Meeting Him pt 1

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A few days later...

Alexandria POV

I was walking around town, taking in the sights when I suddenly bumped into something or someone.

"Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." I said rubbing my forehead.

"It's OK," he said.

I looked up and saw the most gorgeous blue eyes and spiky blond hair. He had a tan crop top and white suspenders on. It was all under a sleeveless blue jacket with a feather boa attached to it. He was quite cute. He had this warm smile on his face that made me feel fuzzy and warm inside.

I blushed a bit and looked away.

"I'm Sting, Sting Eucliffe." He said.
"I'm Alexandria, A-Alexandria Redfox." I said stuttering a bit.
In the corner if my eye, I can see his eyes widen a fraction.
"Are you related to Gajeel Redfox? You look a hella lot like him. Like a cuter skinny girl version of him." He said putting a hand under his chin and raising an eyebrow. I blushed a bit deeper and nodded.
"I-I'm his younger t-twin s-sister." I said.
"I never knew he had a sister. You are way too cute to be related to him." He said smirking a bit.

I blushed even more and nodded again. He looked so sexy when he smirks.
"You look so hot when you are all nervous and blushing like that." He said leaning in a bit more.
"T-thanks," I said.

"Well let's get to know each other. Become friends." He said and I nodded.
"I would l-like that." I said and mentally slapped myself for stuttering in front of him.

I felt someone grab my hand and started pulling me. I looked up and saw Sting looking at me while he was leading me somewhere.

"Don't worry my favorite restaurant is here." He said heading toward Island 8's.

We went in, sat down and started to talk.

"So tell me, why haven't I heard of you till now?" Sting asked me.
"Well I was a test subject for the underground dark guild Crow's Eye. Gajeel then saved me along with Fairy Tail." I said remembering and telling him that fateful day.

Flashback brought to you by Natsu's total sexiness.

"Metallicana! Where are you?!?" I yelled looking for our dragon.
"Its no use Alex. He's not here. He probably hates us." Gajeel-nii said.
I turned to and and said,

"No he doesn't, he probably went out with out tellin us." I said.
We continued to look for him till dark.

"Alex, he isn't here. Let's find a place to set up camp." Gajeel-nii said.
I sighed and nodded.
"I was hoping we would find him soon. But I guess he's somewhere far away." I said as Gajeel went somewhere. I followed him to a clearing with a big rock in the middle.

There was people camped out there. Gajeel-nii and I went up to them.
"Excuse me but do mind if my brother and I stayed here with you all. It will only be for 1 night." I asked them and they smirked.

One of them approached us and Gajeel-nii put a protective hand in front me.
"Tell me, are you both wizards?" He asked us.
"No, were dragon slayers! Are you going to let us stay here or do we have to find our own way?" Gajeel-nii asked quite rudely.

"Grab the girl! She has way more power!" He said reaching for me.
Gajeel backed up so he couldn't get me.
"Iron dragon's club!" He said punching him with a club from his hand.
"Alex run!" He said pounding another one.
I nodded and started to run away. Some got away from Gajeel and chased after me. I ran and ran until my legs started to burn. I came to a dead end and they caught up to me.

"Iron dragon's kunai!" I said as kunai knives appeared in the spaces of my hands, making it 8 in total. I threw them at the dudes and thanks to my amazing aim they either got a kunai in the arm, leg, or stomach. They all fell to the ground.

"Amazing, you made kunai knives by your own magic. What more things can you can you do?" A dude in a white coat with grey-purplish hair and grey eyes. He had a screw on the side of his head and glasses.

"Iron dragon's scythe!" I said as a scythe formed on my hand. I swung at him and he caught it. Not even getting cut. He flipped me over and put a purple magic on my head. My vision became blurry and my mind slowed down. I felt myself being picked up and carried. I soon found myself at the clearing area where Gajeel-nii was nearly knocked out





The dude kicked the boulder and walked in the hole.
"Call me Stein, Franken Stein." Is what I heard before I blacked out.

Flashback over.

"Oh I'm sorry. Do you want a tissue?" He asked me and I looked confused. I'm crying.
I touched my cheeks to find them wet. I pulled out my compact mirror and saw my eyes were red, swollen, and puffy.

"I guess I was crying. Sure a tissue is good." I said and he handed me one. I wipes my eyes and threw it away before secretly blowing my nose.

"Well, I don't think you deserved that. If I knew you back then. I wouldn't stop until I found you." He said making me smile.

"So tell me about yourself. What do you do?" I asked him.

Sting's POV
This is my chance to impress her. Maybe get her to join Sabertooth instead of staying with weak old Fairy Tail.

"Well I'm known as White Dragon Sting. My partner is known as Shadow Dragon Rouge. We are known as the twin dragons. We are part of the top guild Sabertooth." I told her.

"Sabertooth uh?"


Who said that. This is going to be a love triangle. Sting x Alexandria x (?). Who do you all think it is going to ve? I already know who but I want know your own opinion. The top four are;


OntoImpossibleDreams out!

Natsu; Can we continue what we were doing, Nesi-chan?

Nesi-chan; O/////O, Natsu! Don't say that in front of the readers.

Nesi-chan out! For realz.

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