Meeting him pt 2

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"Sabertooth uh?"
Alex POV
I looked up to see Laxus standing there and from the looks of it, he looked a bit pissed.
"Alex, come on. Your brother is destroying stuff cause your missing. We've gotta head to training for the GMGS." He said.

"Oh OK. See you later Sting. And Sabertooth sounds pretty cool." I said before walking off with Laxus.
We were walking in silence until Laxus started to speak.
"Why were you with that Sabertooth dude? You know, we are going against them in the Grand Magic Games, right?" He said.
I nodded.

"I bumped into him and he wanted to meet me and become friends." I said.


We looked straight to find Gajeel. Very angry.
He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.
"Gajeel-nii, what are you doing?"
"Taking you to training. You haven't been fighting." He said.
"But I have been. Crows Eye has been making go against its members to see my magic powers. They were powerful but it was experiments."

"Well, we'll see how strong you've gotten. Maybe we can use your new strength." Gajeel-nii said.

We were heading out of town at a forest. Lily was waiting with our bags. When we got to where Lily was, Gajeel-nii put me down.
"Mira-jane helped us pack your clothes. I hope you liked our selection." Lily said.

He gave me a bag and I looked in it. It was filled with nice dresses, shirts, shorts, pants, and skirts. It also had underwear and bras. A few pairs of shoes as well.

I zipped it up and pulled it behind me.

"Yeah, its fine. Let's get going."

So we got on the train and headed out. Gajeel-nii said we were going to a place that he used to privately train at. It took us about an hour cause it was more closer to the former location of Phantom Lore. Once we got there we setup camp and got ready for training.

"So I am not going easy on you. Alex." Gajeel said cracking his knuckles.
"Same here, we want to see what you hold currently." Lily said getting into his larger form.

Gajeel-nii cracked his knuckles and got in a fighting position. I did the same.

"You start, little sis."

I nodded and started. I clapped my hands together as a green magic circle appeared under me.

"Iron Dragon's Electrifying Claws!" I yelled as from my elbow on up turned into iron scales and my fingernails  did the same and grew way longer. Lightning covered arms as I stood in a fighting position.

"Here I come, Gajeel-nii!" I said  running up to him.

He was frozen in shock which gave me the opportunity to take the offensive. I swiped at his face, causing him to fly towards the side. He fell on the ground as I walked towards him.

"Come on Gajeel-nii, I know you better then that. Crow's eye gave me all new powers and forced me to test them out. Now I know you could do better than that." I said in a taunting tone of voice.

He smirked and got up and faced me.

"Ha! Don't push your luck! You only tripped me up once, it won't happen a second time!"

We both brought out Iron Dragon's Sword as we faced each other.

"Don't underestimate me!" We said at the same time.



I am so sorry!!!!!!!! I got my phone taken away and I haven't  been inspired  by  this story but I guess this is my Christmas  Present  for  you all. Please, I am so sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm  trying my hardest and best!!!

-Natsumi  Sakura 

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