The imposter

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Recap- Annika finds Shivaay's real identity, she fights Aakash at the house. Shivaay is shocked on seeing Rudra who claims to be his brother .

A- am I your son? ask this to your mother first .

Shivaay was shocked after hearing this . Anger and thrill seemed to have captured him quite fully.

S- what did you just say !

Yelling this , he stepped forward against her but Rudra stood in between them to stop him from moving any further.

A- why don't you remember anything shivaay !it's the truth... wait, you see this , this photo ! Your father Daksh and this Aakash are twins

She insisted pointing the picture she carried but there was hardly anything visible on it . All he could comprehend was that it was a picture of two people, shivaay stared at it indifferently. Annika felt helpless.

A- this place, it's your ancestral house . Your father was born here , you , Rudra , and your sister you all were brought up together at this place . Don't you remember ?

As she kept insisting all this restlessly shivaay just remained quiet, trying to figure out what certainly is happening here . Aakash who stood beside Om clearly noticed how his son's reactions kept changing while Annika added more.
She watched rudra with a defeated face for a second and soon recovered from it to push the truth further more close to him .

A- ok ,listen to me shivaay.

Breathing out a huge sigh , she stared straight at him before speaking anything further.

The small village had everything to serve people and those who lived there enjoyed the peaceful environment it provided. Though Daksh had a more of chances to do well in his business at the city , he didn't wish to leave his native for the sake of mere cash . He was happy with his life , a loving wife ,three gift like children and a supportive brother . He lived a contented life , only if he really knew what was about to come from the so mentioned supportive brother , things would have been better .

Like every other weekend , Daksh came to the lake for fishing along with his whole family. It's the part of the week which they all look out throughout because it's certainly too much fun . A competition is regular between the brothers and they were yet to start it again .

D- are you ready ?

Aa - always !

D- ok then , 1, 2 and 3

Both spun the twig and let it in , holding the fishing rod tight .

Here on the other side Shivanya started crying suddenly for Nirupa her mother , was finding it too difficult to convince her .

N- Daksh I'm taking the children home , looks like it's gonna rain . Shivi's feeling cold I guess .

D- let them be Niru, the boys are playing there .

He answered while keenly focusing on the lake and nothing else .

N - I'm leaving with shivi then . Bring the boys soon , I don't want them to get wet . Are you listening ! Uff... Aakash you're my only hope here , he forgets the world if given a fishing kit in his hand . Look out for the kids in between your boring competion.

Daksh was still not bothered by what she said as he was literally the same like she mentioned . He hardly heard anything she just said. Aakash chuckled at her taunt and nodded quickly.

Aa- done !

She left with shivi .

Surya- catch !

He threw the ball to him but Rudra failed to grab it on time yet again.

S- Rudy I told you , you're too small to play this with me . Should I roll the ball on the ground for you then, there's no fun in that !

He complained being fed up with playing this game one way alone . It didn't seem any interesting at all .

R - go baiya...! I'll play with Aakash daddy then , I know how to play .

Rudra replied being so offended by his words and after watching the cry baby face he had surya grew scared knowing the worst outcomes it could bring .

S- ok ok Rudy , it's alright . We'll play haan , I'll teach you how to throw, here pass it to me

R- no need , I know how to do it . Aakash daddy has taught me .

He put up a straight face and forced the entire strength his body could give in that throw for the ball went much away covering most distance . It fell somewhere far . Surya stomped his foot on the ground and frowned while Rudra grinned showing how happy he felt after showcasing his potential to shivaay .

S- now who will fetch it Rudy ?

R- you

S- did I throw it that far ? Look it went till the lake side , you threw it so you will bring it .

Rudra was annoyed but he has to obey his big brother though, because he won't agree to play with him if he doesn't. He ran towards that side but couldn't find the ball as it was completely dark .

R- baiya, please come here it's so dark. I'm scared .

Surya rolled his eyes when he whined . Little brothers are too much trouble .

S- wait up there Rudy , I'm coming.

R- I threw it just here , where ...

S- mom will never buy us another, it's just yesterday when she got us one . Thanks to you Rudy!

Rudra almost had tears in his eyes when his brother blamed him for this .

S- ok wait let's go get torch from Aakash daddy first.

R- hmm

He nodded with a pout and the two brothers set forward towards the place where their father was fishing. While they were on their way a sudden scream from that side thrilled them .

R - baiya , baiya what's that ? It sounded like daddy ...baiya?

S- wait ...come here .

He held his hand and dragged him along the bushes so that they keep themselves hidden .

' Aakash please ...!!'

This time the tone was even more scary for Rudra hugged his brother tightly. Surya kept patting his back and tried to look what was actually happening. Pushing the bushes slightly away ,he looked through the gap up front towards the wood board over the lake . Both the boys forgot to breathe a few seconds on witnessing the scene there.

Aakash was forcing Daksh's face into the water while the latter kept struggling on not being able to respirate . He tried to kick him away but Aakash showed even more strength in pushing his brother down . The sudden downpour intensified with thunders and lightning . Surya and Rudra had chills down their spine as they watched Daksh being tortured like that .

S/R - daddy !!

At one point they shouted above their voice even before they knew . This alarmed Aakash , he turned all around and looked everywhere to spot the boys . Once he knew Daksh was gone, Aakash started searching for the children.

R- daddy ...why did he do...that

Surya clearly noticed how Aakash was desperately trying to track them , Rudra started crying hysterically.

R- Daddy

Aa - surya ....!

Both of them gasped on hearing his call . Surya couldn't wait and waste time after that , he immediately carried Rudra on his back and ran from that place . He went in whichever direction his legs took him , whichever direction that didn't bring the echo noise of Aakash's call . Rudra closed his eyes and caught hold of his brother tightly to escape the horror world in his sight.

He made it really far , running for almost half an hour brought him somewhere else that he was worn out and completely tired . Surya stopped there and let his brother down . Instantly there was a huge thunder and lightning which brought white snow like light for a second. The noise was so loud as if the whole earth was breaking apart to pull them down . Soon they noticed a patch of fire like thing afar of them , it seemed almost like a forest fire which kept spreading for the rain poured enough to keep it resisted. They had come far away from that spot which looked like a small orange cloud with black gas flowing above from the place where they stood .

Surya didn't really know what to do , after all even was just a kid . He turned and looked back at his baby brother who was still crying holding his shirt within his fist tightly.

He bent down to him , Rudy immediately hugged him.

S- ok it's ok ...see Rudy , I'm going to get mom and shivi alright

At once Rudra kept shaking his head as if he was demanding to not leave him alone .

S- Rudy , rudy look at me . Baiya will back very soon, we have to save our shivi right ? What if Aakash daddy

He stopped when Rudra gasped and breathed heavily .

S- I ...I'll get them ok , you have to be here . Don't go anywhere until I come back , I can't take you Rudy ...we don't know where he is . Promise me you'll stay put ...Rudy !

He stated strongly when Rudra insisted he would come along .

R - prom..ise

It came out as a mere whiper out of his mouth . Surya carried him immediately and helped him hide inside the hole of a huge tree trunk there . Rudra held his hand immediately when he was about to leave and Surya peeped inside the hole when he did that .

R- pl..please sss oon bai.y a

Surya immediately hugged him tight and kissed his forehead once . He himself was too scared and horrified by the happenings but he knew this isn't the time for him to fall weak.

S- I'll see you very soon ,I promise .

A- he spent a whole night in that hole , surya didn't return . He was found by the forest rangers who came the next day to rescue the survivors . Thankfully rain controlled the fire that day . Rudy didn't let them take him , he was stubborn . He waited there with hopes till sundown of the next day . Only when he became completely drained out and fainted, they were able to take him from there . He was then brought to an orphanage in the city. Father mother brother sister , though he had everyone, he lived as an orphan just because of this evil greedy man who took everything from his brother. Impostered himself like your father and had been tricking the world all these days .

By the time she completed, Rudra had his eyes welled up fully . Shivaay stood like a frozen statue , while Om found it very difficult to even imagine all this about his father . Aakash who was staring at her lips all this time looked even more offended and enraged by her accusations . He jumped ahead and grabbed her hair , Om and Rudra tried to pull him back but he showed them how strong he could be .

A- ahh !

Aa- yes I am greedy ! I am greedy because whatever Daksh had were mine , and only mine to have !

He screamed to announce this and pushed her from his hold , shivaay quickly acted to save her from reaching the ground . Everyone were actually terror stricken after witnessing his red grudge filled eyes .

Aa - you you what you said , greedy ? Greedy ! Have you ever been ignored by your own parents just because you're not completely alright...because you can't live normally, because you have an hearing...because you're deaf!

This time shivaay reacted soon and put annika behind him when Aakash leapt against her .

Aa - my parents did that to me , they never once tried to care for me as much as they did for Daksh . I couldn't speak properly because my other sense organ won't work , and all this made them feel ashamed of me . I was just a kid , trying all ways to seek their attention . But it took me so long to realize what I did didn't make them angry rather what I was is what made them resent me . Of course I had every right reason to hate Daksh but I didn't , he always treated me well , I liked him. I liked him until he became the reason for me loosing the next big thing in my life. Nirupa , I saw her first and I fell in love with her first but once again Daksh had it all . I yearned to have my own family with her but he stole my dream , my life from me once again ...!! That's it , I couldn't take it anymore. I had a chance and I made use of it ...but I wasn't going to kill the children though , how could you think like that Rudy ?How will I ...? You all are my children , I brought you up. I played with you , I fed family...I think of you all everyday Rudy ! I even searched for you...everywhere, in each and every state but... I couldn't...all I wanted was a family for myself ... why Rudy , don't I deserve one?

He went on his knees and started crying.

A lone heart resembles a fiery storm 🎈



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More revelations on the way , vote and comment if you like my story 😊

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