Country Club

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Mordecai and Rigby are gardening in the park. "H-h-h..." Rigby said. "What?" Mordecai asked. Rigby is looking at a $100 bill on the ground. "H-h-hundred dollar bill..." he tries to grab it but it flies away. "What the?" He starts to run after it. "Get in!" Mordecai said as he drives over to Rigby. Rigby gets into the Golf Cart and they drive toward the $100 bill. Rigby grabs it but it gets away again and goes behind the Country Club gates and a man, the Country Club Leader, had the $100 bill tied to a fishing hook.

"Aw man! It's those Country Club jerks!" Rigby said. Roger laughs. "They totally fell for it." He said. "Ah, that's rich." The leader said. "Kinda like us!" The group laugh again. "You think it's funny to do that to people?" Rigby asked angrily. "Let's see how you like it!" Mordecai grabs the Cart and starts to spray dirt into the Country Club with it. "Hm, hm, hm, hm!" Rigby said. "Ah, stop! Security!" Four men suddenly come out, lift up the Golf Cart knocking Mordecai out of it, and they take the Cart into the Country Club. "Hey, what are you doing? You can't take our Golf Cart!" Mordecai said.

"Here in the Country Club, we can do whatever we want." One of the members said. "That's right babe." Roger kisses her and they both drink. "Give us back our Cart!" Rigby shouted. "I'd rather not. You know why? Because, we are going to destroy it tonight at our annual Summer Solstice event!" The leader looks over at the Female Member. "What do you think dear?" He asked. "Oh, I think it's a marvelous idea!"

They kiss and drink their drinks. "Now, what're you all say we leave this side-show and get some d'oeuvres?" She and the rest of the group agree and they all leave. "Man, forget this, I'm going to get the Cart." Mordecai said. He and Rigby climb over the gate but the alarm goes off and two security guards start charging toward them. "Woah! Woah! Woah!" They get thrown out. "Man...Benson's gonna kill us when he finds out the cart is missing!" Rigby said. "He's not gonna find out." Mordecai said. The duo go to Muscle Man, High Five Ghost, Skips, Y/N, Thomas, and Pops near the Snack Bar. "Guys, we need your help!" Mordecai said. "What's wrong?" Y/N asked with concern. "You guys have to promise not to tell Benson. The Golf Cart just got confiscated by the Country Club and we need your guys help to get it back." The group just stare at them blankly and they go back to what they were doing, except Thomas and Y/N, who look at the others worriedly. "What's the matter?

Didn't you guys hear us?" Rigby asked. "Yeah, we heard you bro. But I'm not going anywhere near that Country Club!" Muscle Man said. "What? Why?" Mordecai asked. "A couple of years ago, they confiscated a meat locker I had outside of my trailer." Muscle Man said. "They also stole my four-wheeler." Fives said. "My prized orchid!" Pops said. "Wait...there's a Country Club?" Thomas asked. "I've had to replace thirty dream catchers 'cause of those guys. With the amount of money they have, they're unstoppable. So, stay away from 'em!" Skips said. "Come on guys, we can't do it without you!" Mordecai said.

"Sorry, no can do." Skips said. "Yeah, well, we don't have much of a choice. If we don't get the cart back, then Benson is gonna kill us!" The group look on silently. "Alright, fine! We'll go on it ourselves. But can you guys at least make sure Benson doesn't find out about the cart before we get back?" Rigby asked. "Yeah...we can do that." Skips said. The duo are then about to leave, but Y/N quickly stands up. "Wait!"

They stop and turn to the female goat. "I'll go." She said. "What?" Thomas asked, turning to her in surprise. "Well, since nobody else is going, I figured they could at least use some help." Y/N said. "Are you sure that's such a good idea?" Thomas asked. "I'll be fine, Thomas. What's the worst that could happen?" Y/N shrugs, and Thomas sighs. "Fine, but be careful." Thomas warned. Y/N then follows the duo. "Remember, we got blend in." Mordecai, Rigby and Y/N enter the Country Club near some men. "Am I right?" Mordecai asked. "Ace!" Rigby said. The three men see them and are confused at first but shrug it off.

The trio walk toward a building. "Let's start in here." Y/N said. They enter the building and look around. A live orchestra is playing on a high row with a conductor. "Woah!" Mordecai and Rigby said. "Cheers!" The trio see two members cheering each other, and the trio do the same. "Cheers!" The trio head further out. "This place is crazy!" Rigby said. The trio walk up to a lone toilet in a large room. "Is this the restroom?" Rigby asked. "Weird." Y/N said. "Yeah, let's keep going." The trio walk past some doors into a room full of toilets. "What the?" They look around at the toilets. "What's with all the toilets?" Y/N asked.

Y/N, Mordecai and Rigby notice the door handle shaking and two security guards enter the room. Y/N, Mordecai and Rigby are hiding behind some toilets. "Did you hear something?" A guard points in their direction and the other guard nods. "Maybe it was your imagination." He replied. "Yah, I always let my imagination get the best of me." The two Security Guards pretend to walk away and close the door. Y/N, Mordecai and Rigby sigh in relief but they are suddenly gagged by the two guards. Back at the Snack Bar, Benson is now in front of the Park Gang, trying to get information out of them, presumably on the whereabouts of Mordecai and Rigby. "Okay, I'm tired of asking questions! So, now you're going to tell me what is going on! Thomas, I know you know." Benson accused.

"Huh? What?" Thomas asked. "I SUGGEST YOU SPILL IT!" Benson shouted. "Alright, everybody settle down." Skips interjected. "Well, look who decided to chime in." Benson said sarcastically. "Okay, I'm gonna tell you what's going on, but you're not gonna like it." Skips said. "WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?" Crows fly away. Back at the Country Club, Y/N Mordecai and Rigby are tied down. "Huh? What?" Mordecai and Rigby asked. "What's going on?" Y/N asked. There's a pile of burning toilets and the rest of the Country Club members are gathered. The Leader then approaches the trio. "Well, well, well, everyone! Please join me in welcoming our honored guests!" He and the other members clap and cheer for them. "Let us go!" Y/N shouted.

"Yeah, and give us our cart back!" Rigby demanded. "Oh, you'll be seeing your old cart soon enough. But not before we make a few "improvements." The leader said. "What do you mean "improvements"?" Mordecai asked. "We'll be turning it...into a toilet!" The other members' cheer. "Bring out the Toilet Making Machine!" A large machine is suddenly brought out. "You have a machine that turns things into toilets?" Rigby asked. "Yeah...I wouldn't expect you to understand. You're not rich!" The leader said. "Not at all." His wife said. "Good one pumpkin-cheeks!" The leader kisses her. "But if you were, you know that the only thing that matters in life is turning other people's things into toilets!" He said. "You gotta be kidding me." Y/N said. "What? That doesn't even make any sense!" Mordecai said.

"Yeah! And you already have a ton of toilets, why do you need to turn our golf cart into one?" Rigby asked. "Because this is a special occasion, we're gonna shoot it into outer space. It's the "richest" way to celebrate the Summer Solstice." Three men are seen underwater and they activate a ramp and a rocket that points up at the sky. Y/N, Mordecai and Rigby are knocked out by two of the security guards and their mouths are tapped up. "Hey, why don't we turn them into toilets and shoot them into space!" Roger said. "Excellent idea, Roger! Now, bring out the cart and start the machine!"

Two security guards bring out the golf cart and place it into one part of the Toilet Making Machine. The Country Club Leader laughs evilly as he turns on the machine and the golf cart starts to move. "Yes..." Y/N, Mordecai and Rigby watch in horror as the golf cart is about to be turned into a toilet. Two guards are near the gate. "Did you get your wife anything for the Solstice?" The second gate guard looks at him in annoyance and the two notice something. "Stop! This is invite-only!" The two gate guards jump out of the way and it turns out to be Benson, Skips, Muscle Man, High Five Ghost, Pops, and Thomas all arriving. "WHAT?!" The leader asked.

Benson gets out of the car. "Why didn't you tell me the Country Club stole the cart?!" Mordecai and Rigby, surprised to see Benson muffle their relief and Rigby saying "Sorry!" "These guys have been taking our stuff LONG enough!" Benson shouted. "Yeah!" Muscle Man, High Five Ghost, Skips, and Pops shouted. "Well, not this time, not everyone can just buy another boom-box when theirs get stolen you know! Some of us have to work really hard to replace our boom-boxes! So, I think it's time we take back what's ours!" Benson shouted.

"That may be a little difficult. Seeing how you're not rich!" The leader takes out a gun and all of the rest of the Country Club members scream and run away. He then aims it at the trio and the gang gasp, but then he raises the gun up high. "Call in the Calvary!" The Country Club Leader fires the gun and a bunch of jockeys on horses begin rushing toward the group. Thomas rips off the tape on Y/N, Mordecai and Rigby as Muscle Man uses bolt cutters to cut away at the rope. The Jockeys begin to get closer. "Are you okay?" Thomas asked Y/N. "Yeah, thanks Thomas." She smiles at him. "Look out!" Mordecai shouted.

Muscle Man is running away, but is caught up and knocked over by a Jockey. The golf cart is reaching closer to the lasers of the Toilet Making Machine. "Let's get the cart!" Mordecai and Rigby run closer to the Toilet Making Machine but they are stopped by the Country Club Leader. "Shouldn't have messed with us man!" He punches the Country Club Leader but it doesn't seem to affect him. "Let me handle this, in your face!" Rigby punches the Country Club Leader but it still doesn't affect him.

"I had sixty-seven facelifts. I can't feel a thing!" The leader grabs Mordecai and Rigby by their faces. "And I had tiger tendents implanted in my hands, so I can mess with whoever I please!" He throws them down. A jockey is about to attack Thomas and Y/N, with Thomas trying to shield himself by covering his face, and Y/N stepping in front of him, about to attack, when Benson steps in front of her. Benson grabs one of the Jockey's sticks. "Hey, watch it! They're just interns!" Benson shouted angrily. "Intern THIS buddy!" He kicks Benson in the face.

Muscle Man and High Five Ghost are overpowered by the Jockeys and Pops is seen running from one. Skips comes out of nowhere and punches the Jockey in the face, runs over to a water pipe and begins to spray away some Jockeys into the nearby lake. The Submarine Divers emerge from the lake. "Disable the water cannon." Some Submarine Divers are sprayed away by Skips but some of them manage to tackle him down. Benson is punched down by a Jockey but manages to punch him back. Pops is seen fist-fighting a man, both shirtless, while Muscle Man, Y/N and Thomas are suddenly attacked by tennis balls. "Where's it coming from?"

Muscle Man asked. Y/N notices a tennis player high on the roof firing tennis balls at them. "We gotta take control of the tower!" She shouted. Muscle Man runs forward and blocks an incoming tennis ball. The tennis ball heads through the Toilet Making Machine's lasers and is turned into a mini toilet. Mordecai and Rigby are still fighting the Country Club Leader and Rigby climbs into the machine grabbing onto the golf cart. "You're ruining the Solstice!" He's not affected by Mordecai's punches. "The Cart will go through!" He tosses Rigby backwards but Mordecai grabs onto the cart. "STOP! STOP IT!" He tosses Mordecai down.

Muscle Man, High Five Ghost, Y/N and Thomas are heading toward the house with the tennis player shooting tennis balls is on. They start climbing up but the tennis player attempts to shoot tennis balls at them. "Thomas, Y/N, don't let the balls hit you!" Thomas is hit by a tennis ball and lands hard on the ground. "THOMAS!" Muscle Man and Y/N shouted. Y/N quickly jumps down to help him. "Are you okay?" She asked as she helps him up. "Yeah.... Thanks." He said. Pops is being overpowered by the man and Benson is still wrestling with the Jockey. Skips is trying to fight away the Submarine Divers and the golf cart is shown to inch closer to the lasers. Mordecai and Rigby kick the Country Club Leader down and they start to push the cart back in the opposite direction.

The Country Club Leader then takes them down and Mordecai spots a nearby walkie-talkie and presses it with his hand. "Muscle Man, you gotta stall the machine!" Mordecai shouted. "I'm on it!" Muscle Man takes off his shirt and tosses it at the tennis player. "Argh, it smells like barf!" He falls off the roof screaming. "There, shoot it!" Fives said. Muscle Man fires a tennis ball at one of the Submarine Diver's oxygen tanks which causes him to fly around and hit the satellite of the Toilet Making Machine. The golf cart stops in its tracks. "NOW!" Mordecai and Rigby move out of the way. "Hey!" The golf cart lands on him. "Yes!" Muscle Man said. Mordecai and Rigby begin to drive the cart out of the machine. "No, you can't stop the machine! Do you have any idea how much this thing costs?!" The leader charges toward them. Mordecai and Rigby look up to see the man fall off the machine, which activates it again.

"Well then I hope you get your money's worth." Mordecai drives the cart forward which causes the Country Club Leader to go through the lasers and he is turned into a toilet. "No!" The leader lands into the rocket and is blasted off into space as the park gang and Country Club members look on. In outer space, the rocket opens up and sends the Country Club Leader out. "NO! NO! NOOOOOO!!!" Back at the Country Club, a bunch of the members are being arrested. The park members recover their toilet-transformed stuff. Pops is also seen putting a toilet-like object on the car, his prized orchid that he had mentioned earlier.

"I wonder if I can still ride this four-wheeler?" Fives asked. "I don't know, but I'm definitely gonna keep using this meat locker." Muscle Man opens the meat locker. "Thanks again for coming back and helping us guys." Y/N said. "Well, you know I'm proud of you three. You had the guts to stand up to these people and take back what's ours." Benson said, while holding his boombox. "Yeah, seriously. Now I can finally catch up on my dream-catchin'." Skips said, while holding his dreamcatcher. Rigby, Y/N and Mordecai look up at the sky. "So, you think that guy will be able to survive up in space?" Rigby asked. "Probably, he's rich!" Y/N said, and the trio laugh, then sigh, as the Country Club Leader, still in toilet form, is drifting through space.

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