treehouse collapse and the three of them got hurt and then Keith went home the next day.

Years later, again, both of the princes got older and they both looked more attractive. Lance was still trying to flirt with girls and Keith was now upstaging Lance. He was having fun beating him at card games. Keith even started flirting with the Altean royal guards, since he was into guys more than girls, and it seems that Lance was jealous, he thought he keeps denying it. Hunk notices and he normally teases Lance about it and asked him if he had feelings for Keith every once in a while but Lance just avoids the question as much as possible.

At the same time, all the people of both kingdoms were getting impatient and started wondering if the two would ever get married or even love each other. However, their next visit will determine that if they are to be married or not. 

~~~~~~~~~~~( o)🔹(o )~~~~~~~~~~~~

This was the last summer, the last visit that will determine if Keith and Lance will unite the kingdoms together. However, as usual, they were both being stubborn to their older sibling.

"Shiro, I told you I don't wanna go!" Keith shouted from inside his bedroom.

"Keith, come on we have to go! I'll be waiting for you downstairs!" Shiro from outside the room can hear Keith's footsteps leaving and heading downstairs and he sighs.

And with Lance and Allura it was the same situation on her part.

"Allura, do I have to go!"

"Lance come on you better behave and dress up nice!" Allura told her brother as she headed downstairs waiting for her brother.

"For as long as I remember we've been told we'd someday wed. Every June until September..." Both of the princes said to themselves as they looked at their calendars.


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